Finish Your Games Challenge

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Midnight Castle » Castle Chit Chat » May 11, 2018 12:38 pm

Replies: 437

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 I found you again, ...didn't play the game for a while and i'm gonna need some help... see you soon... 

Archives » Finish your games challenge - 2017 » September 14, 2017 6:20 pm

Replies: 416

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Tirama, next week I have to plant some trees. I will plant one in a  loving memory on your frangipani...... 

Archives » Finish your games challenge - 2017 » September 12, 2017 5:34 am

Replies: 416

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Tee,  I don't know  what type of cancer your son  have, but in mine country came a vaccine from Cuba and The vaccine is, in fact, intended for patients with small cell lung carcinoma in an advanced third b or fourth stage. 
The goal of this vaccine is not to cure the patient, but to live with cancer. Specifically, the vaccine slows and stops the progression of metastases to other organs. 
Cancer is transformed into chronic non-communicable diseases, such as hypertension or diabetes. Patients in this case regularly receive a vaccine that can keep them alive as insulin diabetics. Thereby increasing the survival and quality of life of the patient. I know that people with this kind of a problem try everything, and search the internet, maybe they, (Cuba), have something for your son. Hope is the best and strongest ally of a man. Do not lose her.

( and I wrote all of this on English....)

Archives » Finish your games challenge - 2017 » September 10, 2017 6:43 pm

Replies: 416

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Tirama , stay safe... and I hope that you are prepared enough water and food , who knows how long a crisis can last.

What's Happening » Happy New Year 2017 » January 5, 2017 4:00 pm

Replies: 6

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    Srecna Nova Godina  - to you all....

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