Thank you TirmaSue. I'll definitely check it out.
Drop rate for glass shards was pitiful tonight. Played Fairy Dragon Nest 6 times and only have 7 shards to show for it.
I was almost done with Yura's 'festival, I had enough stuff to finish the last quest but I WAS putting off finishing so I could use up my energy and now the festival is totally gone I still had at least a week to finish it but all references to it are gone and the icon is nowhere to be seen.
first no pega horn and now a disappearing Yura festival. I'm not happy with this game at all.
Wendy - did you contact BoomZap?
I got enough glass shards the other day and finished the Chumblepot mini games. Also upgraded Raphael's to level 4, which brought in a quest to play mini games there.
Played Dawnshadow Lake 5-6 times and got enough paintbrushes to play one mini game, but once again no pink moonflowers.
Haven't decided whether to go for paintbrushes tonight or fairy glass.
First Barre's whole game disappeared, next Wendy's whole Yura Festival disappeared. Something strange is going on in the Kingdom.
Wendy...Sorry to hear you are having problems and lost your whole Festival quest.
I finished Leodici's Quest. What a impressive load of goodies you receive while doing it and especially finishing it. I only had to spend 4 crystals on 1 Traveler's Compass.
Had enough bolgins to update the Wingferry to level 5 and CloudMeadow Spire to level 3.
I played Dawnshadow Lake 5 times last night. Got the rest of the paintbrushes I needed and 1 pink moonflower. Only 17 more pink moonflowers to go. I'm going to go for fairy glass tonight when I play.
I'm just playing both of my F2Ps in order until they have updates. I'm not getting many pink moonflowers in DAWNSHADOW either.
Leodici's Quest took the last of my pink moonflowers. Now need 10 more for Ria's quest. Why can't it ever be yellow moonflowers instead?
Somehow I have Leodici's quest going on both of my games, one just started, the other one I'm trying to get 10 goblin worms. I have 8 or 9 of them, so almost done with that quest. They're in Rosetum Gardens so there's some other goodies to try and get also.
Wendy -- I am so VERY sorry that Yura's Quest went *poof*. I hope you let BFG CS and Boomzap know. If you were home I'd suggest trying to uninstall/reinstall or maybe trying to go back to a save point? (this from someone who knows almost nothing about computers). Although restoring might mess up your other games. Besides, you probably don't have a reliable connection to try doing that. Glad you have that many goblin worms. It took me a while to get them for that quest. I can't remember which it was (Yura's or Leodici's) but one wanted 2 Leafy dresses. It took me forever to get the 2nd one. Now I have 14!
sunshinej -- I really don't understand what the fascination is with pink moonflowers! It seems that every time you turn round there's another quest that wants them! Personally, and I've told this to Boomzap, I think one of the DEVs has some sadistic tendencies!