Tirama, any time you want to start a new group play, we're all waiting for the new thread to go up.
You can put me down for any game.
I saw that Tirama bought Green Moon, maybe we could have a group play of that.
I have it but never finished, it was too hard for me
I might get When in Rome, a new builder, today with a pcc for the extra punch. Then I'll just have one more to fill my card. Have been buying far fewer games since I pretty much quit buying IHOG's.
I find animations cute at first, but they soon get irritating. No problems with epilepsy or migraines, but I hate things flashing at me repeatedly. I especially despise those in pop-up ads that won't go away. Why are they allowed, with so many people having problems?
I bought Inspector Parker, along with Colossus, for the BOGO sale. I had a hard time getting the hang of Parker, but am finally getting into it, though it gets harder quite rapidly.
Thanks Tirama (about the PM). Duh! I.m pretty thick when it comes to computers. I tried the sale codes today and they worked! Thank you to whomever posted that. I got 4 CEs. I bought one game online a gazillion years ago (Bookworm Deluxe). Of course I lost the code. lol Other than that I've bought 99% of my games from BFG. I do have a handful that I bought in big box stores.
I'm so sorry you're having all those problems stusue. I wonder if an email (or threat of one) to the US FCC would help? Although i don't know if they cover computer stuff.
The Hansel and Gretel game sounds good. Yeah. Just what I need -- MORE games!
I'm chipping away at ElvenMist 2 and Northern Tale. I'm replaying NT with the same profile and getting all the awards.
My game trailer is blocked in so I'm still here. I will probably spend the night and move tomorrow, I was up til 4 doing laundry and walmart run, don't feel like driving late tonight.
I have Green Moon. I played quite a bit of it before the great pc crash of 2011. The thing I really liked about it, but a lot of other people didn't, was you had limited inventory. You could only carry so many things, if you wanted something else you had to put something down. I got to the moon part, I remember.
I do like the freedom. I have my views of religion and politics, it's nice that I can mention them in passing but I have no intention of ever arguing over any of it. We're all grown ups and have made up our minds about stuff long ago and I doubt anyone can change our minds about any of it. I figure if any of us do want to have a discussion we can just make a thread for it or PM each other. I do love reading tee's quote, it makes me take a deep breath and let my anxieties out.
There were limited avatars, I saw the basketball and felt it fit my life I've owned a basketball game since 1990. It's a short range shot, not those giant tall ones with the squished rims. I'm quite a good shot, just don't ask me to move while I'm shooting. When I play the BB games in arcades and Chucky Cheese/Dave and Buster's, etc. you ought to see the tickets I get!
I'm enjoying this forum a lot. But I'm not sure why sometimes it says to jump to new posts, and other times it doesn't.
I played Echoes of the Past: the Kingdom of Despair CE yesterday. It took most of the day. I know the reviews were mixed, but I enjoyed it. There wasn't much story, but the gameplay itself was fun, and I enjoyed the puzzles. Not too many HOS, and the ones that were there weren't all junkpile. I like the putting things back ones. Lots of back and forth, but the map was very helpful with that.
I know the SE isn't out yet, but I have to wonder about the ending compared to the CE ending, because the bonus chapter started before the game officially ended.
Just started playing Asian Riddles and noticed I had played further than I thought. Just finished the 3rd group of 12. Grids are still only 10x15.
I just bought, Voyages, Green Moon and Patchworkz. And racked up another coupon!
I'll be ready for both group plays. I think tonight I'm going to start the new Mystery Trackers.
I just dexed World Riddles: Animals. I made it as far as Asia, and gave up. My biggest problem with this game is that you can't get a gold medal for a continent if you use 1 hint, or make 1 mistake on any of the levels. This was especially frustrating for me on the unfair levels, where they gave you NOTHING to go on, and you basically had to guess.
WendyDarling wrote:
I do love reading tee's quote, it makes me take a deep breath and let my anxieties out.
Thank you Wendy, I wondered about posting it but it has been my lifeline these last three years when I would become so anxious, laying awake at night and worrying, and whenever I feel myself going there, I can just say it over and over and before you know it, something I have been worrying about seems clearer or something always happens to show me the way.