Question: Has anyone got their 60% discount coupon from CS after downloading AK (I think it was AK)? At least one reviewer said that they got theirs Monday 5 May, as we were supposed to. I, however, have not as yet received mine.
I wrote to CS, asking if there was a problem as I knew that at least one other person had received theirs, and was told that he hadn't heard anything about there being a problem (and he said that he's always updated about things like that) and even after checking couldn't see that there was a problem. He just told me to be patient and wait and see if it arrived. So I was just wondering if anyone else had received theirs yet.
On another note, he also said that, as far as he knows, they're still trying to give us those missing punches from last month. I told him that I still had my fingers crossed that we were actually going to get them.
Stusue, I'm glad you asked that question because I was wondering the same thing. I didn't receive it on May 5 and haven't received anything up to today. I thought maybe I was not a new player for the game and somehow they have a way of knowing that? and so I'm not entitled to it? So I didn't bother to write to CS to ask about it.
Sorry I haven't been around much. Things have been crazy lately with work and everything.
They got the concrete poured and everyting. They are going to start building it around the 27th. They have to wait for supplies and what not. He said it would take a week or so to build the new porch.
Lexi is doing good. Nothing yet on what we are going to do. Dad hasn't firmly decided yet. Aside from her having a hurt leg, she seems fine. She doesn't act like she's sick. So, hoping that it is just a cyct and not cancer.
Haven't played too many games lately. Tohugh I did get the new Nancy Drew game - The Shattered Medallion. Preorder is up now and if you get the download digital version you can download it right away. It hits stores this Tuesday. Fun game so far.
Last edited by misscatlady2453 (May 17, 2014 4:12 pm)
barregar -- I didn't see an offer for the coupon (with AK) either. I thought it was because I was an active player (and they didn't need to hook me ) I didn't bother asking CS either.
Hi misscatlady. Glad lexi is doing okay. Good news on the porch too.
I had never dl'd AK before and I have yet to receive the coupon. It popped into my head just yesterday and I did send off a message to CS about it. I'll let you know what they say.
Miss- good to hear the porch is coming along and Lexi us doing well. Fingers crossed weather is nice and they get that build moving along.
I have finished Northern Tale 3. It was fun, but no other comments just like the others in this serie.
I haven´t recieved the AK coupon either and like you others didn´t bother to contact CS. I don´t play it anymore and have deleted it now.
misscatlady, glad to hear the good news about Lexi
To get the 60% discount coupon for downloading AK you had to download it a few weeks ago - you had 24 hours to do it - then you were supposed to get your discount coupon during the week beginning Monday 5 May. One reviewer said that she got it Monday 5 May as you were supposed to when others were saying that they hadn't received theirs, and another said that she used hers last week.
I'll contact CS again this week and see what they say, not responding to the reply I got last week as he didn't seem to be at all concerned and I think I would have got it by now if I were going to receive it.
Today's FREE game at Game Giveaway of the Day is a fun M3.
The Enchanting Islands
The Enchanting Islands were filled with light and color until an evil sorceress spread darkness throughout the land. As Alice, you can restore this fairy-tale realm by collecting the elements you need to cast your spells and watching as tall trees, glistening pools and verdant meadows to burst forth from the soil. Match elements in threes to collect them, use tools to gather everything you need before time runs out and defeat ferocious guardians in your quest to return life to the Enchanting Islands!
* Five islands to restore;
* More than six dozen levels;
* More than a dozen elements to gather;
* More than 20 upgrades to purchase;
* Three tools to earn and use.
I didn't receive a coupon either, but since the offer didn't specifically mention that people already playing could delete and download again to get in on the deal, I'm not going to contact customer service.
I'm still playing Magic Heroes: Save Our Park. I've managed to get 3 stars on each level so far. Today I'm going to listen to BBC4 (Miss Marple) and play some Jigsaws Galore.
Well, I've played 3 games this weekend!
Yesterday I played Jane Angel 2: Fallen Heaven PE and Christmas Tales: Fellini's Journey.
I've just finished playing Aspectus: Rinascimento Chronicles.
I loved all 3, but especially the one I played today. Jane Angel 2 is great but doesn't have an ending. You choose between 2 endings but then all you get is a brief screen, then a black screen with the words, "But that's not the end..." in white. I assume there's going to be a third in the series but I hate it when a game doesn't finish. Sequels, imho, should be just that - sequels - not the ending to previous games.
Aspectus ends conclusively but right at the end, when the painting has been hidden at the back of a dark storeroom, you see a servant peeking through a gap in the door with a shocked look on her face, and the words, "And the story continues...". Considering this game was released way back in March 2011 and didn't seem to get very good reviews, I thought that maybe they'd abandoned the sequel!!!! So I checked out their website and the sequel had a release date of March 2014. So I've just emailed them, asking when it will be released, if hasn't been already, and where. But thank heavens for walkthroughs! This game would have been impossible - well, if I wanted to finish it this lifetime - without one as a few of the things weren't very intuitive and some objects were very small and hidden in places that were so dark that you couldn't see them. Some objects were only there once you'd done something and I didn't spot those as they were so small I didn't notice them. It's set at night in the Netherlands in 1520 so it was a very, very dark game. But so worth it!
Fellini's Journey is a really cute, fun game that would be great for kids. It's really short, only taking me around 2-1/2 to 3 hours, and I play slowly. I wouldn't recommend anyone buy it as it's so short but it's a great, fun, cute, simple game to play if you can play it without purchacing it ... Anki.
I'll be posting full reviews for all three games later as I think I need a break from the computer for a bit. I have half a page of notes for Fellini's Journey, 5 pages of notes (including a map of the ship) for Jane Angel 2, and ten pages of notes for Aspectus!!!! But those 10 pages are my notes on the game mixed in with copious notes I made to work out what you needed with what in the inventory, as almost everything is combined with 1-3 other items to make other things, and some things were used more than once, which made it really difficult! They're sort of like the notes I made when I played City of Fools, so I'd remember what could be found where, and what was needed where. So I'll have to separate what are notes for my review and what are notes to play the game. It's a hard game (but easily doable with the walkthrough) but so worth it! Should anyone else want to play it I can give you my notes of what goes together to make up all the items you need in the game, plus where you need to use them.
It sure is great to finally get some games played this month!