Bet we have a fabulous sale this weekend. It's almost guarenteed because I've had to close my credit card because it's been used fraudulently. My new card for a new account won't arrive until Monday, at which point I'll be able to start notifying everybody who automatically bills me. I really don't need this stress right before a dentist appointment.
meg...It still gets my goat the way Dark Tales: EAP's The Fall of the House of Usher ended. If I looked away for a second and turned back. I would have missed it completely and wonder why the credits were rolling.
Like you said they don't do endings like that all the time in the SEs so it is a gamble when you play them. I passed on the CE because of too many gimmicks. Like taking those photos with a camera. I didn't want to mess around with that. I liked it in the SE that the photos were already done up for you. After awhile I barely noticed the rat, sometimes when he fell off his perch it would catch my eye, but otherwise he was just part of the scenery.
Thanks for mentioning True Detectives. I don't have HBO so wonder if netflix has it.
I agree that the TBBT has lost a little of it's shine. It still is a good show though and I like to watch the new ones. My favorite character is Howard.
Lilyr...Congratulations on finishing a tough game. I checked to see if I had Magician's Handbook II and glad to see that I don't. I bought all kinds of stuff when the were daily deals that I wished I didn't.
What is it about 1 man operations or small teams that makes one feel like that they want to support the little guy. I think that it is admirable and do it myself, but maybe the dev for magician's handbook would have benefited if he had someone played his game before release and told him that the objects were too little to see.
Tirama...Sorry to hear about the credit card trouble. I hope no problems are caused because of it.
In Yesterday's game Lost Souls: Timeless Fables. I wonder what's up with all the remove by moderator in Flounder's thread.
I remember the big stink that was caused, because in the first Lost Souls: Enchanted Paintings how the last painting was in the bonus. Just like in this new Lost Souls game.
Bad news for anyone waiting to see if BFG's going to get the CE version of Witch's Pranks: Frog's Fortune - they aren't. This is the word from BFG:
Hi All,
We recently heard back from the developer and they have confirmed that the version of the game released on our site is the standard version, which only contains 2 frogs. There is apparently a Collector's Edition of the game with additional bonus content, but unfortunately, that is not the version that was contractually released onto our site.
I apologize for the inconvenience and if you have any additional concerns, you are welcome to contact our Customer Support Team using the link below:
Contact Us
Sorry guys.
Good news is - GameHouse still has the PE on sale until Sunday.
Bad news is - it's now only 40% off, so $12 - Code: TASTY - which I don't think it's worth.
Good news is - You're not missing much (imho).
TiramaSue wrote:
Somebody mentioned Fantasy Mosaics and BF has just released it for PC. Wondering if I should get that on Monday or maybe check out some of the recently released M3's. I don't have any more pcc's expiring this month but will need to use another one at some point to make my card come out even.
Tirama, I have Fantasy Mosaics and have just bought Fantasy Mosaics 2 (from GH), which I think Anki said is even better than 1. I haven't finished either but loved what I've played of both so far.
I only have one PCC expiring this month and would rather not start a punch card. Would you like to swap a PCC - mine expiring 30 May (to be used Monday 26 May) for one that expires in June or July, when I'll need one?
I got Jane Angel 2: Fallen Heaven and wanted to play the first one before I played it. I've tried but I'm afraid I just don't want to continue. It's just HOSs and some simple - but fun - jigsaws and puzzles. If I had nothing else to play I'd continue, as it has some really, really interesting historical facts about the Knights Templar and other history but, with so many other games to play and with so little time, I really don't want to waste any more time on Jane Angel 1. So I'm just going to go straight to the sequel. Fortunately, I think I've played enough to get the gist of the story and have some idea of Jane Angel, so hopefully that will be all I need to know.
stusue - I can trade you a pcc that expires June 13.
sunshinej - Thanks. It was the credit card company that spotted the misuse and notified me. I'm not liable for the purchases. But it's Mother's Day weekend, and I only had the one credit card, so unless I go to the bank and take out cash, I can't even go grocery shopping.
I'm so frustrated because I can't even begin the long, tedious process of notifying everybody about my new details for all the automatic billing (the electric company, the company that monitors the burglar alarm, Big Fish, etc). I use my card for everything to get the points and cash back.
I had this happen about 12 years ago when somebody used my card to charge a ticket on the Chunnel train. This time the miscreant is in California buying gas and whatnot. Then as now, both cards are in my possession. so I don't know how this happened.
The thieves aren't too smart. Using a card 3,000 miles away from where it's usually used triggers and automatic fraud alert when there's no other purchases to make it seem plausible (airline tickets, gas and motel bills alonge the route). When I visit my brother in New York and go shopping there at Best Buy, that even triggers the fraud alert and the transaction won't go through until I speak on the phone with the credit card people and verify my identity.
Heck, the first time BF had a half-price sale on CE's, the credit card put a freeze on the trascations because repeatedly buying computer games at $6.99 at 3:00 AM didn't fit my buying pattern. Had to call them and explain, yes, it's 3:00 AM but I'm a crazy game addict taking advantage of a sale.
Tirama -- I'm so sorry about your credit card. I AM very glad that you won't be liable for any of the charges. I just saw something on our local news. Apparently 3 truckers came into a rest stop with 3 credit card numbers written on a piece of paper. The clerk used those numbers for the truckers' purchases and then used the numbers for herself. She is in jail now. Unfortunately it doesn't take much for credit card numbers to be stolen -- even very low tech methods. And then they can get sold all over the place. Why oh why doesn't the USA use the chip in credit cards like most of Europe (and I think Asia) does!
sunshinej -- The 1st game was the same -- tiny objects. He was informed but maybe it was just too much work for one person to revise all the scenes.
stusue -- The SE of WITCH'S PRANK it is then. I'll use a PCC. JANE ANGEL soundedlike my kind of game so I looked it up in my list. I have # 1 and even played it but don't remember a thing! I'll probably get # 2.
lilyr - according to the bank rep I spoke with, an actual card was swiped for these fraudulent transactions. Since I have the two genuine (but now useless) cards on my desk?????
I'll have to fill out paperwork to dispute the 2 charges that went through, but the total amount is less than $200. DH used the card the same day as the thief, which probably helped the card company spot it so quickly. Not likely somebody having a root canal done in Florida is also buying gas in California.
Meanwhile, I had finished 13 more boards of Riddles of The Mask and really thought I would finish the game today, but I can't concentrate on anything more complex than a simple HO scene. So I guess it's free to play for me today.
TiramaSue wrote:
lilyr - according to the bank rep I spoke with, an actual card was swiped for these fraudulent transactions. Since I have the two genuine (but now useless) cards on my desk?????
Tirama, from what I've seen on TV the crims have a small machine that they run blank credit cards through once they know someone's number, which they can steal in lots of ways. I know one important thing is never to let your credit card out of your sight if you're paying for something with your card, like in a restaurant, as they use a little machine that they scan your card through to get all your details. Sorry your credit card number was stolen.
I've PMed you with the PCC number. Thanks! I hope you get a great game with it!
Good luck finishing Riddles of the Mask! I wanted to finish The Legend of Egypt: Jewels of the Gods today but it's one long game!