sunshinej wrote:
stusue...Thanks for the info about Witches Prank. Could you please tell us how many frogs/princes you help in the PE version? This game looks so cute and funny that I don't mind if it is easy. Sometimes brain gets fried and need a lighthearted game.
Island of Despair looks like something I would like. I will go check reviews to see how demon-y it is.
Sunshine, you save 4 princes, just like in the SE, but I'll let you know what the bonus chapter is once I've played it. In the SG there are 11 chapters (pages 1-72) and the bonus chapter (pages 73-94).
Island of Despair got some really bad reviews and I think only a 3-star rating. However, I PM'd someone who'd played it and she really liked it (peglegann) and so I took a chance, even though it got some crap reviews, and got it because I'd really liked the demo. As I said, I'm pretty sure I've played it (but I can't be certain as I haven't crossed it off my list) and I think I liked it but I can't remember as that was before I started making notes about what I thought of games once I'd played them.
Well, I'd better get back to Witch's Prank so I can let you know about the bonus chapter...
stusue wrote:
Sunshine, you save 4 princes, just like in the SE, but I'll let you know what the bonus chapter is once I've played it. In the SG there are 11 chapters (pages 1-72) and the bonus chapter (pages 73-94).
Island of Despair got some really bad reviews and I think only a 3-star rating. However, I PM'd someone who'd played it and she really liked it (peglegann) and so I took a chance, even though it got some crap reviews, and got it because I'd really liked the demo. As I said, I'm pretty sure I've played it (but I can't be certain as I haven't crossed it off my list) and I think I liked it but I can't remember as that was before I started making notes about what I thought of games once I'd played them.
Well, I'd better get back to Witch's Prank so I can let you know about the bonus chapter...
stusue... BF reviews are still saying only 2 frogs/princes. Thanks for letting me/us know about the bonus chapter.
I decided to not get Island of Despair. Maybe play it for a free game, but don't want to pay for it. One thing tired of demons in games. Seems like last year (?) there was many games where demons were put in just because. I remember playing a game and liking it until very end, set in Africa with a father/daughter/brother. Demon put in game, was unnecessary in my opinion. Much rather just have a bad person doing bad things.
Sunshine, I've just finished the main game of Witch's Pranks: Frog's Fortune and you only find and release 2 frogs. The other 2 are in the bonus chapter. You get 6 achievement cards for the first 3 frogs and 3 for the last that are fun to use in the Achievements in the main menu (not in the diary, which only shows you the cards). The second of the 2 frogs in the main game took a lot longer than the first and was much more challenging - puzzles and gameplay - although there was only one FRAG and it was just as easy as the first 2. I quite liked helping the second frog whereas the first one was only ho hum for me as there was no challenge whatsoever. I'm just about to play the bonus chapter.
The main game ends conclusively in under 4 hours, but you have the 2 glass jars empty in the Achievements. I'll let you know about the bonus once I've finished.
Well, Sunshine, I've just finished the bonus and, as you can see from the times of this post and the last one, the bonus is just under an hour. But it was SO funny! I was actully LOL. One more really easy FRAG and a few easy but fun puzzles. All new areas.
You don't save 2 princes in the bonus but only one. But I don't want to tell you what's in the 4th glass jar in case you play the CE. Let me know if you want to know.
Don't forget to check out the Achievements on the main menu page and make them all dance. ROFLMAO! The fourth one is hysterical when he/she/it dances. LOL.
Thanks stusue...No, please don't tell me. I just have to get the premium edition now. Thanks for letting me know. Now must wait for a good Gamehouse sale to get it.
sunshinej wrote:
Thanks stusue...No, please don't tell me. I just have to get the premium edition now. Thanks for letting me know. Now must wait for a good Gamehouse sale to get it.
Sunshine, GameHouse's 50% off sitewide sale is still on tomorrow, if you want to get it for half the retail price, $9.99, as you no longer have a subscription. But you do know that the bonus took me just under an hour and isn't necessary? It's just another prince to save, using another fairytale.
I started Punished Talent Seven Muses. I'm enjoying the storyline. I like the collectible aspect as well as the magnifying glass usage. Nice collecting teapots but I'm not sure how they factor in, if at all, to the story. Good graphics, nice journal, good map. Although I'm wondering if I can go back in the map in case I missed any, the areas don't seem to be available now that I have moved passed the theatre. All in all good game.
I finished another 2 locations in Riddles of The Mask. Just 2 more to go.
Somebody mentioned Fantasy Mosaics and BF has just released it for PC. Wondering if I should get that on Monday or maybe check out some of the recently released M3's. I don't have any more pcc's expiring this month but will need to use another one at some point to make my card come out even.
stusue wrote:
sunshinej wrote:
Thanks stusue...No, please don't tell me. I just have to get the premium edition now. Thanks for letting me know. Now must wait for a good Gamehouse sale to get it.
Sunshine, GameHouse's 50% off sitewide sale is still on tomorrow, if you want to get it for half the retail price, $9.99, as you no longer have a subscription. But you do know that the bonus took me just under an hour and isn't necessary? It's just another prince to save, using another fairytale.
I did get the Gamehouse premium editon for 9.99. I had 3 punches left on my card there and getting the PE filled up my card. Now as a non member I can get another game 75% off.
sunshinej wrote:
I did get the Gamehouse premium editon for 9.99. I had 3 punches left on my card there and getting the PE filled up my card. Now as a non member I can get another game 75% off.
WTG, Sunshine. I hope you really like it and have heaps of fun.
And, if you use that 75% off coupon during a 50% off sale like now when you don't need a code, you might be able to get a game super cheap! I know that the 25% off codes you get after purchasing games can be used during the sale but I'm not sure if the 75% off coupon you get would work. But it would always be worth a try!
I'm just about to post my full review of Witch's Pranks: Frog's Fortune (and I still don't understand the title in relation to the game - maybe you'll be able to tell me once you've finished - the witch's pranks, yes, the frog, yes, but the fortune?). I'm afraid I didn't like it nearly as much as you do. It certainly gets better in the second half, when it gets a bit more challenging - both gameplay and puzzles - plus, I really liked some of the puzzles in the second half which actually required a bit of thought.
I can certainly understand how someone could love this game but I certainly don't understand all the hype and the almost 5-star review at BFG for such a short and easy game, no matter how great the look and graphics are.
But there's also an outcry because with the SE that BFG has released you only get to save 2 princes and fill 2 of the glass jars, whereas in the CE you get to fill all 4. Especially as it seems that today's TGT CE also only offers you only part of the game as it appears - although it's not certain as you can't see what the extras are as it's locked - that you need to finish 5 books to fill your medallion and the fifth one is locked, so maybe it's only available in the bonus chapter. So people are not happy and a lot have said that they got Witch's Pranks at GameHouse or, I think, iWin. However, for the first time that I've ever noticed, the mods have said that they'll investigate why only the SE was released and see what they can find out. Normally the mods just ignore that as it often happens that GameHouse will release the CE when BFG just releases the SE.