Misscat - better they wait until there is no sign of rain than chance it. Last thing you need is a wonky foundation.
I have no pccs expiring anytime soon but do have 2 punches. I hate to leave them hanging about. Hmm i could use 4 pccs, i do have a list of SEs I want. Decisions decision at month end as usual. I think I bought 16 and played 9 this month.
I don't have the original Tales of the Dragon Mountain, was it any good?
Oscar, I've just sent you a PM, if you didn't notice.
I've got the first one as I loved the demo but still haven't played it yet. I've been so sick these past few years that I've hardly played any games at all, and so all these great games have been queuing up, waiting until I was well enough to play them again. I'm trying to make up for lost time now!
Oh it is best they wait. The guy did say when they were getting ready to leave that he'd be by tomorrow to pour it if it doesn't rain tonight/tomorrow morning. If it does, he'll be by on Friday.
There is a large chance of thunderstorms and apparently a Tor Con 6 tomorrow for our area. Which I guess it kind of high for a chance of a tornado. Which is definitely not good. Especially with 4 dogs and 4 cats. I'm getting pretty scared. Hopefully nothing happens.
I forget where you are miss, the Carolinas? Hope all of you are safe and sound whatever the weather.
I'm going to have to call Mystery Riddles finished. There's a mistake on one of the puzzles in the next to last group of 10. One of the boxes has a 1 in it, meaning that 1 of 8 boxes surrounding it, or the box itself, has to be colored in. But that box is covered by an x, as is all the surrounding boxes. Oh, well.
Not sure what I want to start next
Oscar - I'm in north western South Carolina. I'm actually about an hour south of Charlotte.
I started League of Light SE after finishing Shadow Shelter. Figured I could use some "light" after all that darkness. I thought I read it had lots of puzzles but so far it's mostly adventuring, picking up items and using them. But that's a welcome relief from the HO heavy Shadow Shelter. LofL is a 'busy' game, there's at least a half dozen things to do/look at in each room. I played one earlier this year that each scene only had one thing to do in it, about drove me crazy!
I went with Phantasmat Crucible Peak and so far I am, unfortunately, bored. A map is sorely lacking as there is a lot of backtracking. I do have the CE but there is no achievements or collectables that I've noticed. So far the puzzles have been pretty basic. I know the game is a year old but it seems even older. I do recall not being intranced with the first one and had to put it on mothballs for awhile but did finish it. I wonder why I got this one? lol It looks like it won't be that long. Hopefully it will improve.
stusue wrote:
I've just posted my demo review of Tales From The Dragon Mountain 2: The Lair in my demo review thread, should anyone wish to read the full review. As I said above, as I got the game today - after only playing half the demo - it shows that I really liked it!
I definitely recommend it for anyone who likes adventure and puzzles as there are no HOSs.
I loved the demo too and plan to get this one...thanks for your write-up. It reminds me of the Dream Chronicles series which I loved. I saw that you bought The Beardless Wizard....I tried that one and like it too.
Sunshine- I hope you are feeling better and able to enjoy Cadenza!
Oscar...I couldn't even get through crucible peak...I kept hoping it would improve but I kept falling asleep during gameplay...hope you like it a little better though LOL
Thanks everyone for the wedding wishes. Looks like it might be June 9th..I just wanted it simple, at the courthouse, no fuss since its like we have to get married within 90 days and planning it made no sense since everything kept getting delayed...but nowww more of my family wants to attend and they may not be able to do that date and it needs to be a weekday and it became kind of stressful lol we need it to be quick so he can adjust his status and get a job! We plan on having a reception of some kind in a year or so to include all these other people lol blah
So games...I just played Timeless-The Lost Castle & although this game was very long, it just did not really hold my interest that well. No voiceovers and a dumb plot especially the ending! The first one was a CE and sooo good. I remember LOVING it...This one got 3 stars for me and I felt like that was generous...
Now Im playing Theatre of Shadows-As you wish by VOGAT who had such beautifully made games although this one is a little bizarre and not quite user friendly. The cursor is HUGE. No voiceovers in this one either but its not a dealbreaker...this one is just weird and why is it 983MB? is it longer than it appears? So far Im not entranced with this game...hopefully it improves.
The puzzle in Agency of Anomalies Mind Invasion isn't one I can get any help with really. Its one of those ones where you need a certain number of lines touching each object BUT instead of it being easy, its like a clothesline type thing you have to move around. Even looking at the strategy guide, I can never twist the lines around where I have the exact number needed on the object. Or I can get all but one. There's no way to say move this line or that line exactly so its like I just need to start it over in a month or so and not choose the hardest LOL
Also, Avenue Flo-Special Delivery has a glitch. I cannot find the 20th bottle in the first stage. Apparently a lot of people had this problem and I tried all the solutions that worked for some and none worked for me. Its annoying and I really don't want to contact CS because I bought this game like 2+ years ago so the fact Id just be contacting them now feels like kind of a long time. I wonder if I can start another profile and just collect all the bottles at once because its something about the game shutting off and then back on that does