I caught a whopper of a cold. Rats, I almost made it this winter without one.
Oscar & misscat... What nice dogs you both have. What browser do you guys use to post pics? I have Internet Explorer and have trouble.
misscat...I'm so sorry that your boxer is going through such a rough time now.
stusue...Sorry to hear about the computer problems. They age so fast don't they. I know when mine eventually goes I want to replace it with another win7. I don't want to upgrade at all. LOL I just love my win7
Meg...How exciting! You'll be a married woman in no time now.
Also I agree with all the good things you said about Cadenza. I was enjoying it before I got sick and now waiting until better to finish it, so I can fully appreciate it and concentrate better.
sunshinej wrote:
I caught a whopper of a cold. Rats, I almost made it this winter without one.
Sunshine, I'm so sorry you're feeling poorly. I just hope that you're back on your feet in no time, feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed, and raring to go back to Cadenza!
stusue wrote:
I've just posted my review for Dreamscapes - The Sandman Platinum Edition, which you can find in my review thread.
I highly recommend this game. It's only available as an SE at BFG and the SE is fine. However, if you have a FunPass (Anki), I really recommend you play the PE as the bonus is about 90 minutes, is in all new areas, and not only has you saving the baddie from the main game but also finishes Laura's story.
stusue...Great review. You know I was thinking of playing this at GameHouse when I still had the funpass and said no - no. You have the SE from BF and you should play that one instead. I said to myself, While you have the funpass play some games that you don't have. So I played Fall of the New Age instead. Which is also a really good game.
I have a confession to make.
I bought 3 CEs in the $7.99 sale yesterday!
The number of games I've played in April was almost caught up to the number of games I've bought in April after the last BOGOF, when I went and bought 3 more yesterday (the code still worked). I figured that, as we've just had a BOGOF, there wouldn't be another one soon. Plus, it was only 80 cents euro more than the price we pay in a BOGOF. I know I missed out on 3 punches, so half an SE, but I've got enough PCCs to keep me going.
So, I got:
Off the Record: The Italian Affair
New York Mysteries: Secrets of the Mafia
Grim Facade: A Wealth of Betrayal
I know Grim Facade didn't get many good reviews but it's one of the very few games that I didn't want to stop playing once the demo finished. I loved it and it's the next game I'll be playing. Whether or not it's worth the price of a CE I'll find out soon but it's so rare that I really want to play a game straight away and really, really, really don't want to wait for the SE that I got it in the sale. I'll let you all know soon if it lives up to the demo.
stusue wrote:
sunshinej wrote:
I caught a whopper of a cold. Rats, I almost made it this winter without one.
Sunshine, I'm so sorry you're feeling poorly. I just hope that you're back on your feet in no time, feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed, and raring to go back to Cadenza!
Thanks, I hope it's soon, now that it is Spring outside. I went through husband's cold in midwinter without even a sniffle. Now with nice weather, I feel lousy.
sunshinej wrote:
stusue...Great review. You know I was thinking of playing this at GameHouse when I still had the funpass and said no - no. You have the SE from BF and you should play that one instead. I said to myself, While you have the funpass play some games that you don't have. So I played Fall of the New Age instead. Which is also a really good game.
Thanks, Sunshine! It's a pity you didn't play the PE but all you'll really be missing out on is the bonus chapter. While it's a really great addition that truly finishes the story, it's not necessary, and you still have all the achievements and collectibles in the SE. And, if you want any of the other extras, like the wallapers, music or screensavers, you might be able to download them if you demo the PE at GameHouse. Always worth a try if you're interested.
stusue - sorry, I guess I misunderstood your previous post. Sorry you are having such problems with your computer. Hope you get something sorted soon.
Sunshinej - thanks. We are keeping our hopes up that it is just a cyst and that the surgery will fix it.
For those who remember my post about my porch that got destroyed by the cold winter that we had here in SC. Well, the insurance company will cover everything pretty much. Granted my dad wants to extend it a bit from whta it was. So, that much he has to pay himself. That is going to be about $4,000. They are going to start pooring the concrete on Monday if the weather holds up. However, it is supposed to rain on Monday and Tuesday so we will see.
Planning on finishing up Cadenza: Music, Betrayal and Death today. Not sure what I will play next.
stuesue -- Rats! You had me sold on the CE of DRAMSCAPES. I was going to upgrade but now you say BFG doesn't have it. Oh well. Remembering the brave men and women of Australia and New Zealand on ANZAC Day.
meg -- Try the BFG game forums. You might just find what you need to get that puzzle solved. There really is some good information in those forums.
sunshinej -- So sorry about your cold! I hate colds. You feel lousy but not quite lousy enough to stay home from work or stay in bed.
misscatlady -- Glad the insurance will cover the porch. Keeeping good thoughts for Lexie.
Lily - if they could, they'd sit on my lap. As it is they just try to get as much of themselves on it as they can. I have a lazyboy chair and a half that the one likes to share. Tank ( I did not name him!) got too big he weighs about 130.
Sun - Feel better. And I use Explorer and Photobucket.
Still plaing Esoterica. I am finding it has some glitchy bits. Puzzles that are complete that aren't accepted that I have had to skip. Nothing changes when you skip and some items in HO scenes that won't pick up until you hit hint. I saw in the thread that that was a common complainant. I spent quite some time on one scene examining it to see if there was a second hourglass somewhere!
misscat - Lexie is adorable! I love that sabley colour that she is.
stusue - I had my eye on those but thought nope don't do it!
Sunshine, get well soon
Meg, if you tell me what the problem is I can help you (maybe ) because I have finished that.
I bet you´re counting the days now.... Good luck!
Stuesue, I´m downloading Sandman right now, I have already played the SE but it sounds really interesting . My new computer is a HP Envy laptop and I´m very saified with it. My last one was also an HP and I had that for 8 years!