Finish Your Games Challenge

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April 22, 2014 6:11 am  #1171

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

Misscat...Any news yet?  Fingers crossed that it is the bone cyst.

Lilyr...The title is Legacy: Witch Island 

Oscar...That's good to know that The Secret Order games are enjoyable ones.  I'm glad I picked up the second one then.

i ♥ nirvana

April 22, 2014 6:52 am  #1172

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

Sorry for not updating - well the vet called late yesterday evening. The chest xrays and ultrasounds and everything came back clear. So, there is no cancer anywhere else in her body. The vet said he consulted with another radiologists and he/she confirmed that it was inconclusive on whether or not she has cancer in her leg or if it is a bone cyst. So, the vet told my dad that we have basically two options. We can either done a bone graft surgery and they would go in scrap off what is on her bone and then rebuild. They would send off what they got off the bone to be tested for cancerous cells. This surgery has a 50/50 % chance of working. Or they can just amputate the leg, they would send that off to be tested for cancerous cells. Either way it's $3,000. Of course we can also do nothing but that would leave Lexi in almost constant pain, so that is obviously out. We could also just have her put to sleep now, but that is out of the question since we don't know if it's cancer or not. My dad says he's leaning towards the bone graft surgery but is going to think on it for another day or two I think.


April 22, 2014 9:27 am  #1173

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

misscatlady -- I'm so sorry that, after all that, there is still no diagnosis.  Can't they do a needle biopsy and send off the stuff they get to find out?  I'm so sorry Lexi is having so much pain.  How old is Lexi?  I've known a couple of pets (1 dog, 1 cat) who lost legs fairly young and did prfectly well.  My SIL's cat loved to play fetch and even caught a bird!

Thanks sunshinej.  I have, and actually have played!, that game.


April 22, 2014 11:09 am  #1174

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

Lilyr - Lexi is 4 1/2 years old. They did a biopsy once already, where they cut her open and took some of it to test. But it came back inconclusive. The vets don't want to just do a second biopsy in case it comes back inconclusive again.


April 22, 2014 11:33 am  #1175

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

misscatlady - sorry to read that you still don't know what's wrong with Lexi.

I'm still working on Mystery Riddles.  Hope to finish that one and one more game this month, which will still leave me with woeful statistics for finishing games.

My Tiffany is getting her tooth pulled on the 30th and I scheduled the start of my dental work for the same day.  DH is taking the day off, so I'll be able to take a chill pill to relax me.  I'll really scared that the tooth will shatter when the dentist removes the silver filling to prep for the crown.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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April 22, 2014 2:13 pm  #1176

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

Misscat...I'm like lilyr & tirama. so sorry that they did not find a diagnosis. What a shame that everything that was tried is coming back inconclusive.  I hope all goes well with the bone graft.

Tirama...Good luck to you at the dentist both for you and your dog.  That's nice that your DH is there to help. Try not to worry to much.


i ♥ nirvana

April 22, 2014 2:17 pm  #1177

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

lilyr wrote:

Thanks sunshinej.  I have, and actually have played!, that game.

Yay!  That's great lilyr.  Who knows April is not over yet.  You still have plenty of time to put another one under your belt.  LOL 

With Today's sale I bought the CE of Cadenza: Music, Betrayal & Death.  I was debating about the CE to Bridge to Another World: Burnt Dreams until I read stusue's review and she said the SE is good enough. 

i ♥ nirvana

April 22, 2014 4:29 pm  #1178

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

sunshinej - thanks. Yeah. it does suck that 4 different "experts" can't say what is wrong with my dog. The only thing we do know is that there is no cancer anywhere else in her body so that is a good thing. The vet did say that we had time and wasn't concerned about doing either surgery right away. So, I'm thinking he may be leaning towards it just being a cyst and not cancer. Otherwise I would think he would want to do one or the other right away. I would think anyway.


April 22, 2014 11:29 pm  #1179

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

Sorry Lily Sun is right in BFG it is Legacy Witch Island.  The main screen of the game says Witch Island Legacy and that stuck with me.  I'm still playing it and I'm still entertained.

Best wishes for all the pet issues and dental probs.  I wish I could have my guys under my health plan.    I've been putting off their heartworm until the next billing cylce of my credit card.  I did have pet insurance for Oscar, luckily as well.  He had two TPLO surgeries to the tune of $10K  plus he ended up with a MDRSI and fungal infection after the last surgery.  Poor guy went thru hell with that.  It irritated me to no end.  I brought him home Friday and called them the next day that there was a problem.  They just fluffed me off.  Went to my own vet and (who really advocated for us) I had him back there the Monday, but of course no one would take any responsiblity for it. The cost of all those meds and injections everyday were in the 1000s.   I just wanted him well. Sadly I only had him for six years, he was a wonderful guy.

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

April 23, 2014 10:22 am  #1180

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

I finished 1 moment in Time: Silentville.  It was a medium type of game.  Played better & worse, but still it wasn't too bad.  It had a glitch after doing a puzzle it would kick you out with a run time error.  After a couple of times I checked the forums and found a work around.  After completing the puzzle you would immediately click X to get out of the closeup before the error code came up and it worked. 
I'm just so glad the game forums were left intact.  They have been a big help to me for so many games.

i ♥ nirvana

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