Finish Your Games Challenge

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April 6, 2014 10:24 am  #1001

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

sandhan, thanks for letting us know how you're getting on with Vikings  I'll be interested to see what you think of it once you've finished as it's still on my NO list. 

What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

April 6, 2014 10:36 am  #1002

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

I got a 75% discount coupon code from Zylom on Friday, valid this weekend, even though I don't have a membership with them (I'm an unpaying member).  So I looked at their sale games and tried Citadel Arcanes again.  I've been undecided about this game ever since I first demoed it, not knowing whether I really liked it or not. 

So I opened the game and continued playing from where I'd last left off and this time I really liked it!    So I decided to use my DCC to get it ... for a whopping 50 cents!    But first I checked out the Platinum Edition version on GameHouse to see what the extras were but decided that for only 50 cents the SE was okay.  So I bought it, downloaded it, and discovered that it was the Platinum Edition! 

So I got Citadel Arcanes CE for only 50 cents! 

What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

April 7, 2014 12:10 am  #1003

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

Tirama those are all really good reasons and I didn't mean to step on toes. PC users have an advantage though and once I get this laptop pc my fiance is bringing for me in May, I may actually have a lot more positive things to say in terms of the PCCs and games to buy because I will have more options. PC users seem to get all these random SE games but mac players don't or we get the ones that are by HdO or just random bad ones except for The Tiny Tale as that one wowed me or ones that were great 4 years ago like lots of alawar games but outdated now so lots of times I find I don't have many games to use my coupons on unless I wait for the SE of games...and some I wish I had waited for the SE...I also like being able to see the TGT and demo it if I want although I usually never buy anything that day unless its on sale. I hate having to keep track of other sites too and BFG makes it very easy with all the choices. I did cancel my membership from 2008 to mid 2009 because I worked too much to take advantage and I chose to come back and I do love playing games. Im almost overwhelmed with how many games I have though LOL I feel like I am never going to finish them and by the time I do, they will all be 10 years old...Anyways I think I was just venting that day or upset about somethiing else....My apologies...

Grim Tales-Blood Mary CE. Well I finished the main game and the bonus is kind of dragging on and I really did not care for the collectibles as half of them I just stumbled upon. They were like statues of terror which I thought looked like chess pieces and they told more of the story in the bonus part but eh I don't own any of the other games in this series as a CE and I could have lived without this one as well. I do plan on giving it 4 stars as its a fabulous plot just not the extras as I have been finding lately that I am quite sick of as it distracts from the story or makes a terrible story seem appealling but later on Im bored but bought it because I got to collect 85 butterflies half of which I usually can't find. 

With this sale, at the last minute lol I am tempted to pick up Riddles of Fate-Into Oblivion CE or Nightmares From the Deep-Davy Jones CE. Nightmares from the deep is one of my all time favorite series however I am glad they are only keeping it as a trilogy...well at least I hope they are as series that end tend to be better than ones that go on for ages IMO of course. I can't seem to get enough of Elephant games although I am not sure this one warranted a CE. I forgot to demo any of the new ones and since its 10pm, I might not have the time...we will see what I decide 

It was really sunny and nice today. Our 2 week rainy period of snow and hail is now over and spring has hit us. I gave the dog a bath today, our male lab, Miles because he rolled around in something smelly. It tired me out! He was a really good boy but afterwards even though he was dry he ran around the house like he was on fire. Its so funny when dogs get bathed because they seem to come alive with energy and he seems to forget hes a big dog and wants to jump on everything lol 

Anyways, I must go test some games really quickly LOL xxx


April 7, 2014 12:12 am  #1004

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

A CE for 50cents? NICE work!! I got a deal like a year ago where the original MCF ravenhearst was free and although I wasn't sure if I wanted it because its super old school, who passes up a free game! And it became absolutely loved since I had never played those games in order so here's hoping you love yours too xx


April 7, 2014 5:01 am  #1005

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

I just checked and this weekend's sale codes still work today, so you can get games at the sale price with an extra punch today!    It seems that it was only that one Monday that the codes didn't still work. 


What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

April 7, 2014 5:52 am  #1006

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

And another one bites the dust (please excuse my voice; you probably didn't recognise the song ) ...

I've just finished Secret Bunker USSR.  I loved the demo, bought it, started playing it yesterday and thought oh, it's a lot easier than I'd expected and there are way too many helpful hints (well, you're told what to do and what you need, even in the hardest mode).    But the more I played the more I got into it and I loved the graphics, music and the atmosphere!    You're in an abandoned Russian bunker and so the graphics are all brown rust and very dark, which I personally love, even though there were a lot of complaints about that in the forums. 

There's no walkthrough but you don't need one as the Hint button works well and you can't really get lost as you move from one section then on to another.  You don't have a map for most of the game (but each section is only a few scenes) until you get to one section where you need one and then it's a jump map that shows where there are available actions.  A lot of people in the forums said that it was really old school with crap graphics but I think it was intentional and I loved them as they looked real and really created a fantastic atmosphere.

Some of the things I loved about it:

+  It's long
+  Great music and atmosphere - like Shadow Shelter, it really looks like you're in an abandoned bunker
+  Things look real and you have to do real things, like tilting a lamp up before removing the lightbulb
+  When you need to shoot something you actually have to shoot it, but it's all in the gameplay, not like an arcade
+  Whenever you use a screwdriver/wrench, etc., you choose the order in which to remove things
+  Cursor doesn't change in the HOSs, so no help with the highlighted objects
+  And sometimes you need 2 or 3 steps to get the highlighted objects
+  Except the cursor will change to a hand in the HOSs when you can open a drawer, door, etc.
+  Gramaphone needed a record - sigh - but it was in its cover hidden in a cupboard
+  You had to open the cupboard door, put record on table, remove cover, put record on, find crank in drawer
+  There's a locker puzzle near the end that I loved 
+  Everything's in Russian (scenes & HOSs) but you click on them and they're translated for you
+  You can open and close drawers/doors at will and not everything will contain anything
+  You can even still open/close broken drawers after you've blown them up!
+  Watch out when you push buttons in the HOSs! 
+  I liked the attention to detail
+  Eg. when mixing decontaminant, beaker stoppers were removed and put back on every time
+  You can get hints in the puzzles when you get stuck and you get the next move!!!! 
+  Oh, I was killed a couple of times 
+  Luckily for me I got another couple of chances to not die so I could continue 

A couple of things I didn't like about it:

-  The game was too easy with too many hints - you're told what to do and what you need
-  It's set in Russia with Russian people with Russian accents, and your name is Jack and the girl's name is Emily 

My recommendation

I recommend Secret Bunker USSR as a fantastic, atmospheric game with some original gameplay concepts but not for those who want to be challenged as it's easy, even in the hardest mode, and you're told what to do and what you need.  Even though I was disappointed by being told what to do all the time, it more than made up for it in atmosphere and gameplay. 

My rating

  I loved playing this game.

My rating system:

  I love, love, love this game
  I loved playing this game
  I really liked playing this game
  I liked playing this game but nothing special
  I didn't like this game at all and couldn't wait to finish
  I hated this game and couldn't bring myself to finish it

This brings my bought/played ratio so far this month to:  2 bought - 6 played.

What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

April 7, 2014 5:59 am  #1007

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

Today's soft release is Tales of Empire: Rome.  I got this at GameHouse a few months ago as I loved it, even though it didn't get very good reviews and, I think, only 3 or 3-1/2 stars.  But I loved as much of it as I've played, even though I haven't finished it yet. 

But what I find really weird is the different names at BFG and GameHouse for this game.  Sometimes one adds an ending and the other doesn't - eg. Secret Bunker USSR at BFG is called Secret Bunker USSR - The Legend of the Vile Professor at GameHouse, which is the name on the title screen in the game.  However, this time they've switched the words around.   

At BFG it's called Tales of Empire: Rome and at GameHouse it's called Empire - Tales of Rome.  Why bother? 

What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

April 7, 2014 6:08 am  #1008

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

Re your membership rant, Meg.  The only reason I see to be a member is to put aside that GCC every month, like Tirama mentioned, and the Daily Deal, like you mentioned.  COTW can be bought by non-members.  I like my on-again off-again relationship with BFG.  If I'm going to fill a card I can rejoin right before I get the last punch and I'm good for a month.  Usually that happens mid-month so I can fill a punch card the next month before I quit again, if I want.  I never buy games full price so I'm happy waiting for the BOGOs.  And the best part of quitting is that you can tell them why you're quitting each time you do

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

April 7, 2014 6:23 am  #1009

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

Stusue, you always make a game sound sooo good  It puts me in mind of an easier version of Campfire Legends: The Babysitter.  I bitched and moaned about that game but kept playing and I ended up loving it.  When you needed something it might be in a close up scene (they stayed active) or it might be sitting somewhere in the house in a regular scene.  You didn't just pick up random stuff and carry it around with you.  I like my games to be as realistic as possible.  I remember in Green Moon you could only carry so many things so after awhile if you picked something up you had to put something else down, I loved that.  And I like 'brown' games, too.  I have a few I picked up partly because they were brown-toned and I was sick of blue, a lot of games have that blue coloring I've grown to hate.  When there's an influx of 'blue' games I won't even demo or buy them.  A 'purple/pink' game is usually a buy for me  I need to start a regular, non FTP game, but I don't know which.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

April 7, 2014 6:29 am  #1010

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

Just came back from BFG to check out something.  As a member, one of the perks is Tomorrow's Game Today.  As a non member I have to wait a day to download and buy it.  But it only seems to work that way with CEs.  When it's a regular game it seems I can try/buy it that day.  I can buy Mahjong World Contest 2 today if I want.  Weird, huh?  I don't know if I've ever checked with the SE release of a CE but I've noticed it before with the regular games.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

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