I finished the bonus chapter of Nevertales, it was decent. I had found all the roses so I could do that jigsaw right away, I wish it wouldn't have had outlines of the pieces. Played the first hidden chapter, was shocked at how short it was, I spent more time distracting the raven than rescuing the princess. Then I couldn't find how to look for the collectibles to open the third book. You have to go to the menu and say you're quitting to get to the screen that you need for the collectables, it took me a long time to press quit, it just didn't seem like the right thing to do. Anyway, I'm partway through finding the collectables, which I think they could have done a better job with. It's a great idea, but they need to make the execution better. Seems I missed a half dozen morphs or so, I thought I had gotten them all! And I didn't get the achievement for reading all the notes and I always look for notes and love reading them. I'm hoping there's maybe another note ahead of me that I haven't gotten to yet.
Although that seems like a lot of critiquing, I really enjoyed the game. And I mean enjoy in the very best sense of the word. It was just so "fresh" and innovative. Finally something different in the way of gameplay. I loved the voiceovers, too, I wanted that guy to read me that book forever
I haven't played anything other than free to play since I finished Fairly Twisted. I've got a bad head cold and doing HO scene after HO scene is all that I can manage.
So another month with dismal totals. But I'm amassing a lot of money and inventory in those f2p's.
Sorry about your cold Tirama. A lot of people (all over the country) seem to be suffering through one.
A dismal month for me. I bought 3 games and only finished 2. And no, not two of the games I bought! I've been caught up in AK. ART not so much since I'm out of quests except for the daily one.
lilyr wrote:
Sorry about your cold Tirama. A lot of people (all over the country) seem to be suffering through one.
A dismal month for me. I bought 3 games and only finished 2. And no, not two of the games I bought!I've been caught up in AK. ART not so much since I'm out of quests except for the daily one.
I only spend 15 minutes at most on ART. AK, I check in on 2 or 3 times to see if I have enough energy to do another quest. My big time drain is Midnight Castle.
I bought 3 and finished 4.
While I'm not finishing as many games in part due to the amount of time I spend on free to play, I'm also not buying as many games. So I guess that's good.
I started Mystery Trackers Raincliffs Phantoms, very nice looking game and fun so far.
TiramaSue wrote:
I haven't played anything other than free to play since I finished Fairly Twisted. I've got a bad head cold and doing HO scene after HO scene is all that I can manage.
So another month with dismal totals. But I'm amassing a lot of money and inventory in those f2p's.
Tirama, I'm also really sorry you're not well and can only handle HOS after HOS.
lilyr wrote:
A dismal month for me. I bought 3 games and only finished 2. And no, not two of the games I bought!
I've been caught up in AK. ART not so much since I'm out of quests except for the daily one.
Well, now that it's the first of April, my tally for March ended up being ...
11 bought (plus a further 3 for which I got refund coupons for various reasons)
20 played
So I played almost double what I bought! I'd love to keep this ratio up every month but I doubt very much it'll happen again.
But I'll certainly do my best to play as many games as I can.
It sure helps when you don't play any FTP games.
Hope you feel better Tirama!
So I took advantage of BPM and filled my punch card. I had gotten 2 DDs this month and had like 4 pccs all expiring the same day in April so took care of that!
I got:
European Mystery-Face of Envy SE
Dark Romance-Vampires In Love SE
Deadly Puzzles-Toymaker
The Others
I just finished Love Chronicles The Spell and Id rate it probably at 3.5 stars. Some items were impossible to see. I never liked this game before but then I randomly demoed it forgetting what it was and liked it now. So weird when that happens. Anyways I own all of them but played the 2nd before I owned the first and still have the 3rd to play. So confusing LOL at least now I have a sense of what was going on since the 2nd always confused me. HAHA
So here's another tuesday where mac users have a CE. I realized they are mostly Alawar games. Today we have a game I just basically gave up on ever getting. In fact I was waiting to buy them on my new laptop which is coming with the fiance when he moves out here. But when I saw it just now I said "OMG" out loud. Complete surprise. Anyways its House of 1000 Doors-Family Secret CE. I am assuming this is the first in the series which means I demoed this in 2011 and look 2014 and its just now out for us LOL I think I'll just wait for another Alawar 1/2 off sale and pick them all up then
Looks like there is an April fools Sale. CEs for $8.99 Code: LAUGH
My fiance aced his visa interview. He's finishing up the medical part and then within 2 weeks he will receive his visa stuff and be out here for good and then Im getting married I really never thought Id get married. Just like I've never had the urge for children, I never really wanted to marry. My parents have been married for over 35 years but I am kind of a free spirit but then I met James and now Im a high risk pregnancy because of my accident so I'll get married and get cats instead
We are going to the courthouse and then in about a year, we will have a reception of some kind, once we are all settled. My parents have a gorgeous backyard in the spring.
Speaking of spring! Its SNOWING in april. Truly an April Fools prank. Its not like the storms the east coast has been having but there is at least a foot of snow out there! Sadly its only the 2nd snow we've had this year considering the drought but now we are getting tons of storms and snow. I like it
I also watch the walking dead but am about 5 episodes behind. I think Im on episode 10? I need to catch up so I can watch the finale. The only two shows I am caught up with are The Big Bang Theory which isn't like it used to be and after this season, I can't say I will still watch it AND Castle which I just LOVEEE. Some shows are just easier to stay caught up with than others. My true crime shows get in the way like 48 hours, unusual suspects. I am totally an Investigation Discovery (ID) obsessed fan. I think I would watch that channel all day if I could. I just find the motives behind things so interesting but then again I love forensics and psychology.
Hope everyone is great
I got married at the courthouse the first time, too, Meg. Never really wanted the formal wedding. I was totally hung over and the ceremony was at 8 am. I was puking in the courthouse bathroom, they got me out long enough to say the vows, then I was right back in there again. Looking back I'm sure the judge thought I was pregnant, lol.
Meg, Congratulations! Only 2 more weeks, after waiting all this time? Yours is, indeed, a fairy-tale romance.
I don't even demo CE's anymore; haven't even played the last 2 I bought, much less the hundreds (probably--I don't dare count) in storage. I really love "Viking Saga/ New World." I must admit it takes a certain amount of suspension of disbelief--I mean, would you really want to build a house in the middle of a forest fire? And it seems strange to be continually lighting fires for light to see by, at the same time you're putting others out. Not to mention the raging Tic-Tac-Toe battle with the Navahoes! But it's really fun. I had to skip the infamous rat-catching level, but don't feel too bad, as it was listed as a bonus level.