I had 5 punches on my card so I had to choose one game or lose them. I chose Mind Snares: Alice's Journey. It was either that or European Mystery: The Face of Envy. I haven't been keeping up on the latest release and just picked one at random that had good reviews.
sunshinej wrote:
I had 5 punches on my card so I had to choose one game or lose them. I chose Mind Snares: Alice's Journey. It was either that or European Mystery: The Face of Envy. I haven't been keeping up on the latest release and just picked one at random that had good reviews.
Sunshine, I think I'm going with Mind Snares: Alice's Journey as well.
When I played some more of the demo I checked the credits and noticed that the music was by Eipix! So I did some googling and found out that Eipix has it's own sister audio company which not only provides music for all the Eipix games but also for other companies as well, including World Loom (which made Alice's Journey), National Geographic and Artifex Mundi (eg. Enigmatis: The Mists of Ravenwood and Nightmares from the Deep: The Siren's Call)!!!! I thought Artifex Mundi would have it's own audio department, especially as they employ over 100 people and their last game listed 105 people in the credits and they've had 4 million downloads on PC, 4 million downloads on iOS, and 2 million on Android systems.
I also read that at the moment Eipix has over 50 people but they're hoping to reach their 100-200 people target this year. So they sure seem to be growing, which is great because hopefully that'll mean that they keep on making great games.
Stuesue, here´s my opinion of your games: Viking saga was on my to buy list (I filled my card last week) but I got so annoyed on the later levels in the demo when you clear snow and a moment later it´s there again and if you don´t take care of it right away it grows bigger an you have to use more men on taking it away. I was so busy with the snow so I hadn´t time to finish anything else so I dexed it.
I bought Rush for Gold and I feel it´s so, so . I play a few levels at a time but never feel the urge to continue. I liked the first one much better.
I bought The Others but haven´t start playing it. I didn´t like the colors in Mind Snares (to surrealistic for me) and Space Legends (if I remeber correct) I found a bit confusing.
Good luck with the purchase
Haven't even demoed any of them Stusue.
I finished the main game of Nevertales and I'm working on the bonus. Still loving it That baby is just so cute, and I don't even like babies Oh, I got a little confused, am I the wife that the husband saved Considering I started the game on the 21st I've done really well remembering the plot and what I was doing
I finished Agatha Christie: 4:50 from Paddington. It is nice to know I can still enjoy a straight HOG now & then. These Agatha Christies games are nice because they follow the books so closely.
At long last I am going to start MCF: Fate's Carnival. I am quite excited about it!
I finished the first Dragon Keeper today. Not bad but very short as there are only 4 islands. It was fun but definitely not something I'd replay.
That makes 19 games finished this month! And there are still almost 10 hours to go!
I too need one punch today, maybe I'll join everyone and get Mind Snare as well. Not sure what I'm going to pick to start this evening. Have a lovely Monday everyone. I'm off to work, so going to my spare room, lol.
oscar66 wrote:
I too need one punch today, maybe I'll join everyone and get Mind Snare as well. Not sure what I'm going to pick to start this evening. Have a lovely Monday everyone. I'm off to work, so going to my spare room, lol.
I finally chose my 3 games:
Mind Snares: Alice's Journey
The Others
Space Legends: At the Edge of the Universe (apparently v. hard puzzles )
I decided not to get Viking Saga 2: New World as, after reading Anki's post ... thanks, Anki! ... I played more of the demo and came across the snow piles and totally agreed with her. It was really annoying, having to continually clear the snow drifts. Had it only been for one level it would have been fine. But after the third level in a row started with only a tiny bit of the screen visible and I knew I'd be lighting fires and clearing snow drifts once again for the entire level, I closed the game and won't be getting it. I'll try it on GH but I won't be buying it. I really wanted to like it because I loved the first one but all that snow and fires, both of which you have to keep an eye on and continually clear/light, I thought that the frustration level was just too high for me.
I also decided not to get Gold Rush 2: California, even though I loved the first one, as from what I read it was just too similar to Alaska. If I want to play the same game again (and I've already played the first one a couple of times) I'll just replay the first one. Why pay twice for the same game? It'll be added to my "If I Need an Extra Punch at the End of the Month" list as I do like it.
And Oscar, you sound just like me! When I go to work (although it's unpaid and just helping people out type of work - I proofread online - and only every now and again) I also just go to a room in my house, but in my case it's upstairs to the office stuck in the corner of my attic, which is actually really bad because it's also the computer I play all my games on and it's in front of huge windows that are half the length of the house and look out over the little forest across the road and I can also see all the comings and goings of the neighbours, which is way more interesting than all those reality shows on TV. Oh, which reminds me, I've got some stories I have to beta read this week before the Scottish school holidays start next week! Don't think I'll be playing many games this week.
Woo Hoo! I just managed to finish Mysterious Oasis with 2 minutes left in the demo!
I read that it was really short and that people hadn't taken long after buying the game after the demo to finish it and one person had even finished within the demo time so I thought I'd try it. However, normally being a very slow player, I wasn't sure I'd do it. So I just clicked all over the place in the HOSs (no click penalty and there weren't many items in each scene), just checking the list for the interactive items if I picked up a knife, for example, and clicking on the Hint button if I wasn't sure where I should go (as I didn't want to waste time just wandering around as I normally would do), and I finished with 2 minutes to spare! But I did do all the puzzles (well, the few that they had) without skipping. I really liked the game but it's ridiculously short (and obviously rather easy). It would have been a great game had it actually been a game and not just a taste of what a game could be. So I'd recommend playing the demo as it's definitely worth it ... just don't buy it!
ETA: I forgot to say that that makes 20 games played this month!
Last edited by stusue (March 31, 2014 12:06 pm)
stusue...Nice, a unintentional free game for you. Also, thanks for making a index for the Developers list of games.