stusue -- Thanks for the long post about ESOTERICA. That's one I was looking forward to. Now, not so much. I DID pay money for it. Did you play the CE? I'm thinking not since you played for free and you usually say if it's a CE. That would be a MAJOR irritant not to be able to go back and read the cards.
lilyr wrote:
stusue -- Thanks for the long post about ESOTERICA. That's one I was looking forward to. Now, not so much. I DID pay money for it. Did you play the CE? I'm thinking not since you played for free and you usually say if it's a CE. That would be a MAJOR irritant not to be able to go back and read the cards.
Lily, I hope when you do play Esoterica my comments won't influence your own enjoyment of it. Lots of people loved it and gave it 5/5! As I said, I really can't put my finger on why I didn't like it but it just didn't grab me. I think there were maybe too many little irritants that just all added up. I've also just played some amazing games - some of the best I've ever played - which may also have affected how I felt about this one, which simply didn't compare in any way. I just hope you love it when you play!
I think Esoterica was only released as an SE, so yes, that's what I played. As for not being able to read the cards, there was no new information so it wasn't all that important that I couldn't go back and read them, just another little irritant. But I would have liked to know how many I actually got! I assume I got them all as you get them when you zoom into an area and the box won't close until you've found it. But still, who knows?
And another one gets put on the PLAYED side of my games list.
I've just finished Grimville: The Gift of Darkness. But I went over to the darkside!!!!
Unfortunately, I didn't like it enough to play it again to try for the other ending, even though I'd really like to know the alternate ending. Sunshine, I think you've played it. Did you get the ending where you didn't put the amulet on and go over to the dark side? Or has anyone else played it and got a different ending?
If anyone's interested, I just got an email from Playrix and they're having a special sale on the Farm to Fork CE this weekend only - $5.99 (70% off).
Just after posting my last post an email came through from BFG with the 60% off coupon code for having downloaded Midnight Castle. Yay, it wasn't due until next week! Now I can delete it.
I'd better demo the most recent CEs before Monday to see if there's one I'd like to get now, although there's no hurry as it's expiry date isn't until 31 December 2014.
I feel like I've been talking to myself all day.
Anyway, GameHouse has a sale until Monday - 40% off all games, either off the member or non-member price, depending on which you are.
Code : CANDY2014
stusue wrote:
I feel like I've been talking to myself all day.
We've been listening though! By the time I finally get around to playing ESOTERICA I'll have forgotten all about your comments!
I got the coupon too (and deleted MC). Do we know that it's good for a CE? Is it full price or member's price? Guess I'll find that out on Monday.
stusue - thanks for mentioning that you received yyour coupon. I have a bad habit of not checking my e-mails. My ISP approves of this coupon, didn't dump it into the junk folder.
I've finished another 5 levels of Hello Venice 2. There's only two gardens to fix up, the small one at the beginning of the game, and the rooftop one, which has a lot of things for you to buy. You receive what looks like a seed at the end of each level, and you need to redeem seeds as well as cash to buy things for the garden. I have 5 more things to buy and each one needs 5 seeds. I always worry when I play untimed that I will not earn enough $$$ to buy everything, but it won't be a propblem. SO I'm happy.
Yah I am super young haha I sometimes forget because I am disabled now and do not have the normal life of someone my age. I never thought Id ever say this but I miss working soooo badly. I realize now that most of my social connections were made through work and since everyone my age works during the week, I spend a lot of time alone. But I have been learning to live with my pain and although its been tough, I am a way better person now then I was before. And I have more time to play my games but never seem to get to them LOL but thats because I have picked up a bunch of new tv shows since I have time to watch them. Today I did crossword puzzles instead, felt good to do something brainy.
But anyways, ooo this game Emberwing looks interesting although I will pass on this sale. I wonder who the developer is...
Next up might be Angelica Weaver-Catch me if you can SE. I soooo wanted this CE but it had major issues and wouldn't reopen after I played it the first time. I did everything I could to try n make it work but it just never has so I settled for the SE since it worked just fine but Im still sad. I think I have been punishing it forever hence why I haven't played it
Yay, another game finished! I've just finished The Fog. What a long SE!
But talk about back and forth!
I just hit Hint, Hint, Hint until it got me to where I needed to go. There was no jump map and there was no way I was going to try and remember what I needed where as there were so many locations! But the story, graphics and music were good and the HOSs and puzzles were difficult but great.
Mmmm... what next?