Finish Your Games Challenge

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December 6, 2013 4:08 pm  #1471

Re: Finish your games challenge

Meg - that is a cute story.

Anki - with the hammer I am using the mouse but keep forgetting to switch back after I use it  (cry) the errors pile up, I think I've had to redo a couple of boards.

Wendy the Xmas game is nice and colourful but I think I'll get it with a coupon, it wasn't a must have for me with the beta.  I'll probably replay the Nutcracker.

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

December 6, 2013 4:16 pm  #1472

Re: Finish your games challenge

Oh, Lily, Lost in the City... can't decide if I liked it or not.  Very stark, lonely, end of the world vibe.  Definitely not colorful.  Lots of reading.  I think I would save that until after Christmas.

Oscar, I do the same thing with the hammer.  I'm going along so well and then I somehow I hit the wrong button and then #%!^#%

Last edited by WendyDarling (December 6, 2013 4:18 pm)

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

December 6, 2013 10:03 pm  #1473

Re: Finish your games challenge

I have one lost in the city. I believe it was the 2nd one which makes no sense since I never played the first one and I remember hating it so I doubt I will ever replay it.

I just finished Madame Fate, the original old school one and I feel like a total braindead person because I never realized until now that Ravenhurst was linked to this game and they all go hand in hand in hand. And it makes me realize now that I have played Original Ravenhurst and Madame Fate, why when I first played Return to Ravenhurst that I had no idea who these people were or what the heck was going on. So now I am going to replay Return to Ravenhurst and then Dire Grove and then 13th Skull and I don't know about Escape because that one took me ages and I liked it but it was just gross. And maybe I'll give Shadow Lake another shot but I doubt it and then play Fate's Carnival because the story finally makes sense to me now that I played them in order!!! Go figure!!! 

I should finish Whispered Secrets-Tideville though before I embark on my newfound love of MCF games. I never understood what the big deal was...hmm maybe I should have played them in order LOL 

Now Im off to watch Big Bang Theory with my parents. I never can watch it the night it comes out because I have to wait for them or I have to watch it twice. Love this show but some episodes I don't want to watch multiple times in a row. Although I did for the Thanksgiving episode. That one was hilarious!


December 7, 2013 5:39 am  #1474

Re: Finish your games challenge

megwoman25 wrote:

I just finished Madame Fate, the original old school one and I feel like a total braindead person because I never realized until now that Ravenhurst was linked to this game and they all go hand in hand in hand. And it makes me realize now that I have played Original Ravenhurst and Madame Fate, why when I first played Return to Ravenhurst that I had no idea who these people were or what the heck was going on. So now I am going to replay Return to Ravenhurst and then Dire Grove and then 13th Skull and I don't know about Escape because that one took me ages and I liked it but it was just gross. And maybe I'll give Shadow Lake another shot but I doubt it and then play Fate's Carnival because the story finally makes sense to me now that I played them in order!!! Go figure!!!

LOL.  Thanks, Meg, now I know that they all have to be played in order.  I think I have all of them bar Shadow Lake (but, of course, haven't played any of them yet - how embarrassing! ) and was thinking of just playing the 2 Madame Fates this Christmas.  So, my 2 questions are ...

1.  Could I just play the 2 Madame Fates or should I play all of them in order?

2.  If they're all linked, would I need to play Shadow Lake to understand any games after that one?

What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

December 7, 2013 9:22 am  #1475

Re: Finish your games challenge

Dire Grove and Shadow Lake are stand alone games with no connection to Ravenhurst AFAIK.
I would def play Ravenhurst before Return to. 
I think I played Return first, then Ravenhurst, then Madame Fate.  I didn't feel Madame Fate had much to do with the others, personally, but maybe Fate's Carnival links them better.  Ravenhurst and Madame Fate are real old-school but the puzzles are really good.

My nice lady just gave me another PCC.  It expires the 12th so I will wait until Monday to redeem it just in case I rejoin for December BOGO.  I'm debating between Surface Pantheon and Nearwood, with a few other options, too. 

I started Mystery Stories: Mountains of Madness last night.  It's based on a Lovecraft story, I guess.  It's alright, but I hope it gets better.  It's supposed to be short so I should finish it today. 

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

December 7, 2013 10:32 am  #1476

Re: Finish your games challenge

Thanks, Wendy, for the MCF info, especially that I don't need to play (ie. buy) Shadow Lake, as I didn't like the demo at all. 

In a choice between Surface: Pantheon and Nearwood, I'd choose Nearwood.  I got the CE and it's in my top 3 games of all time, although I'm sure the SE would be great, too.  The graphics are amazing and I loved the gameplay.

I've got Mystery Stories: Mountains of Madness and would love to know if you enjoyed it or not once you've finished, and especially if it's short as, if it is, I'll bump it up my list.  I'm trying to play some short games to cut down my list but they all seem to end up being really long!    In one of the games I'm playing at the moment I thought I was nearly finished, then I opened a secret door and went into a whole new area!    It's great that it's a nice, long game, but I decided to play it now because I thought it was short. 

What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

December 7, 2013 12:03 pm  #1477

Re: Finish your games challenge

I'm 75% done with Luxor Evolved.  Should finish it tonight and then I can play a nice HOPA.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
     Thread Starter

December 7, 2013 12:21 pm  #1478

Re: Finish your games challenge

I knew that LOST IN THE CITY was a downer (besides being log) so that's why I didn't start it.  Since there's a new HIDDEN EXPEDITION due soon I decided to play DEVIL'S TRIANGLE.  I've only just started it but it's not quite what I wanted.  I'll give it a little more time.  I think I want something bright and fairy-tale like.  The M3 I'm playing is okay but I'm only on level 24 and it's getting HARD!

I would think you could just play the 2 MADAME FATE games too.  You definitely need to play RAVENHEARST before you play RETURN.

I got all excited about the BFG sale and then I saw the details.  Won't be spending any money this weekend!


December 7, 2013 1:26 pm  #1479

Re: Finish your games challenge

lilyr wrote:

I'll have to keep an eye out for DARK ANGEL.

Hey, guess what, lilyr ... Dark Angels: Masquerade of Shadows is on sale at Legacy Games for $2.95 until 13 December!

You can demo it first on GameHouse if you want if you're considering buying it.  But just remember to finish the demo as I found it really boring in the beginning in the office but it gets better and better once you've left there.

What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

December 7, 2013 2:24 pm  #1480

Re: Finish your games challenge

I've always had a hard time with the Expedition games.  I had a hard time with Mystery Stories Mountains of Madness, too.  This one was because there was no map and I just couldn't figure out the layout.  Sometimes the exit would be at the top, sometimes the side, sometimes the bottom but only at the side, and it just didn't make sense to me.  I was alright in the first part, but I just hinted my way through the end part of it.  I didn't understand the story very well while I was playing and at the end they had a synopsis of the game, good thing cause I never would have figured out what was going on!  At least it over.  I wouldn't discourage anyone from playing it, but it wouldn't be on my recommended games list.  Have to go decide what's next.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

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