Finish Your Games Challenge

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December 6, 2013 12:55 am  #1461

Re: Finish your games challenge

hiii all Im back and have read up on what I missed.

Wendy-I own Fairies and just got it within the last year as a DD. I tried to play it, got to the 3rd picture and dexed it. It was sooooo boring. Not only that since its timed, the timer would always run out and Id have to play levels over and over even when I was almost done. The fairy voice bugged me too. 

My oldest bought games are a headache and would take I get to them when I can...I did just play Hidden Expedition-Amazon which was the 2nd game I ever bought and I never finished it because I thought the puzzles were too hard. This time I dominated it. Oh how times change. 
So here are my 5 (not including the ones on the pc side):
go go gourmet-currently playing it now
Love & Death-Bitten
Mummy's Treasure
Spirit Soup-The Queensbury Curse

Kuros & Spirit Soup are adventure only games so time consuming and Mummy's Treasure is like a physics based game and its long but you can skip levels but they get really hard. I think Love & death is a vampire game...

On this list should also be Avenue Flo. Its half done on my moms laptop. Im at a part where I can't do it fast enough with the touchpad so I need a mouse and every time I use it, I forget about the mouse and have no access to it. go figure.

Oscar I loved Arcelia Island... I wouldn't say its the best game ever but there's just something about it that really kept my interest. Id replay it, thats how much I liked it.


Last edited by megwoman25 (December 6, 2013 12:57 am)


December 6, 2013 1:04 am  #1462

Re: Finish your games challenge

I am a happy girl because Playrix finally released Barn Yarn & Aquascapes AND Alawar finally decided to release Elementary My dear Majesty which I have wanted since 2011 so thank you alawar for making that happen and so fast at that lol (sarcasm)

At the moment Im playing Whispered Secrets-Story of Tideville SE. This game is sooo much funner than I thought. For some reason I thought it would be like an ERS game but its so not. I also finished Fearful Tales-Hansel And Gretel CE. Even though I liked this game and gave it 4 stars, I really regret buying the CE version. The bonus was short and not needed. The best part was Eipix's Making of video. The linden shades making of video was hilarious too!

& I have a story about the 3/11/13 thing or 11/3/13. When I first started talking to my now fiance he would put the date as they do in australia as day month year but in america we do month day year and it was may when we first met so once he wrote  9/5/10 and since the seasons are backwards to ours, he said he was in Fall too. I didn't get it so I thought it was September in Australia because it was Fall and the way it was written. When I said that, he goes WHAT and started cracking up. Totally a blonde moment (as I had my hair highlighted then) He still brings it up sometimes and makes fun of me. 

Last edited by megwoman25 (December 6, 2013 1:05 am)


December 6, 2013 4:07 am  #1463

Re: Finish your games challenge

I have finished 7 Wonders- Mystery Magical Tour. It was OK. I managed to get 3 stars on every wonders so I was able to do the 8th. Nothing special at all, just picking up aliens.
I´m "cleaning" my computer (dexing and deleting games that I don´t want to have anymore, many horrible GameGiveAways) and then I found this (I have bought it elsewhere).

Stuesue, since they closed the office in Cork, we never get any translated games.
They only release the CE and  a swedish game as DD.

If I want to get a game in swedish it have to be on Zylom, but their prices are horrible so I only buy if there´s a sale on older games.

I tried to follow GOGs insomnia sale and I only bought a couple.
I looked at the Shiny Lot and wanted some games but forgot it...
(Hubby has our credit card locked, so I must tell him when I want to buy so he can unlock it, he has been getting afraid of all the internet hijackings)


December 6, 2013 4:13 am  #1464

Re: Finish your games challenge

Oscar and Megwoman, on the Word Riddles games (I have all of them,) you can use the right mousebutton as hammer, instead of clicking on it  "manually".


December 6, 2013 8:33 am  #1465

Re: Finish your games challenge

Anki wrote:

Stuesue, since they closed the office in Cork, we never get any translated games.
They only release the CE and  a swedish game as DD.

If I want to get a game in swedish it have to be on Zylom, but their prices are horrible so I only buy if there´s a sale on older games.

I tried to follow GOGs insomnia sale and I only bought a couple.
I looked at the Shiny Lot and wanted some games but forgot it...
(Hubby has our credit card locked, so I must tell him when I want to buy so he can unlock it, he has been getting afraid of all the internet hijackings)

Thanks for confirming that for me, Anki.  It's as I thought.  They must do the French/German translations in Seattle.  But what a pity that it's so hard to get games in Swedish, or at least so expensive. 

I thought the GOG Insomnia sale was so much fun - although it was very hard to leave it to go to bed .  I can't remember how many games I ended up getting but I think maybe 5 or 6.  They were all really super cheap ones and a few of them were games that I think would be too hard for me (action games) but that I'd like to try as they're classics.  So I didn't mind getting them for only a dollar or 2 as, if I don't like them or am really bad at them like I suspect, I'm not really out of pocket that much.  I like trying out new genres when I can get cheap classics as you never know what you're going to like until you try them.

I got quite a few games from Shiny Loot right at the beginning when they started as their start-up sales were fantastic.  But just recently when they had their $1 sale I was only able to get one - Faerie Solitaire - as I already had all the other good ones that interested me.

But I have all the game sites I buy from open in tabs whenever I get on the internet so first thing every morning I get on and check them after I've checked my emails, more often than not hoping none of them have any great sales as I don't want to spend any more time checking them all out.    But I have a list of LFA games I want to get but won't get until they're at least 75% off so I check every day so as not to miss one of those.

I just hope there are more older games on BFG in Swedish that you or your daughter like that you haven't already got. 

What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

December 6, 2013 8:34 am  #1466

Re: Finish your games challenge

For anyone who likes Island Tribe the 5th instalment was released on GameHouse today so should be coming to BFG some time in the near future. 

What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

December 6, 2013 9:26 am  #1467

Re: Finish your games challenge

The info about the foreign language games was in the memo written by Paul Thelen 


On the premium casual business, we will continue to focus investment in our four largest languages: English, French, German and Japanese and will evaluate what amount of new localized content we will provide for our other supported languages.


For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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December 6, 2013 9:32 am  #1468

Re: Finish your games challenge

I'm 30% done with Luxor Evolved.  The Egyptian music has been dumped and the game sounds more like a pinball arcade game.  It moves much faster and is a mess of swirling psychedelic colors.  I imagine it's what it would be like playing one of the other Luxor games while under the influence of LSD.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
     Thread Starter

December 6, 2013 10:30 am  #1469

Re: Finish your games challenge

I tried 15 minutes of the new Christmas Carol game.  I've never much cared for the story but I think I will get the SE if it comes out before Xmas, which I'm sure it will.  I have one lonely PCC expiring mid January, so this would be a good game to use it on.  I used to love the morphs and collectables but now I don't really care that much.  They change verrry sloooowly in this game and I just found myself sitting there staring at the screen looking for a penguin instead of paying attention to the story/game.  You can only click on it when it's a penguin, so if you want to see what it morphed from you have to wait forever for it to change and then morph back to a penguin again.  The SE will be good enough for me.  Oh, I tried it in casual mode, and there's a lot to do and look at in each scene, casual made it incredibly sparkly so I think I will play at a more advanced setting after I buy it.  Although it did make it even more Christmassy  Someone complained about there being an airmail envelope, but a carrier pigeon delivered it, so it was obviously a joke, get a sense of humor, please 
   I can't believe I wrote so much about a game that I wasn't going to get maybe it did give me a little Xmas spirit, it's around 80 here so it's hard to get in that mindset.  I'm going to focus on snowy games this month.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

December 6, 2013 4:06 pm  #1470

Re: Finish your games challenge

Wendy -- I was surprised at all the negative reviews for the Christmas Carol CE.  I might get it if there's a true BOGOF or maybe just get the SE with a PCC.

I finally finished the 2nd CATE WEST.  I liked it  but very drab and dismal sites to search.  I finished with "The Second Best Ending".  I'm not interested in playing it again to try and improve it.  I bought HOLIDAY BONUS GOLD -- a Christmas M3.  I started playing it but didn't like it much.  I tried again today and seem to be liking it more.  I'm not sure how long I'll play it.  I need to find another game to play.  One of my oldest unplayed is LOST IN THE CITY but I remember reading that it is very long.  Besides I want something colorful.


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