Finish Your Games Challenge

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November 20, 2013 3:41 am  #1291

Re: Finish your games challenge

Half price sale at BFG today only, cash only.  No cash from me, I'm afraid.  I'm hoping my new friend who gives me her expiring PCCs will load up on CEs, though, and have lots of expiring PCCs in 2 months time

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

November 20, 2013 11:02 am  #1292

Re: Finish your games challenge

Finished Heroes from the Past: Joan of Arc.  Will be starting Surface: The Pantheon Collector's Edition tonight.  Glad it's a cash only sale, otherwise I might be tempted to get some games.  Didn't buy anything last November, either. 

I've bought less games this year -100 by the end of last October versus 84 by the end of this October.  I'd have to get 32 games in December to equal what I bought last year - not going to happen. 

And I'd have to finish another 35 games by the end of December to equal what I finished last year - and that's certanly not going to happen.  But I've finished more games than I bought, so I'm heading in the right direction.  Maybe I'll finally catch up by the end of next year.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
     Thread Starter

November 20, 2013 11:47 am  #1293

Re: Finish your games challenge

Last year the Bonus Punch Promotion wasn't a regular thing and after the first one or two of them they limited it to GCCs, not PCCs or CS coupons.  In early December they went back to giving punches with the PCCs again.  I know I cashed in a boatload of PCCs and CS coupons just in case they didn't do it again so I had a ton of games and then they had a BOGO shorly after and I bought another boatload of games, a lot of them CEs.  I just checked, looks like I got 33 SEs and 6 CEs last December  I didn't spend any real money that month, though, except for membership fee
I finished 11 of the SEs, got a refund for one, and played parts of 2 others.  I finished 4 of the 6 CEs.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

November 20, 2013 11:50 am  #1294

Re: Finish your games challenge

I am tempted.  It is a BOGOF in the end so I'll see what I want to get and this will be as cheap,as I can get the CEs which I'm a sucker for.  I guess I'm just afraid I'll miss out on something lol.

I just recently started keeping track of my completed ones.  I read  how many you have purchased Tirama and I think wow, but I bet I'm not far behind. (errr)

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

November 20, 2013 2:18 pm  #1295

Re: Finish your games challenge

Go ahead, Oscar, give in to temptation.  It is 1/2 price   I'd do it but I can't spend any cash money.  My membership expires the end of the month, if they don't have an actual BOGO for GCCs by then I will wait until they have one in the spring and rejoin for that. 
I started The Torment of Monte Triste.  I'm enjoying it.  Lots of stuff to do, even without the collectible gremlins.  I read that they were pretty easy to spot and I don't really care about achievements so I'm happy enough with the SE.  Especially since it was given to me.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

November 20, 2013 2:31 pm  #1296

Re: Finish your games challenge

I did Wendy!  I picked up (all CEs) so $57.12 for me
Whispered Secrets Into the Beyond
Otherworld Shades of Fall
Cursery The Crooked Man
Punished Talents: Seven Muses
Queens Tales The Beast and the Nightingale
Revived Legends Road of Kings
Dark Canvas Blood and Stone

(I counted and I have purchased 125 games this year including this last order.  Im not sure how many I have completed this year.  22 since September. I have about 100 unplayed.)

I'm having buyers remorse!  I did not need these.


Last edited by oscar66 (November 20, 2013 2:38 pm)

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

November 20, 2013 3:55 pm  #1297

Re: Finish your games challenge

I'm afraid to count up how many games I've bought this year!  Despite that I'll take a look and see if there are any CEs I just have to have.  There are a couple on your list oscar that i don't have.  But I'm not sure if the SE would be good enough.  Meanwhile I'm certainly not finishing any games.


November 20, 2013 4:39 pm  #1298

Re: Finish your games challenge

Well I am up to level 55 in Spooky Bonus.  I ran out of time in one of the rounds and had to redo.  I don't get what the powerup with the lightning bolt actually does, well I know what it does but how it is utilized best.  Anyone?  I have not played anymore Zombie Solitaire lately and I have three more chapters in Brunhilda.  I have played some Resurrection New Mexico but don't know where I am in the grand scheme of the game.

I think I may start another game in to the roster.  I do have Dreamland that I bought in Oct 2011 that is still unplayed I think something put me off. I'll give it a retry but if it doesn't suck me in I think I'll bin it. As well as Royal Trouble and World Riddles, both from Oct 2011. Shades of Death Royal Blood  from Nov 2011 and then I think I'll be done with 2011.  I also reinstalled the first Stray Souls, I want to replay it before I do the new one.  I read somewhere that there was a continuation to the story so I need a refresher.

What are you playing now Lily?

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

November 20, 2013 5:20 pm  #1299

Re: Finish your games challenge

I decided to get Whispered Secrets Into the Beyond and Punished Talents: Seven Muses.


November 20, 2013 7:03 pm  #1300

Re: Finish your games challenge

I spent 3.49 and bought The Torment of Monte Triste. 

What do you all think of BF new look?  I couldn't find the game forums at first, but I found that little  community button in the top right corner. 

i ♥ nirvana

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