I also used the sale and got Whispered Secrets: Into the Beyond and Punished Talents because I couldn´t wait for a real BOGO. I wanted them now . I used a PCC and got the first Whispered Secrets, The Story of Tideville. I never liked it enough to buy when it first came, but it´s nice to play them in order.
I have two punches left on my card and want both 12 labours of Hercules and The Torment of Mont Triste. I´ll have to see what kind of sale there will be on Thanksgiving, maybe I fill another card...
I haven´t tried MCF yet, I wait for the release, I don´t feel the same excitement as before when the speculation-thread was in CCC.
I have finished Whispered Secrets: The Story of Tideville and Northern Tales 2.
The Story of Tideville was rather fun but not fantastic, it was nice to get to know the characters before playing the second one (which I loved playing the Beta)
Northern Tales was OK , but I liked the first one more. There are some roots in the later levels that I hated
It´s nice that you always get 3 stars in relaxed mode...
Wendy...I really liked Shadow 'Wolf Mysteries: Bane of the Family. I think back then they made all HOPA games with a abundance of HO scenes. When I was playing Haunted Halls: Fears From Childhood you just get done with a HO scenes get the item and it would be sparkling again to do another HO scene. This happened 3-4 times when they were back to back like that.
Anyways I wish I would come across a HO scene in Dire Grove or something. I am so stuck and just wandering around determined not to use a hint or look at the SG. I thought for sure when I did the puzzle to open the trunk in the nautical room I would find something to help me instead what I got was instructions. No big help there. Oh well, off I go back out into the blizzard.
I was wondering if we were going to do another group play at some point. Based on the demo I did, yesterday's game Grimville: The Gift of Darkness seems the perfect game to be done in a group setting. Or at least it seems to be. I just thought I'd put it out there.
I finished level 70 on Heroes from the Past: Joan of Arc. Thinking there's an outside chance f finishing it tonight.
misscatlady2453 wrote:
I was wondering if we were going to do another group play at some point. Based on the demo I did, yesterday's game Grimville: The Gift of Darkness seems the perfect game to be done in a group setting. Or at least it seems to be. I just thought I'd put it out there.
I'm game - i would like to do this one in a group.
I just finished Shadow Wolf Bane of the Family. It ended by saying that Veronica's story was far from done so now I want Cursed Wedding, except the reviews say it's very short and doesn't have a real ending. I do like the Shadow Wolf games. I remember when the first one came out. It was one of the earlier CEs and it took over 5 weeks for the SE to come out, longer than any other SE at that time. I was so mad about the long wait that I decided not to buy it, and I didn't get it for a long, long time. When I finally got it I really enjoyed it. I did like this one, too, despite the overabundance of HOs. Areas of the game closed off and I never had to backtrack too far, I pretty much remembered what I was doing and what the plot was even though I played it over 3 days time. I was even stymied a few times. I will have to play a game with no or few HOs next, though. Maybe Reality Show or my new Torment of Monte Triste.
The 2nd BIG KAHUNA REEF was the first M3 I ever played. I played it a ton of times too because it was very relaxing. Loved watching the fish in between levels. At that time I was heavily into HOGs/HOPAs so an M3 was a real break.
ANKI -- the relaxed mode is the only reason I got NORTHERN TALE. I'm playing the 2nd and having fun. I think the 1st was so different (esp relaxed mode) that it was really special. I'll continue to play this one and try to get all the Achievements. With the first game I had to play a bunch of levels over and over to get them.
Wendy -- I love HOs and not having to traipse all over the continent so the SHADOW WOLF games just might jump up in the (hideously long) "to be played" queue.
Tirama -- For some reason I absolutely LOVE JOAN OF ARC. I've played that over and over again.
sunshinej -- Quite a while ago I tried DIRE GROVE after reading so many good things about it. I got hiopelessly lost WITH the SG!!
misscatlady -- Some day I'd like to do a group play but with the holidays coming up (and a couple of RL problems that have arisen) I don't think I'd have time. And I'm still undecided about whether I want to get GRIMMVILLE. When I saw the picture that goes with it the first thing I thought of was "Wow! He looks like Snidely Whiplash!" (one of the villains in the old ROCKY & BULLWINKLE show).
Misscatlady, Thanks for the tip about the roses; I'll definitely do that.
I finished Malice Two Sisters, kind of. I couldn't bear playing it anymore. It seemed very glitchy to me. I checked the WT and I only had the garden to go plus I read how crappy the ending was so decided I wasn't missing anything. I have decided I have too many games to play and books to read to slog thru something to the end that I am just not enjoying.