I finished Surface The Pantheon CE. I did not find all the flowers so I didn't get all the achievements nor was I able to complete the pantheon section in the extras. I'm not sure what that did. You replayed all the same HO and games. Maybe another time. The narrator did get a little wearing after awhile but all in all it was a pretty solid game, but I was knocked off my chair by it. It was long.
I did beta the new Redemption Cemetary as well, I didn't care for it at all. The cut scenes were a little ridiculous imo. I don't think it will be a buy for me.
Not the best sale but not bad. I'm sorely tempted to pick up Nevertales and The Cursery. But I have managed to not buy anything this month and keep thinking I should wait until Thanksgiving. Anyone remember what they did last year?
I played through the main game for The Cursery. Interetsing game. But towards the end it starts to get really weird and then teh ending just sort of tnaked. Didn't like it at all. Still going to play the Bonus chapter, which seems to take place several years after the main game.
Really excited to try out today's game though. Punished Talents: Seven Muses. Looks like a lot of fun. It is downloading now.
oscar66 wrote:
Not the best sale but not bad. I'm sorely tempted to pick up Nevertales and The Cursery. But I have managed to not buy anything this month and keep thinking I should wait until Thanksgiving. Anyone remember what they did last year?
They released MCF on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, and if you bought it (full price) you could get CE's for half price (cash) provided you bought them at the same time. I think that offer lasted from Tuesday through Friday, and then a deal on SE's was offered on the weekend (the 2.99 Felix's Favorites, maybe?)
I finished the main game of Macabre Mysteries: Curse of the Nightingale Collector's Edition, will play the bonus chapter today and then start Heroes from the Past: Joan of Arc.
Have mixed emotions about this weekend's sale. I really don't want to buy anythng this month, but was beginning to waiver and probably would have got 2 games if we had a true BOGO. So I'm sad I'm not getting anythng new, but glad the sale is something I can pass up.
I still have 14 full price GCC left. The only $$$ I have spent all year at BFG has been for my monthly credits. Next year will feel very wierd for me having to pay as I buy during sales.
You are so lucky. I seriously don't know where I could have been that weekend to miss a sale like that. The only thing I can think of is that my computer was down or something. I think it was in May? the sale. Somehow I missed it.
I'm going to play a bit of Resurrection Mexico today and beta MCF just cause I want to see it. I'm cooking chicken stew and dumplings for some family tonight and making a coconut cream pie. Although that may be an epic fail. For some reason after adding the gelatin the custard is just not thickening up. I'm at a bit of a loss.
Okay I finished the bonus game in The Cursery: The Crooked Man and the Crooked Cat. Damn that one was a bit disturbing. I really don't think I like this game. I doubt I'll play it again. Doesn't help that the bonus chapter has the same repeated puzzles throughout. It got kinda tiring playing the same puzzles over and over again. Each one slightly different but essentially the same puzzles. Oh well.
Thanks misscatlady for telling us about The Cursery: The Crooked Man and the Crooked Cat game. It sounds like I'll be getting the SE.
Played a little Farm Up and Heartwild Solitaire. I'll go back to Surface: Noise after I'm done here. I'm almost tempted by the sale, but not quite. If it was a true bogo I probably would have gotten 2 CEs but I'm pretty much off my CE kick. By not buying all summer there's now quite a few games I have on my wishlist and I can get twice as many if I go the SE route. I only have until the end of the month for my membership, if I don't get a BOGO by then I'll just wait until March or April and rejoin for a month again, they usually have one then.
In unrelated news, I just made my first giant cookie. I made it in my giant gingerbread man pan that I bought last year (or the year before) and haven't used yet. It looks good, now I have to decide if I want to decorate it with frosting
Wendy - you should definitly decorate it. And post the picture here. By the way - what recipe did you use? I want to make gingerbread cookies at some point.