Barre, I got the CE of The Torment of Mont Triste as I loved the demo and it is one of the very few games I bought (in a BOGOF, of course) and played straight away as I couldn't wait to play it. It's not a very challenging game and isn't in my top 5 but I really enjoyed it. I liked finding the goblins, some of which were well hidden, and which are added around the doorway in the achievements area (it's not a room as it's outside). I'm also really glad - for once! - that you can replay all the HOSs (20) and minigames (46!) as I skipped at least one of the minigames as I just couldn't work out how to put the fire out so thought I'd just try it again once I'd finished. The first one is insultingly easy (but then the object is used in the next HOS, which I thought was great) but some of them take a bit of thought and some time and are fun. Some of them were also unique! I also loved the no-gravity room with the HOS there as that was fun. I don't regret getting the CE, however, getting the SE would be fine as the bonus is separate to the main game and takes place in a separate area (up the stairs that are blocked in the main game).
Living Legends: Frozen Beauty Collector's Edition has coins to collect. You use them to buy a bed and toys for your squirrel helper. Can't remember if collecting all the coins and spending them was one of the achievements.
Yes using the coins and upgrading for the squirrel is an achievement, three I believe. I just wasn't thinking of the coins as collectibles. I am enjoying the game quite a bit. I think the one achievement that is going to give me a hard time is finishing 10 puzzles after the skip has recharged. So you have to dither around before finishing the puzzles. And I keep forgetting to do that, so I'm not sure how many I did that on. Or how many puzzles are left.
OMG!! I completed SPOOKY BONUS in timed mode! I never thought I would. Yay me. Now I'm going to download LOST IN NIGHT and replay that. Still playing ZOMBIE SOLITAIRE. Now I've made it out of the sewers. I'm really hoping that I'll be finished with 1st CHRONICLES OF ALBIAN in a day or two. Then I'll be playing a couple of Betas.
I'm beginning to think that I should get MONT TRISTE as a CE.
I finished Living Legends, it was a good game. Fun with lots to do. I did get every achievement which made me and my pet squirrel quite happy. I think I'll play a little Brunhilda or Spooky Bonus or Zombie Solitaire and pick a new game tomorrow. I'm thinking maybe Reincarnation Back to Reality or Resurrection New Mexico. Both I've had kicking around for quite a while.
I got the Torment of Mont Triste as well as a CE, so I look forward to everyone's take on it.
(I did get a little annoyed in Living Legends in the bonus section. I had to use a hint for the first time. In the HOs they called a paw print a STEP and a tassle a BRUSH. I would never have gotten them otherwise. There was one other that made me go huh?)
Last edited by oscar66 (November 11, 2013 11:58 pm)
Hmm I was on the fence about Torment of Mont Christe but it sounds like the SE will be just fine. I actually have the first one, Torment of Whitewall although I haven't played it but I did play all of the demo time and I really liked it so maybe I should play it soon.
Thanks, Anki for the suggestions about The Tiny Tale. I haven't started it yet and the thought of going back to Bedtime Stories makes me yawn so maybe...just maybe I should dig into one of these CEs I have...There are just sooo many and I can never decide which one I want to play. Even if I chose one then I think maybe I should play this other one. Its all too overwhelming sometimes lol
Im not getting anything for BPM...Sale doesn't warrant a purchase and Im going to wait for some SEs of games I really want to become available...
I think its time to play Surface-The Soaring City CE. People who love this series didn't seem to really care for this one BUT I couldn't stand the first 2 so the fact I LOVED the demo of this made me believe it was finally the game for me in the series. Hope I was right !
Lilyr, congrats on finishing Spooky Bonus again in timed mode.
Congrats to Oscar, Tirama, Meg, Anki, Sue, and anyone else I forgot to mention....for finishing your games. Nice to see everyone making progress.
I am still playing Call of the Ages, and so far I've gotten to level 32 in Challenge mode....this level is particularly tough because you have to do it within a certain number of moves without the use of any power-ups.
Last edited by barregar (November 12, 2013 2:37 am)
Decided to play Ballad of Solar as my builder TM. Im on level 4 and so far I like it because not all levels are timed even on timed mode and so far even though I haven't been able to beat levels on the first try, I am able to do them by the second time using my brain. Its also late so I could just be tired. It has voiceovers and so far is pretty interesting in terms of gameplay. I don't have a lot of Alawar games because they never seem to make them for mac but its nice to see they did turn one for us. Ive always wanted the 1000 doors series but Alawar just won't give us those ones. Drives me nuts.
Anyways, glad to see you are able to do challenge mode, Barre and are having a good time doing it. That level you are on sounds super hard!!!
I am on level 98 of Spooky Bonus. Playing timed. Haven't had to replay a level yet but got close on 97 as I beat it with 10 seconds to spare! Would of just finished but realized it was past 4am here! Talk about getting stuck playing a game haha Games are great for insomniacs however I was actually tired tonight. So much for going to bed early! xx
I must be caught up in one of Dr. Blackmore's tentacles because I can't keep away from Haunted Halls. It is so stupid how when I am doing other things I keep on thinking of playing Haunted Halls: Fears From Childhood. I finished the main game, now I am rescuing Tim's Sister in the bonus. Just one more game left in the series Revenge of Doctor Blackmore and then I can think of other games.
These CE's back in 2011 are sure bare bones when comparing them to what the CE's are nowadays.
Looks like BF is getting prepared for their new Mystery Case Files game with today's sale. I still have to play Dire Grove & Shadow Lake yet.
Last edited by sunshinej (November 12, 2013 10:38 am)
Congrats to everyone playing or finished Spooky Bonus. I'm just on level 31 of that and level 30 of Zombie Solitaire. I did start playing Resurrection New Mexico which is interesting and a little spooky. I keep thinking I must be dead. Between this and Brunhilda there is a LOT of HO. All four of these games are not ones I can sit at for a long stretch, so I'll just keep rotating them around.
I was looking at my list of games and the first ones I purchased in 2005 to early 2006 were Sudko Quest, Cake Mania, Snowy Lunchtime Rush, Hotel Solitaire, Twistingo and Prime Suspects. Spread out over 8 months. lol, Cost me $40! What did everyone else first get from BFG?
Last edited by oscar66 (November 12, 2013 5:53 pm)