The Keepers The Orders Last Secret - please remind me if another The Keepers game comes out just how much I disliked this game. I'm not even touching the bonus section. I just have way more I disliked in the game than liked.
Hey Oscar, you just never know. I didn't like the first Enigmatus at all, way too many HOs and running around for my taste, even though I liked the story. I just finished the new one and I loved it!!! It makes me want to replay the first one, but I just played it this year so the memory of how much I hated it is still fresh
I can never seem to pick the right games as CEs. I would have liked to kept playing this one, I had the CE of Dark Strokes and even though I liked the game alright I didn't care if it had a bonus or not, I was done playing it at the end of the SE part. I loved Final Cut 1 and wished I would have had more story and the same with Angelica Weaver. The games that I do have CEs of just don't seem to be anything special.
Well, anyway, I really enjoyed the game. The butterflies were in there, you couldn't collect them but you could find them, they flew away when you touched them. There weren't too many HOs and they were varied kinds, you could also play a picture association game instead. The puzzles were easier than I prefer but that was alright, it kept me more involved in the story. There was a transporter map with hints but there wasn't too much back and forth, I only used it a couple times. Most of the time I remembered where I needed to go and what I needed to do there. If I ever get around to replaying games, this is one I would replay.
Thanks wendy for the advice on Royal Envoy. I know I can go to all the youtube videos and read walkthroughs but if I have to keep doing that, what is the point of playing the game? Its more like taking a test lol maybe I'll love the 2nd one then because I have that one too! I don't even remember demoing it...
ooo so new MCF is based on Madame Fate in the carnival setting. Im excited. I heard elephant games was doing it so maybe I shouldn't be so hasty to write it off.
Whats Pondfriends? is that a website? Im behind on the times xx
Oscar The keepers first game I liked as they were a new developer back then and I was wowed by what they could do. So of course I bought the second in this series and as a CE and I hated it too. I stopped caring what happened and I never played the bonus part. Consider me done with that series too lol maybe we can remind each other!!
I just finished Fairly Twisted Tales-Price of a Rose and I liked it. It was a little hog heavy for me but overall I liked the story and the twists it had. I hated the map though and on expert you don't get any hints on the map where to go so because there are so many locations, I felt like I never knew where to go and half the time it was just to replay a hog scene. Could have lived without it but I gave it 4 stars. Long game too.
I LOVE the enigmatis series. Both games are like close to my heart although I did like the first one better. Replaying it last month, I did find it had too many hogs for me now lol how we change over time but I still loved it. LOVE the evidence board idea. xx
I took a page from Tirama's book and looked at my 2011 games. I started Haunted Halls: Green Hill Sanitarium which I got as a DD on 10/2011. Whoa, what a creepy game right down to its baggy eye cursor. It seems funny to say about a game full of fears and being in a sanitarium, but I am having fun with this one. I was really fasinated and just a little grossed out with those tentacles playing the piano.
Meg, Pond Friends is another forum started by Timebomb when BFG forums went down. Moose had her thread there, did you know her, she passed away last week. They have a link to all the betas there, you can even do the surveys at the end of them. There's a few more forums as well. Valdy has one, The Diving Bell Pubhas been around a while, started by BFG members, and a few others as well. If you're interested I can post the links from my laptop. There is a pond friends on FB, too, started quite a while ago.
I didn't know Moose but have read her thread back in the CCC from time to time. She was a friend of yours, wasn't she, Wendy. I am sorry she has passed away.
I didn't know Valdy had her own forum. I would sometimes see she would post that she does her reviews someplace else now, but she has not elaborated where.
A lot of you play card games, mostly solitare. Has anyone come across or know of card games that you can play on your computer like pinochle or canasta? It doesn't have to be on BF. Thanks
Who has played Mayan Prophecies: Cursed Island CE version? What did you think of it. Would the SE version be okay to get?
sunshinej wrote:
I didn't know Moose but have read her thread back in the CCC from time to time. She was a friend of yours, wasn't she, Wendy. I am sorry she has passed away.
I didn't know Valdy had her own forum. I would sometimes see she would post that she does her reviews someplace else now, but she has not elaborated where.
A lot of you play card games, mostly solitare. Has anyone come across or know of card games that you can play on your computer like pinochle or canasta? It doesn't have to be on BF. Thanks
Who has played Mayan Prophecies: Cursed Island CE version? What did you think of it. Would the SE version be okay to get?
I, like you, sunshinej, didn't know Moose but followed her CCC thread and sent her positive thoughts and had been wondering how she was going. After hearing the sad news from Wendy I finally went and joined PondFriends and read that she passed away quietly in her sleep after fighting to the end. It was very sad news and she was only young. Her poor 21yo daughter.
Valdy posted her web address on BFG the other day and, if you want, I can give it to you tomorrow. It's on my other computer and I can't remember where she posted it but it was in the forums for one of the recent games. That's where she now posts all her reviews.
I haven't looked at Mayan Prophecies: Cursed Island yet so haven't yet decided whether to get the SE, CE or neither. So sorry but I can't help you there.
However, I may be able to help you with the card games. I just checked out GameHouse and thought the following might be what you're looking for - Hoyle Card Games 2012.
The #1 selling card game for your PC just got better with Hoyle Card Games 2012, the most comprehensive collection of card games available.
Pull up a chair and deal yourself in with the greatest card game collection of all time. More than 150 game variations await you in this fantastic set. Choose classic card game favorites like Poker, Gin Rummy and Hearts or try your hand at Cribbage, Euchre or Spades. Even the young-at-heart can get in on the game with family favorites like Go Fish, Old Maid, and War.
The deck is stacked in your favor with large cards, fast game play and an easy-to-navigate interface. Create your own character and compete with over 25 different personalities including a trash talking dinosaur and a Vegas taxi cab driver. Earn in-game currency to purchase new customizations, learn from the smart S.T.S. tutorial system, and follow the official Hoyle rules. Don't wait until Friday night to play your favorite card games.
Finished Fill and Cross: Trick or Treat. Kind of annoyed that I had to get 3 stars on all the previous levels to open the last section but did finally get it. Not a bad nanogram game but still prefer Arizona Rose.
Saving Nevertales an Otherworld Fall for next week when I have some time off. I think that new Blue Tea game should be out Saturday so will probably get that on Monday.
Pondfriends is nice and Timebomb has done a great job with it. I check in when I can ,just like in here, but mainly on my own forum for the most part.
Don't know if you all remember AG ( ahgoodun) . I think he was mostly in the Q and P. He passed away as well on Tuesday night. He has been sick for quite some time.
Govols2, thanks for letting us know about AG. Like Moose, I didn't know him but had followed his struggle as well as Moose's. I knew he hadn't been heard from for a while and I'm so sorry that he's passed away as well, not long after Moose. They both fought a brave fight that ended all too soon. I'm surrounded by death at the moment, also in RL, and I'm really worried about another fishie who hasn't been heard from since 24 September. Another fishie is having biopsies right now on a tumour and is really scared. It's a very sad time right now.
Stusue, who is it that hasn't been heard from since September ?
Poutoule is having biopsies done as well and several tests. She posted in gamingfriends this morning though.
Peppiespet fell and broke her hip. She may be able to leave the hospital on Monday though and then rehab.
Yes, it is a sad time right now. So many are hurting .