Finish Your Games Challenge

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November 5, 2013 11:19 am  #1121

Re: Finish your games challenge

Stusue the golf course comment was to do with MCF.

I finished the main part of Linden Shades.  I thought I was careful but I did miss 1 toy and 10! Crayons.  At then of the main when I was short the crayons I thought maybe they'd be in the bonus chapter but haven't seen any. So I'm working on the bonus.  The credits were good.  I always watch Eipix's.  And their making of trailers.

Phantasmat the first one.  I actually could not get into it the first time I played and put it on the back burner to try later.  I did replay it later but don't remember loving it.

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

November 5, 2013 3:46 pm  #1122

Re: Finish your games challenge

I didn't love the first Phantasmat.  Everyone else seemed to, I thought it was alright, just another game.  I only had the SE, though.  I played the second one, I thought it was alright, not great.  I think the backtracking was kept to a tolelable amount.  I liked the storyline alright, but nothing special.
I've only played Farm Up today, I'm starting to run out of quests.  I need to just quit, the stupid game doesn't even have an ending.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

November 5, 2013 5:14 pm  #1123

Re: Finish your games challenge

I went with The Keepers The Order's Last Secret to play.  I wasn't enamoured of the first one, not sure why I even bought this one based on that but I'm glad I did.  It is quite a well done game.  The voicework is wonderful and the story engrossing.  The puzzles are middle of the road so far and boy are those morphing objects a beyotch.  Some of them stand out because they just don't belong but others you really have to look.  And I'm not sure if there is one in every scene.  The map seems a little useless, it's not very detailed, I'm not sure if it is a transporter or not as I have kind of disregarded it at this point.  It is a very straightforward game to get around in.  The graphics are really wonderful and detailed.  There are achievements.

This game doesn't have this, but I also dislike the achievement that is given if you finish a game in under 4 or 5 hours.  While I generally do, I'd rather not have that pressure (not that I worry about it(.  I often like to soak up the atmosphere and have a good look around. 

I was trying to pick out one of my oldest games but that sort on my GM doesn't help me as I dl'd everything again in May with my new computer, I have found a lot of games from 2012 in my GM .  I'm going to see if I can get thru November without buying anything. Even one from 2010 and a couple form 2011.  I'm sure I must have played them.

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

November 5, 2013 6:39 pm  #1124

Re: Finish your games challenge

I started Brunhilda and the Dark Crystal as well.  I thought I had played it, and I did remember up to making the grow formula.  I must have stopped there for some reason and I had no profile to look at.  It is quite a charming game.  I think the voice acting of that demon is stellar. It is one of my oldest I had there, from 2010.  There is some neat little things in it, graphics are cartoony and perfect for the game.  Loved all the little quests with the rats.

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

November 5, 2013 7:37 pm  #1125

Re: Finish your games challenge

I played part of Brunhilda early this year, Oscar.  I liked it at first but then it was kinda the same thing over and over again so I quit, but I intend to go back to it sometime.  

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

November 5, 2013 11:37 pm  #1126

Re: Finish your games challenge

Oscar,  I liked  Brunhilde,  but my eyes grew tired of looking for those microscopic thingies.  Still,  it was fun.

Barre,  I'll be interested in your opinion of  Call of the Ages  when you're further into it.  I'm in Africa,  or maybe the one after,  level 82 or so.  I only played one of the  "challenge"  levels to see how it was;  want to fnish the main game first.  I think the game is more like  Path of Hercules  than  Around the World.  Gameplay is nearly identical,  with the addition of several diabolical features which make even the  "relaxed"  mode stressful.  And still I love it,  and keep going back for more.  Forum posters complain that several  "relaxed" levels  are actually impossible.  Not so far for me,  though I've had to replay a few.
     In my current saunter through Zombieland,  I'm in the 3rd section of the park;  still haven't bought any powerups.  And I have over 130 thousand gold coins.

Humor will glue your fragments into one whole.  ~Osho

November 6, 2013 2:11 am  #1127

Re: Finish your games challenge

Ok I don't like Royal Envoy, because no matter what I do, past the 12th level, I can't get gold anymore and I like TM games to challenge myself and this one is too challenging which I do not understand since so many people love this series and even the people who don't like these kinds of games like them. I have the 2nd one too, maybe I'll like it better. So basically Im playing it untimed even though it is timed because I can't beat anything. Good thing you can still go on. The rent and banks aspect throws me off.  I have no idea how its possible to get 25k in the time you need in the swamp level especially when the houses sink. Ok rant over. I will play but not for gold, just to play because the gameplay itself is fun.

Im also playing Fairly Twisted-Price of a Rose and I do like this one. A little too hidden objecty but only a few have repeated and I really like the voiceovers and the story.

I think I've played Call of the Ages on my cell phone. I remember really liking it and it was not like 80  days around the world because that one I have on my cell phone too and its not finished because I find it quite repetitive and can't figure out how that game is so popular. It is rather old, maybe at some point it was the best there is but compared to Lost in Night or Cursed House or Laruaville, its really just so so in my opinion.

Im going to try not to buy anything else this month as all my coupons now expire in december. Even MCF because if its anything like last years, I will know to stay away...


November 6, 2013 2:51 am  #1128

Re: Finish your games challenge

Anki wrote:

Stusue, I have also played Call of the Ages. I was so stupid so I bought the CE and the bonus levels are extremly hard, I´m probably going to dex it but I let it rest for awhile.

The main game was fun. I don´t know if the Challenge levels are in the BFG-version but they are also hard. I managed to get stars on the first 14 levels and then...

Anki, thanks so much for letting me know about the challenge levels in Call of the Ages.  I was thinking about getting the Platinum Edition from GameHouse with a coupon I have but one of the reviews said that she'd only managed to get a star on enough challenge levels (as they're so difficult) to play 10 of the 60 bonus levels, so hardly worth it.  Now that I know it was the same for you I think I'll stick to using a PCC on BFG to get it and wait for another Premium/Platinum Edition game that I want on GameHouse.

What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

November 6, 2013 3:11 am  #1129

Re: Finish your games challenge

TiramaSue wrote:

stusue wrote:

Tirama, I can't understand why any developer would include an achievement for NOT playing 5 of their puzzles!    Sounds pretty stupid to me unless, of course, you can play those you skipped in the Extras once you've finished.

I checked the extras and there's 23 puzzles available for replay.  That's probably all of them.

I finished the bonus chapter of Phantasmat Collector's Edition.  I'll start Phantasmat: Crucible Peak Collector's Edition tonight.  I'm anxious to finish that one, it's the only CE bought in 2012 that I haven't played yet.  I don't want to carry it over to 2014.

Tirama, thanks for letting me know that you can replay the puzzles in the extras.  In that case I can easily skp 5 puzzles and play them in the extras.

Have fun with Phantasmat: Crucible Peak CE!  I think I still have games from 2011 I haven't played yet as I keep on playing new games as I don't want to wait to play them when I get them.    I'm currently playing Sacra Terra: Angelic Night CE.  Then I'll play the sequel, Sacra Terra: Kiss of Death CE.

What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

November 6, 2013 9:47 am  #1130

Re: Finish your games challenge

I finished the main game of Phantasmat: Crucible Peak CE.  Will do the bonus chapter today then I'm off to Laruaville.

I still have games acquired in  2010-2012 that I haven't played/completed.  But they're not CE's. 

I'm wondering which CE acquired in 2013 will be giving me the evil eye next November.  Last November I finally played MCF - Escape from Ravenhearst.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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