oscar66 wrote:
Stusue - I usually have it all mapped out and still fail to get it. So I sat there thinking what would stusue do? Or wwssd? I went over those 10 suckers several times had my plan of action all mapped out and started clicking. unfortunately one of my clicks the "slat of metal" did not take and I quickly added a horn to the bicycle and what do you know I did it! I was right about the slat of metal too, not quite sure why it didn't pick up. So thank you!
I have a game, Detective Stories Hollywood, I think it's called. It's real old school. They had a scene where you had to get 30 items in 1 minute, or something like that. It was basically impossible but you couldn't go any farther in the game, there was no skip. I tried about a zillion times. I finally had to do it the way someone described in a thread. I had to play the game in window mode. That way the cursor didn't have so far to move between items. I also had to click outside the window after each item, that paused the game. Then I had to move my cursor to where the next item was, unpause the game, click the item, click outside the window to pause the game again, find the next item.... even then I only had about 3 seconds to spare. And it took me multiple tries even doing it like that!
WendyDarling wrote:
oscar66 wrote:
Stusue - I usually have it all mapped out and still fail to get it. So I sat there thinking what would stusue do? Or wwssd? I went over those 10 suckers several times had my plan of action all mapped out and started clicking. unfortunately one of my clicks the "slat of metal" did not take and I quickly added a horn to the bicycle and what do you know I did it! I was right about the slat of metal too, not quite sure why it didn't pick up. So thank you!
I have a game, Detective Stories Hollywood, I think it's called. It's real old school. They had a scene where you had to get 30 items in 1 minute, or something like that. It was basically impossible but you couldn't go any farther in the game, there was no skip. I tried about a zillion times. I finally had to do it the way someone described in a thread. I had to play the game in window mode. That way the cursor didn't have so far to move between items. I also had to click outside the window after each item, that paused the game. Then I had to move my cursor to where the next item was, unpause the game, click the item, click outside the window to pause the game again, find the next item.... even then I only had about 3 seconds to spare. And it took me multiple tries even doing it like that!
THUD! Ouch!
Wow, Wendy, I checked the game out on BFG and read some of the reviews and it wasn't only that one scene that was obscenely difficult with not enough time to complete it. Once again ... what were the developers thinking?!?!?!?!
Barre, yay, you're going to play Call of the Ages now! " Happy Dance " Now you'll be able to tell me what you think of the game past the demo.
Oscar, I sure did get a kick out of it (and I'm still rubbing a certain part of my anatomy where it landed ). I have Phantasmat: Crucible Peak but haven't played it yet so don't know if it's a continuation or not. But I played the first one and loved it. The M3s that you can play once you've finished are some of my fav M3s and I love the music when you play them. I haven't played them for ages, though, so maybe I should download the first one again and play before playing the second. But... golf course?
Tirama, I can't understand why any developer would include an achievement for NOT playing 5 of their puzzles! Sounds pretty stupid to me unless, of course, you can play those you skipped in the Extras once you've finished.
I just finished Grim tales-The stone queen SE and Im quite disappointed. They changed the format! You don't go back into any memories like the other games, its just your run of the mill game and the story line is way confusing n disjointed. Compared to The Legacy and The Wishes, this one feels like it belongs to a whole other series!!!
Sooo today, I splurged and got the 3 CEs i wanted because the codes still worked and then got 3 other games with pccs. So I got 3 pccs for all that I have so many new games right now, I can't even install them because they were eat up too much hard drive space. talk about an addict.
Oscar Crucible Peak isn't a continuation. It takes place in the snow whereas the original was a creepy hotel in the woods I believe. I dexed Crucible peak halfway through though. Even though ERS did honor it and keep it like the original in terms of gameplay, it just didn't do it for me and the voiceovers drove me nuts!!
Anyways with the sale & pccs I got:
Otherworld-Shades of Fall CE
Nevertales-The Beauty Within CE
Revived Legends-Road of the Kings CE
12 Labours of Hercules
Shop n Spree-Family Fortune
Web of Deceit-Deadly Sands SE
I find it funny how I never bought CEs and now I can barely resist them especially if they have really good collectibles and extras. Phantasmat was one of the first I ever bought and totally worth it I might add.
Last edited by megwoman25 (November 5, 2013 4:49 am)
Wendy I liked Sins of the Fathers BUT I was also dismayed with how it never cleared up that one part in the ending AND in the beginning the hidden object scenes were highly interactive BUT as time went on, they stopped being interactive and were just lists which made me angry. I really really liked the interactive ones. Its like the developers got lazy lol
I have finished World Mosaics 7. It will remain in my GM because it´s good to have a "go to"
game when you only have a few minutes and then I go to the bonus section an replay them.
I ´ve also finished Off the Record: Linden Shades CE. Nearly looks like a group-play
I really liked this one! I finished the main game in one sitting because I just couldn´t stop
I got all the achievements except the 10 in 10 seconds (before I read wwssd ) and skipping 5 puzzles. I just couldn´t skip them , they were so fun.
The credits are so funny : No farmers were hurt during this game...
Stusue, I have also played Call of the Ages. I was so stupid so I bought the CE and the bonus levels are extremly hard, I´m probably going to dex it but I let it rest for awhile.
The main game was fun. I don´t know if the Challenge levels are in the BFG-version but they are also hard. I managed to get stars on the first 14 levels and then...
Played a bit more of 12 Labours of Hercules and I'm getting kind of annoyed. I'm not sure which level it is but there is this one point where you are constantly made to wait for money to generate because what you originally get is used up super quick and there is no way aorund it. I find it impossible to get even one star on this level. So I gave up for now. May go back to it at some point.
I started playing Call of the Ages and I am loving it !!! You have 8 diff. lands that you travel to, collecting the artifacts. There is also a list of achievements. After finishing the first 2 lands, which is America and Italy, you open up the Challenge mode. That means you can go back whenever you like to America and you can play 6 levels of challenge mode. I'm sure other lands might have more levels as the game progresses. Each level is different, e.g. you might have to finish the level within 30 moves, or finish it before your time runs out, and there is also one where you have to finish before time runs out but without the help of any power-ups, etc. Once you manage to get all the gold stars, you get the achievement Hero of America (or whichever land you are in). The main game starts out rather easy but gets progressively harder. The challenge levels are the hardest of all.
Anyone who says this is exactly like Around The World In 80 Days is not quite correct. The addition of the challenge levels makes it doubly interesting as well as very challenging. We also have a whole list of achievements. I am enjoying myself playing this game, and the other M3 Spooky Bonus pales in comparison. Spooky Bonus is too easy, whether timed or untimed.
stusue wrote:
Tirama, I can't understand why any developer would include an achievement for NOT playing 5 of their puzzles!
Sounds pretty stupid to me unless, of course, you can play those you skipped in the Extras once you've finished.
I checked the extras and there's 23 puzzles available for replay. That's probably all of them.
I finished the bonus chapter of Phantasmat Collector's Edition. I'll start Phantasmat: Crucible Peak Collector's Edition tonight. I'm anxious to finish that one, it's the only CE bought in 2012 that I haven't played yet. I don't want to carry it over to 2014.