Finish Your Games Challenge

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November 1, 2013 3:51 pm  #1081

Re: Finish your games challenge

I only played about 7 levels of Spooky Bonus last night, I'm playing timed cause I'm greedy for that extra gold! I find there is always 2+ mins left.   I'm with Barre, while I do find it fun it does get a little samey. I played a little Zombie Solitaire as well, I think I'm in the second set of the bridge.  Match 3 aren't my favourite games so you can take anything I say about them with a grain of salt, but I was really disappointed when I demo'd Call of Ages.  I think I was expecting it to be a little more like Farmscapes in that there was something to do after you cleared the boards.  I wish in Spooky Bonus that decorating the house wasn't just here buy this but more like the decorating aspect of The Yard Sale games, which I found quite fun.

Last edited by oscar66 (November 1, 2013 3:52 pm)

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

November 1, 2013 8:56 pm  #1082

Re: Finish your games challenge

I just finished the main game of Dark Strokes Sins of the Father.  It was pretty good.  There's no bells and whistles to it, no morphs or collectibles, but the story was good.  You never had to backtrack too far.  Seemed like more HOs than puzzles but not that many of either.  Good SE ending, and you actually had an ending, it took a minute or so, some are over so fast you miss them.  Wonder what the bonus will bring?  There was an unexplained part of the story, so I'm hoping it has to do with that.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

November 2, 2013 4:51 pm  #1083

Re: Finish your games challenge

NOOOO!  I just bought the Fairy Trees in 1st Albian and now I have another 4 items to buy.  This will cost at least 80k gold.  I have 482.  

I started SPOOKY BONUS in timed mode.  Got all the way to level 50 before I had to repeat a level!  I'll keep going until/unless it gets frustrating.


November 2, 2013 5:35 pm  #1084

Re: Finish your games challenge

I finally play Grim Tales: Bloody Mary CE. I started yesterday and finished it today. The main game and the bonus. The main game ended nicely, the bonus was a side story on how Bloody Mary got the way she was. It was a good game. All the sparkles were quite annoying though. I also didn't like how the hint button just told you what to do next. A lot of the time I didn't find it much help when I was having trouble finding something. It was quite spooky in some areas of the game. INteresting twist at the end of the main game.

I'm going to do the trial for Queen's Tales: The Beast and the Nightingale in a little bit I think.


November 2, 2013 5:52 pm  #1085

Re: Finish your games challenge

Snap misscat.  I started Bloody Mary yesterday as well.  I finished it off earlier today with just the bonus to finish. I didn't really like it at first but I felt it got better as it went on. I  liked the mirror world aspect and all the little puzzles.  I played it on the middle level and didn't notice too many sparkles just the HO scenes I think.  The map was semi helpful imo only to jump.  I just kept roaming around until I stumbled across items I needed and did use the sg a couple of times during the kitchen mirror chapter.

Last edited by oscar66 (November 2, 2013 5:53 pm)

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

November 2, 2013 5:58 pm  #1086

Re: Finish your games challenge

Finished Spooky Bonus and really liked it. It wasn't that hard but I was enjoying it. Around level 94 or so it got a little hard and I was finishing with barely seconds to spare. Had to replay a couple of the last few levels also. I didn't get all the decorations until the next to last level so it worked out just right.

Replayed World of Zellians. Such a relaxing game for me. 

Trying to decide if I want to get any games on the sale. I already got Nevertales and I picked up The Happy Hereafter and Fill and Cross: Trick or Treat in the Halloween sale. 

Any new IHOG's that came out this month that are really good ? CE or SE.


November 2, 2013 8:32 pm  #1087

Re: Finish your games challenge

I've been doing demos all day and fighting with Farm Up.  It froze last night and then it wouldn't load, it would only go to the BFG splash screen and then exit.  This morning I decided to delete and reinstall, hoping it wouldn't kill all my progress.  The darn thing wouldn't d/l.  Kept telling me there was no such file.  I finally had to delete my GM and tonight it finally worked.  All my crops were dead when I fially got back in there.  I had to pay 2 gold to revive them.  I figure it was worth it, I would have had to get a ton of energy to hoe up dead plants and then replant them and lose all the money I spent to plant them in the first place.  
I've been on the French site and I just now noticed a popup that asked me if I wanted the page translated into Englis  Hell, yes  I'm slowly talking myself out of CEs and into SEs.  They don't have the newest ones, though.  No SNOW!  I don't think we will have a BOGOthis month.    MCF comes out, the last few years we've had BoGo at Xmas.  The English site sale is almost a BOGO but you have to use cash, can't do it, have to stick to French BOGO.   God, it sucks to have no money.  At least I have lots of games.  And I'll have even more if I can make myself stick to SEs. I don't need no stinkin' morphs or collectibles, mutter, mutter.

Last edited by WendyDarling (November 2, 2013 8:37 pm)

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

November 2, 2013 11:52 pm  #1088

Re: Finish your games challenge

I finished Bloody Mary.  I confess my mind was starting to wander in the last half of the bonus.  I did get all of the collectibles but missed two achievements.  I can never get that 10 in 10 seconds. The Hall of Memories seemed to be a rehash of some of the HO scenes (they didnt even change items) and puzzles.

I would think BFG will give some sort of sale for Black Friday.  For me I don't mind waiting I have so many to play it starts to get a little overwhelming and everytime there is a bogof I end up getting another 8 games (at least). It will be easier on the pocketbook with Xmas coming and I do have 1/2 dozen pccs.

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

November 3, 2013 2:07 am  #1089

Re: Finish your games challenge

Im real torn now that I have some money in my pockets, if I should get a CE for $7.99 on the US site. That is a really good price. Not as good as a BOGOF but for what bfg has been giving us lately, that is pretty low to pay for a CE and I really really want Nevertales...If I decide to buy it, it will be monday since the codes usually still work and I'll get double the punches...which will make my punch card even and easy to fill. 

I tried the new ERS game and its just like Beauty and the Beast and there have been a whole lot of those adaptations done already and its just too cutesy for me. I decided to give it a pass. I am going to get 12 labours of Hercules at some point as I LOVED the trial. It was such a fun game with some new game mechanics. I am a fan of the builders, well most of them. I can't stand the Rescue Team ones...not sure why either...

I am playing Grim Tales-The stone queen SE. I am sooo close to being able to play Bloody Mary CE. I like this game. Still cannot figure out how this family gets themselves into so many messes. Good thing they have me, the detective 

Also, I am trying to play Royal Envoy SE. I have always sucked at this game but then I got really into builder games and got pretty good so I am going back to try and beat this one. I am doing pretty good so far. I was able to beat a bunch of the pirate levels with gold, last time I couldn't figure out how to raise enough to pay off the pirate in time lol but now Im doing good and its so fun. I own the 2nd one and the 3rd isn't out for mac yet but I am really liking it this time around. 

Spooky Bonus gives A LOT of time for the timed levels. I find its way more time than I need usually. I am only on level 40 though and I guess it will go past halloween as its already november!

The US turns the clocks back tonight, well if you are in a state that does it. I love having the extra hour but hate having it get dark so soon...


November 3, 2013 6:49 am  #1090

Re: Finish your games challenge

If anyone wants Cursed Fates: The Headless Horseman - Collector's Edition for PC (I know it's old but maybe there's someone who never got it) it's on sale at Legacy Games for $3.45 - and that's for the CE!  They also have 34 other games on sale at up to 60% off for Halloween.  The sale ends today.

I've just finished Laruaville - well, I've finished building the town and am up to Level 96; I don't know how many levels there are but there's nothing left to build.  I'll also never get all the achievements as, after passing on the Mahjong minigame for the 3rd time in a row, I was asked if I wanted to pass on all the puzzles and I said yes.  What I didn't know was that I woudn't be asked to search for anything in the HOSs, either, and I didn't mind doing those as the objects were really well hidden, and one of the achievements is to do 20 puzzles.    I also missed out on 2 other achievements but that doesn't worry me so much.  I thought it was an okay game and the boards get progressively harder as for some of them you really have to put your thinking cap on to find where there's a move to even start.  But all you have to do is match 5 and get bombs which get the coins so the boards are generally over really fast.  I just wish the boards had been bigger and a bit harder.  But I loved the really thinky boards!   

Now I'm going to do the new beta for Artifex Mundi - Grim Legends: The Abyss.

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