Finish Your Games Challenge

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October 28, 2013 7:40 pm  #1031

Re: Finish your games challenge

Thanks everyone for the code name.  I used it and got the Nevertales game.  That filled up my card so I am done for the month.

Tirama...How about Legacy: Witch Island for your 3rd game.  I'll be picking up that one in November.

i ♥ nirvana

October 28, 2013 8:10 pm  #1032

Re: Finish your games challenge

wow am I behind!! I just read all 10 pages or so...very informative  I was out of town last week and then came home to finding out one of my dear friends died in a car accident. Although we are all heartbroken, we are also very relieved because she had been sick since birth with a heart condition and just given 6 months at best at age 27. She was suffering and already spiralling downhill so although this way was more tragic than I can ever express, at least she is now at peace. 

In terms of games...welll lets see how good my memory is shall we 

This month I have bought 16 games...hmm no wonder Im poor this month LOL
Spooky Bonus 
Surface-Panthenon SE
Nancy Drew-Secrets Can Kill Remastered
Nancy Drew-Trail of the Twister
ashley clark-secret of the ruby
cake shop 3
lost in reefs 2-DD
dark cases-blood ruby SE
The Tiny Tale
League of Light-Dark Omens CE
Mayan Prophecies-Cursed Island CE
Enigmatis-mists of ravenwood CE
Left in the dark-no one on board
Sable Maze-Norwich Caves SE
Jigsaw Galore- DD
Criminal Minds-DD

All of those were either a DD, with a pcc or a BOGOF sale...and I think an 8.99 sale...

This month I have finished:
Dark Dimensions-City of Ash SE
Secrets of the Dark-Mystery of the Ancestral Estate SE
European Mystery-Scent of Desire CE
Grim Tales-The Wishes SE
Phantasmat-Crucible Peak SE -Although I dexed this halfway through...snore fest
Old Clockmaker's Riddle-Dexed it halfway
kingdom chronicles se
enigmatis-ghosts of maple creek SE
-replayed to remember so I could play new one

I feel like Im forgetting some...oh well.

As of right now...Im playing 
The Missing-A search the Rescue Mystery SE
GardenScapes Mansion Makeover
World Mosaics 4
Seven Seas Solitaire
Shop n Spree: Shopping Paradise TM
& I should probably add Spooky Bonus since I will be playing it once it downloads.

ohhh I know... I played Azada-Ancient (can't remember the name)! I had never finished this one because it was on my moms laptop soooo I finished that one too. I remembered just how much I missed the original azada idea..sigh..another great game idea down the drain.

Anyways hope all of you are well...This is way long because I haven't been here lately.  hiiiii to everyone



October 28, 2013 9:08 pm  #1033

Re: Finish your games challenge

Hi stusue.  Good to see you.  Hope you feel better soon.

Hi meg.  Sorry about your friend.  But as you say she;s at peace.

I restarted ZOMBIE SOLITAIRE and it is going quite quickly.  Can't wait until I hit level 30 so I can buy the deck of cards!



October 28, 2013 10:02 pm  #1034

Re: Finish your games challenge

I decided to get Call of the Ages to complete my card.

So make that 13 games bought for October.  I'm going to play Grim Tales: Bloody Mary Collector's Edition next, and hope I can finish it in 2 days.  That will give me 10 completed for the month and I can start Fill and Cross: Trick or Treat on Halloween.

Used my 2 November pcc's, don't have anything expiring until Dec 13.  So, unless there's a CE BOGO next month or there's 3 SE's that I can't live without, I won't be getting any games next month.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
     Thread Starter

October 29, 2013 12:00 am  #1035

Re: Finish your games challenge

Hi Sue, life is not too good.  Got distracted by spending too much time in the forums and neglecting my work, so now I have to work hard this week, so much stress, have not been playing my games, so won't be in forums too often, priority is work.  Hope you get well soon. Take care.

Hi Meg, long time no see, wow, such a long list of games....bought as well as played.  Sorry to hear about your friend but she is at peace now and that's what matters.  Enjoy your games.

Today I bought 3 games, all with pccs.
Call of the Ages
Tales of Lagoona 2: Peril at Poseidon Park
Heartwild Solitaire

The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?  Psalm 27:1

October 29, 2013 12:28 am  #1036

Re: Finish your games challenge

OMG! I bought SPOOKY BONUS today and am loving it!  I had to tear myself away after I finished level 30.  I even wrote my first ever review on the game page.   I know i gets harder but if i could do HERCULES I should be able to do this one.  It is just so much fun!


October 29, 2013 5:27 am  #1037

Re: Finish your games challenge

meg, so sorry about your friend ~ such a tragic end to her brief life but knowing that she is whole and at peace, her struggles are over.  Hope everything is well with you, enjoy your games.

Hope everyone is doing well, a little envious of all the games bought that I won't get to check out but glad for the money saved.  Just wishing my life would settle down some so I could enjoy mine but like barre, must put the issues that need priority to the front, for now.  Have to drive down to my folks' house tomorrow and confront the mess there and they are calling for 100% rain so not looking forward to that.  I have been doing a little X-stitching while I watch the World Series (baseball fan here) so getting to spend a little time doing what I like here and there.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

October 29, 2013 7:31 am  #1038

Re: Finish your games challenge

meg, sorry about your friend too...

I haven´t finished any game since last time but am struggling with Namariel. I bought it last week with an expiring PCC because of the raving reviews but find it rather hard and not so fun, so I ´m taking my time...

As Punch Card filler I bought Legacy:Witch Island and City of Fools(swe version)!!!
Note to myself:Never buy on swedish site(no BPM there)!  Luckily I had one punch dangling...

I also have restarted Moai: Build Your Dream. I bought it when it came out and never finished it because I couldn´t get all gold coins and left it on level 40 something. Yesterday when I decided to continue, all my progress was gone! How could that happen

But it was fun and suddenly it was 01.30 AM. I´m tired today


October 29, 2013 7:33 am  #1039

Re: Finish your games challenge

barregar wrote:

Today I bought 3 games, all with pccs.
Call of the Ages
Tales of Lagoona 2: Peril at Poseidon Park
Heartwild Solitaire

I know I mentioned this before but quite awhile ago, the developer is giving away Heartwild Solitaire (Author's Edition whatever that means) for free until sometime in December as a Thank you, 5 th anniversary present. 

Meg, I'm sorry about your friend. There's just so much I want to say but....

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

October 29, 2013 10:29 am  #1040

Re: Finish your games challenge

Meg...Very sorry to hear about your friend.  My sympathies to you.

I see you bought Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill Remastered game.  I just want to mention that there was a group play done on this game last year and you can find it in the game forums at BF.  It might come in handy for you if you get stuck.

barre...Hope the work pressure eases for you soon and you can start relaxing by playing your games.  Same goes for you to Teeitup.

i ♥ nirvana

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