Finish Your Games Challenge

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October 27, 2013 3:24 pm  #1001

Re: Finish your games challenge

Barre,  Playing  Zombie Solitaire for the second time,  so far I don't seem to be doing much better.  (Darn!  it is hard to stop,  isn't it?)  My goal is to use fewer  "coins,"  so I'll have more for the harder levels.  But.  I can't stop using  the  "wild tombstones"  for a long enough run
to get the 3x  bonus.  Haven't tried the one that gives you a new deck,  but I will.  I mostly use the  "slap."
   Yes,  I love  Imperial Island,  especially those amazing graphics!  I finally reached 100%,  and yes,  now I know it's an endless game.  Oh,  well.

Humor will glue your fragments into one whole.  ~Osho

October 27, 2013 6:38 pm  #1002

Re: Finish your games challenge

I am very happy today because I discovered that they have released the fix for Tales of Lagoona 2: Peril At Poseidon Park.  I d/l the demo and so far so good, no freezing.  Now I have to wait until Nov. before I can get it because I don't want to start another punch card.  

The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?  Psalm 27:1

October 27, 2013 8:40 pm  #1003

Re: Finish your games challenge

I've been playing Dark Strokes(that doesn't sound right, it sounds dirty) Sins of the Father CE off and on all day.  I just quit for the night and looked at the strategy guide to see how far I was.  I'm just starting Chapter 7 of 14!  Played 6 chapters and 8 to go, plus the bonus.  Quite a long game.  It's been pretty good, too.  I had to skip one puzzle, the one where you have a square that's usually 6x6 and you have to get all the same colored pieces into each corner.  Usually I'm pretty good at similar moving puzzles but the kind like this I just can't figure out how to move the last few pieces.  I have to skip it every time.  I can do the slider ones to make the picture but I just can't get this type.  Oh, well.
  I keep almost giving up on Farm Up.  I'm mid 30s level and about all there is to do is grow wheat, process it into flour, and then process it into something else.  Wheat costs almost a thousand dollars a plant and you need 3 of them to make 1 flour and you need 3 or more flours to make anything, some things take 8 or more.  Then when you finish whatever quest it is, and it takes days,  they give you way less money than what you put into growing the wheat!  I'm slowly going broke!  The only thing you can do is take a day off of wheat and plant some turnips to sell for a profit now and then.  The first 20 some levels are really fun, then it just turns into pure drudgery.  And there' no real ending to the game.  

The keyboard on the PC really sucks, the keys don't go down easily and I end up not getting letters pressed all the way down and I'm tired of going back and correcting.  I usually fix it, but if I miss some, you all know what happened now.  I really like how well people on our thread write and spell, so sorry aout my stupid keyboard,

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

October 27, 2013 9:15 pm  #1004

Re: Finish your games challenge

Don't worry about it Wendy. I ended up getting Nevertales this weekend and my God is it a good game. It's got quite a lot of different things to it. Everything is very interactive. There were several instances that left me scratching my head and I had to go to the forums of BFG to figure out what I was supposed to do. I finished the main game and am on to the bonus. But there are also like three hidden chapters beyond the main game and bonus. Which should be interesting.

For those who may wait for the SE, the main game ends satisfactory but the bonus is a continuation of the story in a way.  Will let you guys know how the hidden chapters are once I get to them. I want to see about finishing the bonus chapter tonight but not sure if I'm going to be able to.


October 27, 2013 9:16 pm  #1005

Re: Finish your games challenge

Hi.  I'm sill slogging away.  I'm replaying JOAN OF ARC because i like it a lot and because I wanted a game where I could actually finish!  CHRONICLES OF ALBIAN is almost finished (I hope)!  I'm on the screen where you get the fairy trees.  Even so I have 2 more items to buy and I'll need 25,000 more gold.  I did manage to get the trophy (and more importantly the golf bucks) for using 3 mulligans on one course.  I got the 3rd mulligan early with a wild card and then just deliberately used them.  I'll never finish ZOMBIE SOLITAIRE unless I start over. I'm in the sewers (level 33) and I've been there forever! I guess I should save my money and try to buy a new deck. I used up my whole demo on THE BEAST OF LYCAN ISLE and like it.  I'll buy that and SPOOKY BONUS tomorrow.  That will leave me with one punch but that's okay.

I'm only counting games that I've played for the first time as "done".  If I'm lucky I'll finish one more for a total of 4 this month! yikes.


October 27, 2013 10:29 pm  #1006

Re: Finish your games challenge

Lily,  Probably a good idea to start over on  Zombie Solitaire.  It goes pretty fast at first,  and you'll be back in the sewers in no time!

I'm  playing  Nevertales,  and really like it,  though I'm not good at finding morphing objects,  and other stuff I forget I'm supposed to be looking for.  Also playing  Crop Busters.  (My "bold"  thing suddenly won't work.)  It's a M3 builder with marvelous graphics:  a  "farm"  apparently created and run by this one girl,  who seems to do nothing but wander around admiring her work. Meanwhile,  she's got cows, chickens,  a weaving factory,  and a multitude of various projects producing merrily,  with no visible assistance.

Humor will glue your fragments into one whole.  ~Osho

October 27, 2013 10:54 pm  #1007

Re: Finish your games challenge

I finished Zombie Solitaire !!!  and still had so much money left over...45,000 I think.  The trick is to buy the new deck or what they call New Stable.  I didn't buy any of the others because it's not worth it, especially the "slap" because it always appears so you get it for free.  The slap only zaps one card, but the new deck will always give you a Perfect score.  So I buy 3 new decks all the time, and sometimes I re-stock my nos. 2-9.  Hope my tip helps.  I may replay one day but not so soon.  Now I'll try and finish off Spooky Bonus.

The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?  Psalm 27:1

October 27, 2013 10:57 pm  #1008

Re: Finish your games challenge

Lilyr, did you try Call of the Ages, the new M3?  or did you not like it?  When November gets here, I'm getting Call of the Ages and Lagoona 2.

The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?  Psalm 27:1

October 28, 2013 12:03 am  #1009

Re: Finish your games challenge

Wow!  Come on BOGOF!! I'm getting excited reading all your descriptions of games!  I didn't try CALL of ther AGES.  I did get LAGOONA2 but I'm glad there's a fix.  After playing 1st Albian I think it will be a long time until I play LAGOONA 2 or ALBIAN 2 or even GARDENSCAPES 2.

Sandhan you made me LOL with your "start over; you'll be back in the sewers in no time." comment.

Thanks for the tip barregar.  I guess I really should start over.


October 28, 2013 4:15 am  #1010

Re: Finish your games challenge

Barre,  I'm anxious to try your  "Zombies"  tip.  At what point do you use the  "New  Deck"  card?

Humor will glue your fragments into one whole.  ~Osho

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