Finish Your Games Challenge

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October 20, 2013 2:56 pm  #931

Re: Finish your games challenge

Lily,  I started over with a new profile.  You get out of the yard by using the crowbar on the board the crow is sitting on.  Hope this helps.

Humor will glue your fragments into one whole.  ~Osho

October 20, 2013 4:03 pm  #932

Re: Finish your games challenge

sandhan -- Thank you so very much!  At least there is a thread for the sewers in the Game Forum! 

Tirama -- Thank you for the kind words about my F2P games.  My backlog is so huge that I'd go nuts if I worried about it! (seriously).


October 20, 2013 8:25 pm  #933

Re: Finish your games challenge

Hi, Jen, and everybody else.

I got my codes from Playrix a few hours later and I'm happily playing RE3.  I'd forgotten how much I like these games.  I like how everything feels.  RE was what got me into TMs in the first place.  I like the music and how they cheer at the end.  I know other games do it too, but I like it so much better in RE.  Im a happy camper.  I really like Playrix games.  And I get them so cheaply
I also have Farm Up FTP going on the laptop.  I have 5 pastry factorys now so I'm starting to get some cabbage pies produced and will be able to move on to some different requests soon.  I rearrange my farm when I don't feel like cashing in my energy bottles.  I have a sitting area next to an orchard.  I have a bench in front of my red pomegranite trees which are flanked by blueberry bushes.  Both those plants cost gold, but they never die and they are sooo pretty.  I won't pick the last crop so they will last forever in my pretty little corner.  I have a fountain, some mushrooms, a birdhouse and a pretty marble vase filled with pink flowers.  There are a couple heart shaped pavers on the ground in front of my bench.  I like to just sit in front of the computer and imagine I'm sitting in my gorgeous little paradise.  Oh, I forgot, I have 5 rosebushes growing over there as well.  Gots to have me some roses 
I downloaded Echoes of the Past and played a few minutes.  I played the rest of the series earlier this year and didn't care for them at all.  I felt the same way about this one.  It has tons of good reviews but I think I will follow my gut and take a pass on it.  I left plenty of demo time on it, though, so when a BOGO does come around again I can try it for a little longer.  
 I'm off to shuffleboard tomorrow.  Life is good again, who knows for how long, but I'll appreciate it while it lasts.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

October 20, 2013 9:14 pm  #934

Re: Finish your games challenge

sandhan -- Thank you so much!  I'm out of the yard!   I could swear that I used the crowbar on that part of the fence.  Maybe you have to use it more than once.

Wendy -- I've never been tempted to play FarmUp but your little sitting area sounds lovely!


October 21, 2013 5:55 am  #935

Re: Finish your games challenge

Jen...I was wondering where you were at.  Good to see you again and I hope you get some down time soon.

I finished Cursed Tales: The Headless Horseman.  I really liked this game.  The SE version ends like you expect it to.  If you watched the movie with Johnny Depp in it - This game is similar to that.  I sort of wished I had got the CE version of game.  The voiceovers were excellent and really pulled you into the game and also I was familar with the plot too.  A wallpaper of the headless horseman would be a nice bonus too.  Thinking about upgrading.


Last edited by sunshinej (October 21, 2013 9:32 am)

i ♥ nirvana

October 21, 2013 6:10 am  #936

Re: Finish your games challenge

I was at Target on Friday and of course I checked out their pc games.  I found this Mystical Realms Collection with 20 complete games in it.

1. Sacra Terra: Angelic Night CE
2. Sacra Terra: Kiss of Death CE
3. House of 1000 Doors: Serpent Flame CE
4. Stray Souls: Stolen Memories CE
5. The Curse of Werewolves DE - Deluxe Editon
6. Mountain Trap: The Manor of Memories DE
7. Emerland Solitaire - DE
8. The Saint: Abyss of Despair
9. The Veil of Mystery: 7 Little Gnomes
10. Silent Scream: The Dancer
11. Odysseus: Long Way Home
12. Treasures of Mystery Island: The Ghost Ship
13. Arizona Rose & the Pirates Riddle
14. In Search of the Lost Temple
15. Snark Busters 3: High Society
16. Oddly Enough: Pied Piper
17. Hide & Secret: Treasure of the Ages
18. Hide & Secret: Cliffhanger Castle
19. Hide & Secret: Pharoah's Quest
20. Hide & Secret: The Lost World

Some I didn't care about, some I already had, but there was enough left to justify the $20.00 price for it.  Right now I am playing  The Curse of the Werewolf.

Last edited by sunshinej (October 21, 2013 6:11 am)

i ♥ nirvana

October 21, 2013 9:45 am  #937

Re: Finish your games challenge

Wow sunshinej!  I've never seen this at my Target. Ummm.. I'm really embarrassed to say that I have pretty much all of these games but I've only played 2.  Maybe 3, (darn I wish I could tell what these smilies are! I wanted embarrassed but I think this is kissed?)

Thanks for the brief description of  CURSED TALES: THE HEADLESS HORSEMAN.  These help me decide  whether a game goes up or down on the list and it also inspires me to get my games played!


October 21, 2013 9:46 am  #938

Re: Finish your games challenge

I finished the main game of Nightmares from the Deep: The Siren's Call Collector's Edition.  Today I'll play the bonus chapter and check out some games and find one to get with my PCC.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
     Thread Starter

October 21, 2013 2:41 pm  #939

Re: Finish your games challenge

Is anyone taking advantage of the  GOGII  half price sale?  I'd love to,  especially since it's Monday,  but not sure they have anything I want.
I might get  Spooky Bonus,  the new  M3;  the demo was fun.

Humor will glue your fragments into one whole.  ~Osho

October 21, 2013 5:07 pm  #940

Re: Finish your games challenge

I picked up Spooky Bonus with a pcc and finished off my punch card.

I think I'll have to play Nightmares of the Deep Sirens Call next.  I am enjoying Strange Discoveries Aurora Peak.

With the Gogojii sale there were a couple that I wouldn't mind getting but I might as well use a pcc on them as they are SE  and I want to, shockingly for me, demo them both! Lol

Last edited by oscar66 (October 21, 2013 5:10 pm)

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