I'm not giving into temptation either. I want the new BoomZap game, but I'd only be pairing it up with an "it will do" game. Now that my half-price credits are all gone, I have to be very choosy what I use my GCC's on.
There's still some very good games due out this year: MCF, another Dana Knighstone, the next Royal Detective, and the Christmas offering from Elephant Games are all on my gotta have it list.
I took advantage of the BOGOF to get both nancy drew games I've been looking at but if I can't fill a full punch card by the end of the month, Im not going to sweat it.
I really really want Cradle Of Rome, today's DD, but it keeps coming up as regular price when I try to buy it. The pc one works fine as I tried that too. Since there aren't chit chat corner forums anymore, it makes it really hard to get ahold of someone to point out their boo boo. Id just buy it and ask for the difference but I don't want to do that so Im just not going to get it. I feel like BFG have slipped as a company since they got rid of the CCC. Its just not the same site, I fell in love with. hahaha sounds like a broken relationship.
I took my daddy out to dinner tonight. Its nice to be able to take him out and treat. He works so hard to keep the house nice now that he's the house husband. Since I can't really help out with physical labor, its nice to help in other ways. xxx
megwoman25 wrote:
I really really want Cradle Of Rome, today's DD, but it keeps coming up as regular price when I try to buy it. The pc one works fine as I tried that too. Since there aren't chit chat corner forums anymore, it makes it really hard to get ahold of someone to point out their boo boo. Id just buy it and ask for the difference but I don't want to do that so Im just not going to get it. I feel like BFG have slipped as a company since they got rid of the CCC. Its just not the same site, I fell in love with. hahaha sounds like a broken relationship.
Buy it on the pc side. Then e-mail CS and tell them you messed up, you wanted the Mac version but clicked on the wrong page. They will swap the PC one for the Mac version.
What Tirama said about games. One of the BOOMZAP DEVs said if you order a game on the DEV's site, even if you get kicked back to BFG to buy it, the DEV gets more money than if you bought it on BFG. I went to BOOMZAP today to buy OTHERWORLD 3 but it wasn't listed on their site yet. I'm hoping there will be another BOGOF so I'll be able to get the games I want (which are pretty much what Tirama wants )
Ooh meg -- great idea that Tirama has about the DD.
Almost done with Cursed Tales: The Headless Horseman and looking around for another Halloween type game to play next. Downloaded Vampireville Ohhh, the main guy looks just like Keanu Reeves who I have a big crush on - even my DH knows about my crush on Keanu Reeves. Too bad it doesn't sound like him though.
That sounded like a good idea tirama however their system is smart and will ask "you are on a mac. are you sure you want cradle of rome (pc)?". I decided it was a sign not to buy it so I didn't.
I just dexed Old Clockmaster's Riddle. IF anyone owns this game and can figure out what to do please tell me. It is soooooo confusing. I was ok with it until my people started to leave and there are no instructions anywhere or on any other site why this happens and there are potions to make to stop them but this game is putting me to sleep and Im just so done with it. I got it as a DD and I knew I shouldn't have gotten it but I went against my better judgement. 2 stars for no instructions/help and for bad gameplay.
I did too much physical labor yesterday cleaning my room and Im paying for it today with my lack of energy and pain everywhere. Im soooo tired. Its amazing how little energy I have now. Doing one little task makes my whole body tired and goes into the next day no matter how much good sleep I get.
I am almost done with dark dimensions-city of ash SE and although I do like it, I wouldn't say its the best in the series. There was something about wax beauty that just reeled me in. Maybe because I got to beta it
Hope everyone is doing great and if there is a sale this weekend, unless its the best sale ever, I am going to be closing my eyes and walking away.
Got back home from my trip last night. It was such a long drive home. We decided to do it in one trip instead of stopping at a hotel half way. But I am glad to be back home.
Hope you had a wonderful time Misscat.
Finished Jewel Charm. Going to start Nightmares from the Deep: The Siren's Call Collector's Edition. Need to think about what to get with my pcc on Monday. Any suggestions?