Oscar, how come it cost you $57.16 for 10 CEs? I don't get the math.
Happy Thanksgiving oscar!
Darn you BFG! A real members' BOGOF! I'm going to wait for Monday to see if I'll get extra punches. If I do I'll be able to give PCCs to some people I know who don't have much money to buy games. If I the codes don't work on Monday I'll just wait for the next BOGOF sale.
The new MCF game is usually released around US Thanksgiving. I don't remember if they've ever had a sale along with it.
I'm still chipping away at ROAD TRIP, FAIRWAY TEE TO PLAY and 1st CHRONICLES OF ALBIAN. I'll be able to finish FAIRWAY and get all but one Trophy without using RL money. It would only cost $0.99 to get the trophy but I just won't spend RL money. There are probably a few quests I won't be able to do on ROAD TRIP because I refuse to play the social aspect (get friends, give gifts, buy stuff from them).
Barr I used 2 gcc, so I paid in cash today for 4 games. $14.29 per game. Happy thanksgiving.
Miss I live just north of Toronto in Ontario.
Thanks Lily, everyone's coming for turkey tomorrow.
Last edited by oscar66 (October 12, 2013 7:29 pm)
Happy Thanksgiving, Oscar. Glad you're having turkey tomorrow with family. I'm just having chicken by myself.
Thanks for the math. I don't feel like spending too much money on games anymore. I can hardly find the time to play them.
MCF had a sale last year and I remember skipping it. It was buy Shadow Lake CE and get any other CEs for only $6.99. I didn't want the CE of Shadow Lake...can't even figure out why I bought the SE to be honest lol but I wasn't sure what CEs Id buy and since I didn't want the one Id have to pay full price for, I just decided it wasn't for me.
However, with this weekends sale....I got....
League Of Light-Dark Omens CE
Mayan Prophecies-Cursed Island CE
Dark Cases-Bloody Ruby-SE
The Tiny Tale-SE
I made sure I purchased the game credits before doing this. It makes me feel like a cheap-o but 2 game credits is $13.98 for a CE and Im on disability and every cent helps. I was going to save the SEs to get with BPM but realized I had an uneven amount since I have 5 I need to use in november! Anyways, I got a free game and it filled the 2 spaces left on my punch card so 2 free games
oscar what you said about people who write reviews like that made me want to slap myself. I think there are a few games that I have reviewed like that especially ERS games. I sometimes forget that not everyone is as good at puzzles as I am but also that everyone has different tastes and skill levels but I do like to be told that I do things like this because then I become aware and can change it. Happy Thanksgiving. I LOVE pumpkin pie...I've started early and bought some last week...its already gone lol
My big pet peeve in reviewing is usually in the tech threads. All these people having issues and then one person will come in (someone does this A LOT but I won't name names) and will say "Im not having any issues at all. My game works just fine". And thats great really, glad you can play your game but is it really necessary to tell someone that can't play a game, that you can? I find it rude.
I was going to wait til monday to get extra punches but I did that last week Soooo I decided to be a good girl
megwoman25 - I can't recall any review that you or anybody else has posted here that I thought was insulting to others. (And hopefully nobody was offended by my using the phrase "dumbed down" in comparing the puzzles in one game to the puzzles in the other games of that series).
There's a big difference between saying "I found the puzzles easy" and "Only a moron would find the puzzles challenging", which I think was the point oscar66 was making.
I try not to let the reviewers on the BF forums annoy me too much. So if somebody posts that they played in super expert mode and finished the demo in 29 minutes and therefore only children below the age of 6 or people with an IQ of 30 would enjoy this game, I just think to myself "Well, aren't you special?" and move on. (Learned that response when I had my hysterectomy. I was still unble to turn over in bed because of the pain, and somebody who had surgery the same day as I did was posting on a hysterctomy board that they felt marvelous and were going to ask their doctor if they could go white water canoeing with their family that weekend.)
My big peeve with reviewers are those that post in the CE reviews "I didn't like this game at all. I'll wait and get it as an SE". Huh?
Tirama, LOL! Love your comments on reviewers. I always feel irritated at the many complaints that games or puzzles are too easy.
I'm in my hotel half way to Orlando. We decided to drive. Ended up being cheaper than flying. On my ipad. May decide to buy 2 SEs tomorrow. What is the code for it? The codes don't show up on the site on here for some reason.
Sorry for not getting much done on the Nancy Drew game. Have been quite busy leading up to this trip.
The codes for the BOGO are:
I've finally decided what to get:
Riddles of Fate: Wild Hunt Collector's Edition
Surface: The Pantheon Collector's Edition
Enigmatis: The Mists of Ravenwood Collector's Edition
Nightmares from the Deep: The Siren's Call Collector's Edition
Haunted Hotel: Eclipse Collector's Edition
Sea of Lies: Mutiny of the Heart Collector's Edition
Sable Maze: Norwich Caves Collector's Edition
Myths of the World: Chinese Healer Collector's Edition
I'm going to wait until after midnight BF time. If the code works, great. If it doesn't, oh well, I was already resigned to having to wait until Christmas for a sale.
I'm also going to use a pcc code to get Tales of Lagoona 2: Peril at Poseidon Park.
If all goes well and I get those CE's, I'll wind up buying 10 games this month. I've only finished 3 games so far this month, so no way will I break even.
I'm going to wait until tomorrow to start a new game. I'll just work on Jigsaws Galore tonight.