Finish Your Games Challenge

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October 11, 2013 11:30 pm  #851

Re: Finish your games challenge

 Now Im playing Secrets of the Dark-Mystery of the Ancestral Estate SE and its soooo good. Love the light/dark concept and it has the misplaced objects! I love this series. Hope we have a good sale this weekend...Im not banking on it considering we just had a $8.99 CE sale in the middle of the week...


October 12, 2013 8:53 am  #852

Re: Finish your games challenge

I haven't played that one yet Meg.  And I didn't care for Shadow Lake either. And thirdly you can rejoice, a BOGOF sale! I'll have to sit down at the computer and decide what I can afford. I think I have a little stockpile of CEs I want.

I was talking about people's reviews the other day and saying how funny peoples reactions are to not getting the review done how they want.  My one complaint about reviews is only when they cast aspersions on other peoples intelligence.  Some of them say in not so many words that you are of a lesser intelligence if you like "this" game cause it is so easy maybe it's for young children. Or cookie cutter devs. Some reviewers etc seem to wear it as a badge of honour that they play in expert and it was still so easy a monkey could play it. This indicates to me that they think others are some how lesser If they find it challenging.  Not thinking that everyone's brains work differently when it comes to puzzles and mechanicals and everyone's tastes are different .  I'd hate to think people don't post because their opinions are different and some feel they might be sneered at.  There is nothing wrong with saying that as a review you found the puzzles basic or quite easy in whatever mode without throwing in children, beginners or other derisive remarks. Ok I'm done now for coffee.  Lol

Last edited by oscar66 (October 12, 2013 8:59 am)

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

October 12, 2013 9:00 am  #853

Re: Finish your games challenge

And I want to know what everyone is buying!

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

October 12, 2013 9:35 am  #854

Re: Finish your games challenge

If you don't have it, the DD Dark Arcana The Carnival was an excellent game imo.

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

October 12, 2013 10:33 am  #855

Re: Finish your games challenge

oscar66 wrote:

I haven't played that one yet Meg. And I didn't care for Shadow Lake either. And thirdly you can rejoice, a BOGOF sale! I'll have to sit down at the computer and decide what I can afford. I think I have a little stockpile of CEs I want.

I was talking about people's reviews the other day and saying how funny peoples reactions are to not getting the review done how they want. My one complaint about reviews is only when they cast aspersions on other peoples intelligence. Some of them say in not so many words that you are of a lesser intelligence if you like "this" game cause it is so easy maybe it's for young children. Or cookie cutter devs. Some reviewers etc seem to wear it as a badge of honour that they play in expert and it was still so easy a monkey could play it. This indicates to me that they think others are some how lesser If they find it challenging. Not thinking that everyone's brains work differently when it comes to puzzles and mechanicals and everyone's tastes are different . I'd hate to think people don't post because their opinions are different and some feel they might be sneered at. There is nothing wrong with saying that as a review you found the puzzles basic or quite easy in whatever mode without throwing in children, beginners or other derisive remarks. Ok I'm done now for coffee. Lol

I agree Oscar. I find that annoying too. Especially when htey talk about the game must be for children. That one really gets to me. But oh well. Everyone has different tastes when it comes to games.


October 12, 2013 3:35 pm  #856

Re: Finish your games challenge

Well I threw caution to the wind and sepnt $57.16 on 10 games.  Justify that I wouldn't spend any hard cash for the rest of the month, unless there is some stellar US Thanksgiving sale.  I bought all CEs, I have enough PCCs for any SEs I want.

Purchased: Flights of Fancy Two Doves (I was just going to get the SE but thought what the hay, I'll get today's game as well)
The Torment of Mont Triste
Haunted Hotel Eclispse
Web of Deceit Deadly Sands
Dark Cases The Blood Ruby
Sable Maze Norwich Caves
Midnight Mysteries Witches of Abraham
Enigmatis The Mists of Ravenwood
Stranded Dreamscapes The Prisoner
Mayan Prophecies Cursed Island

And I know some of you will shake your heads, but I haven't demoed any of them.  But buyer beware!  It's about the only daring thing I've done lately, lol. Hopefully I won't be disappointed.

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

October 12, 2013 3:45 pm  #857

Re: Finish your games challenge

OScar - that is a lot of games in one go. You'll have to let us know how some of them are. I'm surprised that you didn't wait until Monday for the extra punch.


October 12, 2013 3:53 pm  #858

Re: Finish your games challenge

Well, it is Thanksgiving here this weekend and Im not sure where I'll be and it would be my luck to miss the bonus punch and the BOGOF.  I did get 5 coupons as well. these will keep me going for a while, along with the other 60 unplayed ones of course.  I don't know games and books, there could be worse things I spend money on!

Last edited by oscar66 (October 12, 2013 3:54 pm)

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

October 12, 2013 4:02 pm  #859

Re: Finish your games challenge

Oscar - oh ok I see. Where do you live again? I forget. The U.S. Thanksgiving isn't until the last week of November. So there is still a bit of a wait. I think it is like November 28, which is rather late. I am hping we get a really good sale for that weekend.


October 12, 2013 4:11 pm  #860

Re: Finish your games challenge

I finished Charm Tale.  It's an inlay game and before there were HOG's, that was my favorite type of game.

I'm waiting until Monday to get my games, hoping that things haven't changed and the code will still work.

Haven't decidd how many to get: 4, 6 or 8.

On the definite list is:

Riddles of Fate: Wild Hunt Collector's Edition
Surface: The Pantheon Collector's Edition
Enigmatis: The Mists of Ravenwood Collector's Edition
Nightmares from the Deep: The Siren's Call Collector's Edition

Getting those 4 games will use up the last of my half-price credits.  The wait for Monday to buy seems harder than the wait between sales, for some reason.


For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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