Finish Your Games Challenge

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September 23, 2013 10:34 pm  #731

Re: Finish your games challenge

Hi!  I've been lurking reading posts.  You are all finishing so many games! Congratulations. 

Thank you Sandhan and oscar.  I've got pretty much all the games that have been mentioned (except FARM UP -- wasn't me Wendy!).  It's always good to read that people have enjoyed certain games.  And thanks for saying that a game doesn't need a jump map.  I love games that are semi'contained.

I did finish TALES OF SORROW: STRAWSBOROUGH TOWN and enjoyed it.  No WT that I could find but even I could do it! It's very linear.  Good graphics, good story.  I'm playing CATE WEST: THE VANISHING FILES right now and am enjoying it!  Good story, lots to do -- find HOs, Spot the Difference, find FROGs, place objects back in scenes, pick the guilty party.

Tirama -- only SEVEN unplayed games!??! Wow!

edited to correct name of game.  (hope this is the embarrassed emoticon)

Last edited by lilyr (September 24, 2013 12:11 am)


September 23, 2013 10:44 pm  #732

Re: Finish your games challenge

lilyr - no, only 7 unplayed CE's.  Also have a bunch of unfinished non-CE's.  But in case I have to wait Christmas for the next CE BOGO, I'm going to be rationing those CE's.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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September 23, 2013 11:00 pm  #733

Re: Finish your games challenge

Sandhan - you did not miss much imo.  The bonus section was very short, maybe 40 mins.  Extremely easy puzzles and no real point.  The ship you were on was struck down by Lei.  You ended up on his island.  When you go to fight him he presents you with the Lord of Twilight who in his words is stronger than he is.  Poof one potion later he is gone.  No matter says Lei I'll defeat you, huh I thought the other guy was the bee all end all, and poof magic potion 2 and he is gone.  Nothing to it. Then you need to get to the ship.  Hmm you need to build a bridge.  Oh look on the ground a handy plank, voila done.  Lame.

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

September 24, 2013 8:14 am  #734

Re: Finish your games challenge

Today's DD is EPIC Wishmaster, I game I thoroughly enjoyed.  It has a few choices to make and an alternate ending, so it is on my very short "to be replayed" list.  It's mostly an adventure game with little chapters, 4-6 scenes in each one, so it doesn't need a map and you don't get lost.  Pretty good storyline.  I could swear I did a STAR review and a 'review thread'  one, but I can't find either.=8px (Insert alien head here)

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

September 24, 2013 8:34 am  #735

Re: Finish your games challenge

I have finished Fierce Tales- Marcus´ Memory CE. I really enjoyed it. The graphics were wonderful, the sound and VO very good. Many collectables, fun mini-games and a good story.

Now I have to take a deep dive into my games, don´t know  what´s next.

BTW Wendy, it´s me you hate


September 24, 2013 9:08 am  #736

Re: Finish your games challenge

I finished my replay of Gravely Silent: House of Deadlock Collector's Edition.  I won't be playing the bonus chapter, I've had enough.  Not sure what to play next.  Maybe I'll replay the two Antique Road Trip games and then check out the free to play edition.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
     Thread Starter

September 24, 2013 12:39 pm  #737

Re: Finish your games challenge

lilyr...I got Tales of Sorrow: Strawborough Town with the last of my coins at Gamehouse.  I haven't played it yet.  Good to know that it was a enjoyable game.

Speaking of Gamehouse, I haven't been over there that much since they did away with their coin system and got rid of their 2.99 games. I took a look at their forums called the lounge and they are pretty empty. I did notice a Gamehouse exclusive game called Antique Shop: Book of Souls platinum edition.  No reviews as of yet, even though game has been out 3-4 days now.

Oscar...I got the SE of Myths of the Chinese World.  Glad to know the bonus wasn't much.

Tirama...I think you have given me my next game to play.  After I am done with the Mystery Age series I'll be playing Gravely Silent: House of Deadlock next.  I have been working on my 2011 unplayed games in no particular order.  I figured two years is long enough to wait to play them.  HaHa!  I agree with Shiver: The Hitchhiker is something special that I will replay again sometime.

i ♥ nirvana

September 24, 2013 1:06 pm  #738

Re: Finish your games challenge

I needed help on a puzzle in Mystery Age: The Dark Priests and looked at the walkthrough.  It is 22 chapters long! :o  For a SE game that is quite the deal.  It is a gorgeous game, lots of running around, plenty of inventory and things to do and things you can click on just to see what it will do.  It starts out as a FROG and then turns into regular  HO scenes.  I am enjoying it, here I thought I was almost done and to find out I am only in chapter 10.

i ♥ nirvana

September 24, 2013 1:16 pm  #739

Re: Finish your games challenge

Anki wrote:

I have finished Fierce Tales- Marcus´ Memory CE. I really enjoyed it. The graphics were wonderful, the sound and VO very good. Many collectables, fun mini-games and a good story.

Now I have to take a deep dive into my games, don´t know  what´s next.

BTW Wendy, it´s me you hate

Ahh... Anki...  it was you  It's alright, I'm having fun...sort of... with my new obsession.  Now that I'm more advanced, Level 16, it's not quite as fun because almost everything takes so long to do.  Hubby is doing a lot of the building stuff and that takes forever!  I have almost 2 weeks off after this week, so I will indulge in the 4 hr. unlimited energy then and see what happens.  I've been playing Heartwild Solitaire while waiting for my energy to replenish.  The devs are giving it away free for their 5 year anniversary.  It's the kind of solitaire where you match pairs.  I don't care for that kind as much.  It has a romance story going on , but only after every 10 boards.  There aren't really any wildcards or goals so I'm glad I got it for free, I wouldn't want to pay for it.

I need to start a new game but I don't know what.  I tried Adelantado 1.  I had done the first level a few weeks ago and started the second one today, but couldn't quite remember everything and wasn't really liking it.  Royal Envoy was my first builder and I loved it so I got other builders when they were on sale, but I just don't care for them much.  Unfortunately I have Adelantado 2, also, so I will have to give them some undivided attention sometime and really try to get into them.  Looking back I can't believe all the games I bought just because they were Daily Deals or on sale.  Well, actually, all my games were bought because of that, I guess I mean all the mediocre ones.  

Sunshine, I have some Gamehouse games.  I haven't bought anything since they did away with the coins.  When I was dropping my membership there I had enough for 75% off and buying that gave me enough for another 75% off thing.  Buying that gave me enough for a 50% off game, which gave enough for a 25% off game.  I was buying their double and triple pack bundles, one TM even had 5 games in it.  I think I ended up with 11 games for way less than $10, something crazy like that.

Speaking of GameHouse reminds me of their Campfire Legends series, spooky games based on the old stories "The Babysitter" and "The Hookman"  It's almost October, time to pull out the spooky Halloween games for the month.  We need to have some suggestions.  
  Campfire Legends, of course, available from Gamehouse, they now have 3 of them
  Cursed House M3, looking forward to a replay of this one
  Haunted Domains TM  I started it last year so I will make a stab at continuing but IIRC it was getting      pretty hard
  Fishdom Seasons M3, although I might just continue from last year instead of starting over


No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

September 24, 2013 2:29 pm  #740

Re: Finish your games challenge

Wendy...Here is some more Halloween games.

I played the first two Campfire Legends.  Liked them both.
I played Haunted Domains - that was really cute.

Mr. Jones' Graveyard Shift - TM
Deadtime Stories - HO
The Sters -  M3  a Gamehouse game


i ♥ nirvana

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