Finish Your Games Challenge

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September 21, 2013 10:40 pm  #711

Re: Finish your games challenge

I just finished Farmington Tales, or should I say it just finished with me.   It didn't let me get play long enough to get all the trophies, heck, it didn't even let me play long enough to get the 150,000 that Floyd and Dahlia suposedly needed for their retirement.  It ends when Dahlia buys tickets to the Bahamas and drags Floyd off.  Not amused at all.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

September 22, 2013 12:40 am  #712

Re: Finish your games challenge

Oscar, I find having so many games to choose from is overwhelming too! It almost takes the fun out of it because there are some I feel like I should play because I've had them forever but then there are others I really want to play instead and I get all weird about it. There was a time, a long time ago that I used to be caught up with all my games to the point where Id replay them waiting for others I liked to come out and I used to be so bored because I had demoed everything and played all my games multiple times...the grass is not always greener LOL 

Right now the only game Im really playing besides Legends of Atlantis-Exodus (which I've been playing forever) is burger shop. I have not chosen a new hidden object game to attempt yet as I've been having the worst pain flare up I've had in sometime. One of the meds I take in the morning makes me sooo sleepy and since its been a couple years now, my doctor thought I could ditch the morning dose since its only half of what I take at night and Id be ok and I was until I got to the 2.5 week mark and now my body is basically screaming at me that I need it. I sometimes don't know what is worse...the pain itself or the side effects from the meds I take. Right now Id say the pain as Im so flared up that the rest of my body can't handle it so now everything hurts. I feel like I have a flu but I don't. I try to stay really positive but weeks like this make it sooo hard!! 

I guess up next I'll play dark dimensions-wax beauty se. I can't believe I haven't played this yet as I beta tested it wayyyy back when and I really want to play city of ash so this one is obviously first! I remember it whispers something really annoying though. Oh well. At least it will distract me from my pain, at least lets hope.


September 22, 2013 1:46 pm  #713

Re: Finish your games challenge

I can't remember if I mentioned that I finished Magic Farm 2: Fairy Lands.  It took me a very long time but I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Now I am playing The Fifth Gate and this one is going to take me a long time too. Still working on Rite of Passage: Child of the Forest CE as well as all my M3s.  I did try Cropbusters mentioned by others and I like it....will put it on my buy list for later when I finish with my 4 M3s that I'm playinkg now.

The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?  Psalm 27:1

September 22, 2013 3:21 pm  #714

Re: Finish your games challenge

I have finished Echoes of Sorrow 2 and Siren´s Call CE. Echoes was good but it was a bit irritating that the main character was so stupid, you knew the whole time how the story was put together. There was no map but if you waited a few seconds a sparkle showed you where to go.It was very irritating that if you used a hint for the direction it was used so you had to wait for it to refill. But all in all a good game, I´m not regret buying it.
Siren´s Call was very good, I really liked it! I even played the Bonus right after the main game which I seldom do. I only found 14 of 18 parrots but all octopuses(?) and seahorses

I´m not sure yet what´s next maybe Fierce Tales:Marcus Memory CE


September 22, 2013 3:26 pm  #715

Re: Finish your games challenge

I just finished the demo for Surface: The Pantheon CE and I absolutely love it!!  At first I didn't want to demo it but I'm glad I did.  I will buy the CE when there is a BOGO sale.  Another CE I am waiting to get is Riddles of Fate: Wild Hunt CE.  Not surprising that they are both Elephant Games....they do make great games.

The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?  Psalm 27:1

September 22, 2013 3:43 pm  #716

Re: Finish your games challenge

I ended up demoing the new Surface game and it is actually pretty good. I'll be getting it during the next BOGO sale. Hopefully that will happen soon. I tried Riddles of Fate but didn't like it much.


September 22, 2013 5:57 pm  #717

Re: Finish your games challenge

Meg that is exactly how I feel about my backlog of games. 
I'm sorry you're feeling so crappy.  I take neurontin 3 x a day for nerve damage and pain and that afternoon dose puts me to sleep so I tend to skip it which I shouldn't.

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

September 22, 2013 9:10 pm  #718

Re: Finish your games challenge

I just finished  Fierce Tales,  Marcus' Memory,  and am enjoying the bonus game.   Also finished  The Snow;  didn't really attempt the challenge levels,, having been warned.   Also finished  Series of Unfortunate Events  again.  Still hooked on  Singing Monsters.  In a way,  it's like  the VV  series;  things happen while you're gone,  so you want to check in.  Bought my second island--and no,  no actual cash involved!  It just takes longer.

Humor will glue your fragments into one whole.  ~Osho

September 22, 2013 10:35 pm  #719

Re: Finish your games challenge

Nothing has been out recently that has really moved me to get. I did finish the main game of Royal Envoy 3 with all gold and have finished the bonus levels with all gold except for 10 levels out of the 30. I could still go back and play main game in Expert mode but not sure I am up for that right now. 

Sandhan, I just recently got my second island and there are different monsters now. Some are really cute. Money comes in pretty quickly on there especially if you have the more complicated monsters. ( I recommend leveling those up some) . Even bought a diamond mine so I will have a diamond a day coming in. 


September 22, 2013 10:51 pm  #720

Re: Finish your games challenge

oscar, I can't take neurontin along with a lot of other nerve meds due to extreme nausea. The only one that didn't mess with me except for the extreme sleepiness is keppra. Its an older nerve med and rarely prescribed. In fact when my doctor tried it, it was a last ditch effort that she didn't seem to think would help at all but what do you know, its the only one that has actually made any kind of difference. But since it causes extreme fatigue, its also like my worst enemy. I've gotten used to it over time so it doesn't make me as sleepy but days i don't get enough sleep, it messes with me big time. 

Okay games...I've been playing match 3 game, fairies, but now that Im on higher levels, its almost impossible timed and the game play is sooo repetitive and boring. Im halfway through but Im going to dex it. Thank god it was a dd! I am really liking dark dimensions-wax beauty se but every time it whispers save us from the waxxxxx i just cringe. talk about annoying lol 

Castle, the tv show, comes back tonight. I am sooo excited as I am caught up with that show finally. I have been waiting impatiently to know what happened after last seasons cliffhanger. I am still workin on the game, just find it a little slowly paced but it is a good story. A lot of shows I love come back this week. Its going to be hard to try to watch them and play my games too! LOL 



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