Finish Your Games Challenge

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September 20, 2013 9:40 pm  #701

Re: Finish your games challenge

Anki -- I'm glad you liked LEFT IN THE DARK.  I have that one too.  Some day I'll play it. lol

I loved HODGEPODGE HOLLOW.  A sweet, cute game.

I sent a CS ticket in for BEDTIME STORIES with a Dr. Felix attached.  The reply was "everything looks good".  Then I was told to update (uninstall and reinstall ADOBE FLASH PLAYER  and SHOCKWAVE PLAYER).  Oh and install Windows Updates too.  Well I keep everything updated.  I had played the demo with one name and started playing in earnest with another.  I went back to the original name and played straight through!  Go figure!  But CS did give me 2 coupon codes.


September 21, 2013 12:09 am  #702

Re: Finish your games challenge

I started Myths of the World Chinese Healer.  Sand I'll let you know about the bonus when I get there.  Did the SE have the achievements?

Dling Call of the Ages direct from Playrix to try it out.  I imagine BF won't have it for a couple of days at the least.

Last edited by oscar66 (September 21, 2013 12:10 am)

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

September 21, 2013 6:44 am  #703

Re: Finish your games challenge

Was really hpoing for a BOGO this weekend. I guess we won't be getting one this month.


September 21, 2013 9:18 am  #704

Re: Finish your games challenge

misscatlady2453 wrote:

Was really hpoing for a BOGO this weekend. I guess we won't be getting one this month.

I hope we're not seeing a repeat of last year.   CE BOGO the 3rd weekend of August and the next one not until Christmas.

Still playing Farmington Tales.   Completed alll the repairs to the farm, got the Farmer of the Year Award, the credits rolled and gave me the option to continue and play until $150,000 was in the bank for retirement.  At that point, I hadn't even found half the number of hidden objects needed for one of the trophies (2,000).  I've been skipping the cards minigame and the strings minigame (managed the first 3 of each).  I think there's enough of the others that I can get the trophy for completing 50 minigames.

sandhan - do you remember at what point the game froze for you?  I checked the forum, but it wasn't clear to me what the problem was.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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September 21, 2013 6:43 pm  #705

Re: Finish your games challenge

Tirama, I kept hearing you talk about Jigsaws Galore but never tried it, so I finally decided that I had to see what was so great about it since you and Tee kept saying that you could use all the wonderful images that I had posted.  Well, I tried it and it's great!!!  I didn't like the images that were in the program but doing the images that I have in my files is so much more fun.  Now I understand why you like this jigsaw game so much.  I have decided to get it with a pcc on Monday.

One thing I didn't quite understand was how to pick the shape of the pieces when creating my own jigsaw.  I just did some random shapes and made it 70 pieces.   I didn't want to make the jigsaw too big or else the pieces would be so tiny.  May I ask how many pieces do you usually decide on when creating your own jigsaw?  How to pick the shapes?    

The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?  Psalm 27:1

September 21, 2013 7:44 pm  #706

Re: Finish your games challenge

Just so you know. You can go to  and at the very bottom of the page are some more you can get for free. Just the ones at the bottom though. The rest you can buy. I have not bought any but Cherb says they have sales sometimes. 

Barre, to set your puzzle size you just click on "create" and then select where you are getting your picture from (current wallpaper or a file) when you select what you want a box pops up. I think it is default at 4 pieces. It will go up to 36,000 but I would not recommend that. LOL.  Then pick your shape and whether you want shadow or special pieces and then ok . 


September 21, 2013 8:07 pm  #707

Re: Finish your games challenge

barregar - when I first started, I clicked on "Choose" "Number of Pieces" and set it for 1000.  Under choose you will also find options for type of pieces (I chose classic) and whether to include "fun pieces".  I'm still working my way through the puzzles that came with the game.  Under options, you can choose whether you want to rotate the pieces or whether you want them presented to you orientated as to how they will go in the puzzle.  I do NOT have mine set to need to be rotated because I'm doing 1000 pieces and it's just another control I'd have to remember how to work.

I demoed a lot of jigsaw puzzle games, and Jigsaws Galore was the easiest for me to use, controlwise.  Sometimes I'll make the pieces larger and I'll have to work teh puzzle in sections or slide it around the screen, but I prefer that to having to slide the work area around.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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September 21, 2013 9:16 pm  #708

Re: Finish your games challenge

Govs, thank you so much for the link but I think I have sufficient images in my own files for now...LOL..but if I run out of them, then I know where to look.  Thanks also for the tips.  I suppose you and everyone else have the game.

Tirama, thank you also for the tips.  I am not going to set mine at 1000 pieces because the pieces would be too tiny for me to see.  I just want to have fun and not have to put pieces on trays etc.  I tried one with 100 pieces and that's just nice for my screen, without the need for trays, and that way I can finish one quickly and move on to the next.  Max. pieces for me would be about 250 (medium setting on the game).  I presume doing 1000 pieces takes you a long time to finish one puzzle.  I only do 1000 piece puzzles IRL. 

The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?  Psalm 27:1

September 21, 2013 9:31 pm  #709

Re: Finish your games challenge

barre - it takes me 5-6 hours for most of the puzzles.  A couple I fininshed in less than 4 hours and there's one that took me over 8 hours.  I like to work on them when I listen to BBC radio 4.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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September 21, 2013 10:39 pm  #710

Re: Finish your games challenge

Hi enablers! lol  You've talked me in to JIGSAWS GALORE!  I love doing jigsaws IRL so I'll give them a try on the computer. 

And i just finished another game.  TALES OF SORROW: STRAWSBOROUGH TOWN.  Good story, very linear (which is good for me) and the hint button gives you a mini strategy guide if you need it (I needed it).


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