sandhan wrote:
I notice My Singing Monsters is listed as today's #1 download; not sure if I believe it. However, it sure does grow on you! There's always something new; I just got the time machine. What a hoot!
I'm curious as to why you wouldn't believe it. There's been numerous games at #1 thatI've felt weren't as good as some of the games listed behind them, but I've just put that down to my having more discerning taste (said with tongue in cheek). The reviews in the forums and on the game pages have mostly been positive for this game. The game forum is certainly active.
If the old CCC gang was truly reflective of the customers as a whole (and I'm not sure that's true, since many seemed to just be there for the companionship and boasted of buying their games elsewhere), people were getting tired of what they perceived as cookie-cutter HOPA's churned out on a conyevor belt and wanted something different. Well, they're now getting it in spades.
At some point I hope to get caught up enough on my purchased games so that I can try some of these free ones. Did this game recently issue an update? That would cause a spike in the downloads.
I'm still playing Farmington Tales. If you get your strategy wrong with this one, you'll be playing for the rest of your life. Just as Trade Mania looked like Monopoly, but required different strategy and tactics, Farmington is not Tales of Lagoona, and you can't expect to pay for improvements by selling the junk you collect in the HO scenes.
I like this game. I like the strategy involved in deciding what to plant and which upgrades involing the crop-growing and animals to buy first. It's not just one HO scene after another, if you're working the farm correctly, the further along you are, the more you have to do inbetween HO scenes.
I have finished Left in the Dark: No One on Board and I liked it very much. I played it in one sitting, rather easy (I only skipped one puzzle which I didn´t understand what to do) and with a jump map. Now I´m altering between Siren´s Call and Echoes of Sorrow 2.
Wendy, in FarmUp you can´t cancel an active quest but if you have enough gold coins you could pay for it to be finished. And if you have reached the world map you could choose if you want to OK a quest or cancel it. Read careful because in the beginning I just pressed accept and had a lot of undoable quests because of not having leveled up to buy the things they wanted.
I´m on level 39 and haven´t payed a single cent
( I´m persistent and one quest took nearly a week to be finished!)
I want to post about one of my biggest casual game pet peeves: unsolicited hints.
They're common in M3s, and they sometimes also appear in HOGs. If you fail to make a match or find an item for a few seconds in a row, then a piece that will make in a match 3 or an item you're looking for in a HOG will shake or have an arrow pointing at it or something. This drives me crazy and I can't understand why this would be put into a game without the ability to turn it off. Almost all games in both these genres have a hint system of one type or another. If I want a hint, I'll hit the Hint button. If I want to take several seconds and look at the board or the HO scene, LEAVE ME ALONE AND LET ME DO IT. Sorry, to rant but I feel quite strongly about this. I will often refrain from buying an otherwise great game that has unsolicited hints.
Anyone agree with me, or am I out here on my own?
So anyway, I ended up not able to get to sleep last night so I demoed Gourmania 2: Great Expectations (yesterday's DD) at 2am my time and I liked it enough to buy it. Although I really like the basic idea and the combination of HO and cooking, I wasn't going to even demo it because the last time I tried a Gourmania game I thought it was ruined by having unsolicited hints that can't be turned off. This game actually didn't seem as good as the last one I tried (Gourmania 3: Zoo Zoom, I think), but it didn't have unsolicited hints! This was the main reason I bought it.
Tirama, I've downloaded Farmington Tales several times. Would really like to play it, but every time, it freezes at the same point! Many people have had this problem; I hope they let us know if they ever offer a re-do.
Jen, You're not alone! Even I, a borderline moron who never eschews help when offered, object to M-3's that display moves while I'm trying to choose a good one. Today I even yelled at one, "Don't be so impatient!" Because that's what it seems like. I haven't been so furious that I refuse to play a game I otherwise like, but it is certainly annoying.
Tirama, I guess I was skeptical about the "download list" because of the casino game; they were pushing it so hard. As for Monsters, perhaps people are trying and liking it because of what they hear from other players. I'm sure hooked, though I don't intend ever to spend any real money on it. Judging from my latest credit card statrment, BF gets enough from me as it is!
Oh Jen, Thanks for mentioning Hodgepodge Hollow & Crop Busters! I tried them, and want them both. Crop Busters is mis-named; it sounds like a TM that I never would have considered. I probably will get them next Monday.
I have Hodgepodge Hollow in my GM to demo I think I'll add Crop Dusters to it. Such a bunch of enablers!
I just tried Hodgepodge Hollow. Fun little game. Will have to see about getting it soon with a PCC. Thanks for telling us about it Sandhan!