megwoman25 wrote:
Tirama! I just opened League of Light-Dark Omens CE and part of the collectibles is collecting jigsaw pieces! So now you don't have to rack your mind any longer. I think there are other games though where you collect jigsaws but this one is the newest
I don't own that game, so that's not it.
I was thinking of Chimeras: Tune of Revenge Collector's Edition, the CE I had played immediately before Awakening: The Sunhook Spire Collector's Edition. Chimeras has "Lost Pets" as the collectible and jigsaw puzzles in the "Bestiary."
I'm half-way through Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink Collector's Edition. Glad I'm somewhat zipping through games this month, next month I won't finish nearly as many since I'll be playing that Nancy Drew game.
Tee, it feels real strange at first not to be a member, especially when there's no "Try It" button for the new game. You'll get used to it quick, though, and I only get the urge to rejoin during BOGOs. I just tell myself there will be another one next month, no need to panic. It's no problem to rejoin, and you'll end up more organized in the long run, and choosing better games because you have time to think about it if you only rejoin several times a year. If you only buy during sales there really isn't an advantage to being a member, except for slowly stockpiling $7 GCCs, and I'm still dreaming we'll have another 1/2 price GCC sale
I'm like Tirama, I still have 17 GCCs left, but I'm stretching them as long as I can. I figure I'll use 6 in November, then another 6 in the spring, then the last of them next fall. I have tons of unplayed games, lots of them LFA which take at least a week each, and if/when I run out of them there's some I wouldn't mind replaying.
ANKI, I play Fairway FTP quite a bit, no need to spend money at all as far as I've played. I tried FOUND but all the complaints in the forums put me off, I haven't tried FarmUp yet or League of Mermaids. I tried Singing Monsters but the internet goes off and on and it kicks me back to the start when it does so I only have 4 monsters so far.
I played Sally's Spa, I think it was, this year, can't remember if I finished it or just quit. I bought a lot of TMs as DDs but there's only a few I really like and I rarely play them. Airport Mania is my first and favorite.
Jacuzzi, I heard the ride inspectors talking about the accident. They said the customer told the ride operator that her seat belt didn't catch, it wasn't buckled but he said it was and she went flying out of the car on the first turn. That's just so horrible. Her family deserves every dollar they get, there was no reason for her to die.
I'll be thinking of you meg. Gentle hugs.
I saw all the comments about LEAGUE OF LIGHT and looked at the list of wants I have. Didn't see it. Then I looked at my purchase history and I have the CE! I really, really need to update my Purchase History (my copy). Based on the comments here I'll probably push it up higher on the "to be played" mountain.
I tried LOST BRIDE AND HIDDEN TREASURE but got frustrated and Dex'd it. I may try it again (I will try it again) just not sure when.
teeitup -- That's a big step to take. Hugs for you too. But you can always rejoin if you start getting low on games or things take a turn for the better (at BFG).
I started BEDTIME STORIES: THE LOST DREAMS and don't really like it. So far I haven't found a way to turn off the looong intro before you get to the Play button. Once is enough! I'll trudge on because I think it only has 4 chapters and i vaguely remember someone saying that after the ballerina it gets better.
I looked at my PCCs and don't have anything that expires before the end of the month so I didn't get anything yesterday.
Has anyone played through the Adventure part of The Snow and now playing all the bonus minigames? OMG does the hardness scale go from beginner to super expert in one quick move! The main adventure game is really easy - small boards, no timer, just keep playing until you finish or until you are sick of getting more and more points the more matches you make. Then it gets a tad harder in the last section, which was good. Then I started the bonus minigames.
** thud **
The first one I tried, I think it took me at least 10 attemps to finish it within the time (they're either timed or have to be finished within so many moves ... and I think also both ). I thought some of the levels in the main game needed more detailed explanations as to how to play. But in some of the bonus minigames I read and re-read and re-re-read the rules and still didn't know what I was supposed to be doing and kept on losing because I didn't know how they worked.
But then, by observation and experimentation it finally clicked so I could then do it again ... and again ... and again until I got it right. But at least knowing how to play helped.
I just can't believe the difference in difficulty between the main game and the bonus minigames.
And you have to get 3 gems in each of the minigames in each of the - I don't know what they're called but I think there are 6 round things, each containing maybe 8 minigames? - in order to do the bonus minigame for each of these round things. I'm sure that's as clear as mud but I don't know how else to describe it. I found it frustrating, trying to work out how to play half the minigames, but what a sense of achievement when I finally worked them out and then actually ... finally ... managing to finish them and get 1 gem. I've finished the first big round thing and I think got 3 gems in 1 minigame, 2 in quite a few, and 1 in 1 or 2 of them. So, the adventure part may be really short but I think the minigames will take me the rest of my natural life to get 3 gems on all of them and then finish the final bonus ones.
But they're so much fun as I've never come across anything like these before.
But chances are you'll all find them super easy and wonder why I found them all so difficult ... but SO much fun!
Okay, I just tried another one of the minigames and I'm officially game-challenged. I can't see myself EVER getting that one out in 2 minutes!
It would be so much fun if it weren't timed but in 2 minutes? No way for this poor, obviously raw-recruit beginner, hopeless player wannabe.
I so agree with you, Sue, the challenge part of The Snow is really tough!! I've been working on them. Are you talking about the jigsaw minigame that you have to finish in 2 minutes? I got 2 of them and I'm now working on the third one. Like you said, some of the minigames are quite unique but all are very challenging. Have fun
No, Barre, that's not the one I don't think I'll EVER get. I've done one of those and got it out in, I think, 3 or 4 goes before the time ran out. The one I think is impossible ... but you probably got it out straight away ... is the one where you have one ball with 4 colours (top, bottom, left, right) and you have to make matches of whatever colour is pointing in the direction you have to move it to move it along the route from top to bottom. I tried it 3 or 4 times and never managed to move it more than about 4 spaces before the time ran out! I kept on accidently moving it backwards along the path.
Thank you stusue and barregar. Note to self Don't even THINK of buying THE SNOW!
I bought The Snow, but haven't gotten to that part! Thanks for the warning; think I'll quit before it gets too hard.
I didn't get anything for BPM; nothing I really wanted, and I only have one punch left. And that has nothing to do with the shock and horror of my last credit card statement.
sandhan wrote:
I bought The Snow, but haven't gotten to that part! Thanks for the warning; think I'll quit before it gets too hard.
I didn't get anything for BPM; nothing I really wanted, and I only have one punch left. And that has nothing to do with the shock and horror of my last credit card statement.
snicker. Boy can I relate to that!