SUE- I just finished 9 Clues and its a perfect in-between game. There is a detective mode that gives the game something extra. It took me about 3.5 hours and I gave it 4 stars. It was a special gem. I am so glad I decided to play it. Enjoy xx
Edited because I tried to explain detective mode and it literally made no sense LOL
Last edited by megwoman25 (September 16, 2013 4:37 am)
I was all ready to dump Sallys Salon in favor of starting a new TM game when I decided to play it one last time and I was on a new location and had a new layout with new things I could buy which I didn't think there would be seeing as though the past 4 locations have all been the same with nothing new to buy. Then a funny thing happened, I actually got stuck on a level and I can't get expert on it LOL so now Im real motivated to beat it completely since finally one stumped me.
Up next is Detective Quest-the crystal Slipper SE. I decided that its about time I start playing my dessert games. Since none of my pccs expire until mid October and since the game out for mac has 1 star, no thank you to glimmer, I am not sure if I will participate on bonus punch monday, but we'll see
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I've been so busy this morning that I'd totally forgotten all about my 4 expiring PCCs! If I don't use them today I'll miss out on the extra punch!!!!
So I'd better work out which 4 games I want before I forget again (I'm going away on Friday and have SO much to do before I go!
And thanks for the info re 9 Clues. I know what you mean by the Detective Mode as I did that when I demoed it. Looks like fun.
lilyr...I am like you in the need for a easier game right now so I went with Allora and the Broken Portal. Bought as a DD April 29, 2012. A nice game that is mainly a straight HO game. The way that this game is done is you do a chapter 3-4 scenes long and about 9-13 items goes into your inventory and you need to search the 3-4 scenes to find out where to use them. Little self contained chapters that make it easy to do just 1 chapter at a time. Pretty artwork relaxing music and annoying bouncing arrows that you have to do your best to ignore challenging HO and easy puzzles.
Dex...I just want to say Welcome Back. Not sure if you really remember me.
Awakening: The Sunhook Spire SE is now out. I am still debating whether to get the CE. Is the collectibles and bonus chapter fun. Please anyone who has played the CE game and bonus could you tell me your thoughts on it. My other Awakening games are all the SE version. Thanks.
stusue - there's no need to play the Joining Hands games in order of release, so which one you play first depends on what you're in the mood for. If you get stuck in game ne, just go to youtube, search for joing hands walkthrough, and you'll find help.
sunshinej - the collectibles were fairly easy to find and the bonus material contains jigsaw puzzles of them. The puzzles are very similar to those in Patchworkz.
Okay - I'm getting my games mixed up. The jigsaws are not of the collectibles and they can't be that easy to find since I didn't get the achievement for them. The collectibles are morphing objects. Now I'm going to go crazy trying to remember what other game had jigsaw puzzles as part of the extras.
Last edited by TiramaSue (September 16, 2013 11:08 am)
tirama...Thanks for your input on Awakenings. Does the Sunhook Spire finish off the series? If so, I decided to get the CE. If not, I'll just get the SE.
Another one done today. MCF Prime Suspects. I didn't have much to go on it. I Just had 2 suspects to go and so it didn't take me too long to finish it off. Overall my time was 10 1/2 hours. I can't even tell you how many months since I would play and stop for long stretches at a time. I have two more MCF to play yet. Shadow Lake and Dire Grove.
I just started Sunhook Spire CE last night. Tirama is right, there are achievements and morphing objects. The book tells you how many morphs per chapter and you can tell in the book if you've skipped over one. So far I'm liking it. I imagine the morphs are in the SE as they are in the diary, but I could be wrong. The map doesn't seem all that helpful. I'm playing in the Dreadmyre option to try for all the achievements. All the why they give an achievement for finishing each chapter in under an hour seems silly. I would think a dev would want you to take your time and enjoy the game versus rushing. The I teractive HO scenes are a new spin.
Redeemed my 2 pcc's. I got Jane Austen's: Estate of Affairs and Jewel Charm.
Anki I'm a Puzzle Quest nut. Been playing the two of them since April. And I just finished the 2nd one. I finished each class in each game. So technically, that was 16 games I finished!!!! I liked the first one better, but the second had some nice innovations.
I started Fierce Tales Dog's Heart the other day, I will work on it again tonight. The HOs are really easy, great big objects, not much clutter, sitting in plain view.
I checked out that Legacy Games site. Echoes of Sorrow for $2.95 sounds interesting. I'm hoping I get a sale offer from Playrix for Royal Envoy 3 since I just got Fishdom 3 CE for 2.99 from them. I'd probably have to wait until spring, but I haven't even played the second one yet!