Is the game available on BF? I have never bought any game from iwin and I don't think I want to.
I pay $9.99 a month to iwin for all-access and they deliver download games. (No contract) LOTS of download games that I can play as long as I want or not.. then go back and play them again.
There's a list on the iwin site of all the games they have made all-access.
Some games that BFG doesn't have but most are the same. The newest shiniest games may not all-access right away but they usually end up that way. Sometimes iwin even gets them first!
I haven't had one problem with iwin and many times I've saved money by waiting and not buying from BFG.
I heve never participated in their forums though. BFG always had that....but now, not so much.
Last edited by jkuci (August 15, 2013 1:01 am)
Thanks for the background and speculation about what might have been going on behind the scenes at BFG, Tirama and tee. I think they certainly are de-emphasizing download PC games, which makes sense because of the rise of mobile and social gaming. I do hope game sites and developers don't cut back from support of laptop/desktop computer games in a major way in future years. I don't have much interest in mobile games, but of course a lot of folks do.
I'm in agreement with others about the short notice being the biggest issue with the forums closing. As others mentioned, some people probably wanted to save postings, but I also feel it was a big deal in terms of giving people enough time to make alternate arrangements for keeping in touch with people they'd formed relationships with. It was fine for me because I'll be able to find all the people I got to know either here or on other sites, but I'm sure lots and lots of people didn't catch the announcement in time. I keep thinking how they'll feel seeing the 'down for maintenance' message now and later finding out that everything's gone for good.
Although I do agree with what Noelle said that much more of all that nastiness (even if I can understad where people were coming from) would have been hard to take.
lily - are you having trouble bookmarking this site? If you mention what browser you use, I'm sure I could take you through step-by-step how to set one up. We don't want you not to find your way back here!!!
jen379 wrote:
Although I do agree with what Noelle said that much more of all that nastiness (even if I can understad where people were coming from) would have been hard to take.
The disappointed comments (to put it nicely) aimed at Hondo and BFG continue on the BFG facebook site. Apparently, BFG can't get rid of the comment forum there.
jkuci - that sounds similar to Shockwave Unlimited, which I've used off-and-on. You get unlimited access to all their download games for as long as you continue as a member. If you quit, you lose all access to the games.
I used SU years ago, back when I was first getting into casual PC games, and I thought it was a great deal. I loved being able to download and play complete versions of as many games as I wanted for one price. But I did cancel and rejoin multiple times (because at the time I just wasn't playing games much at all), and each time I lost progress and high scores, etc in all the games I'd started or finished. I started using BFG around that time too, but just for the games I most thought I'd want to replay. At this point I'm more into purchasing games, but I think all-access is a really great model too. Glad to hear other sites are doing something similar and that it's working well for you.
jen379 wrote:
jkuci - that sounds similar to Shockwave Unlimited, which I've used off-and-on. You get unlimited access to all their download games for as long as you continue as a member. If you quit, you lose all access to the games.
I used SU years ago, back when I was first getting into casual PC games, and I thought it was a great deal. I loved being able to download and play complete versions of as many games as I wanted for one price. But I did cancel and rejoin multiple times (because at the time I just wasn't playing games much at all), and each time I lost progress and high scores, etc in all the games I'd started or finished. I started using BFG around that time too, but just for the games I most thought I'd want to replay. At this point I'm more into purchasing games, but I think all-access is a really great model too. Glad to hear other sites are doing something similar and that it's working well for you.
I've bought WAY more games from BFG than I'll ever play (over 500) so, I'm thinking I'm a sick-o hoarder.
And the only reason its not as big of a problem as many hoarders is that they stay on their virtual shelves and they aren't as obvious as if they were all lying about the house....
For anyone who used Hondo's Highlights you can check out this website and hit the upcoming games tab. It won't tell what is coming to BF in the coming week like Hondo's thread did, but it will tell you what is coming out in the month and what other games are on the horizon. Plus it has all the categories not just HO games.
Speaking of Hondo...I felt so sorry for him, since he was the one who delivered the bad news in his announcement he had to take alot of unpleasantness. I know people were shocked and hurt, but to be so nasty and wish ill on others or a company wasn't right.
Personally I am glad it was only a 30 hour notice as I couldn't keep myself away from the forums reading everything that was going on mostly with tears in my eyes. One thing that I miss is that all of us were gathered under Big Fish's roof so to speak and now we are all scattered throughout the internet. Adventurious Fish are at one place and we are at this place and also I am thinking about joining Timebomb's site. I find it amazing what was set up by a few people in such a short time. I am thankful.
jkuci wrote:
I've bought WAY more games from BFG than I'll ever play (over 500) so, I'm thinking I'm a sick-o hoarder.
And the only reason its not as big of a problem as many hoarders is that they stay on their virtual shelves and they aren't as obvious as if they were all lying about the house....
jkuci, you and I are BFG hoarders for sure; as I mentioned just recently, I have 700+ so the recent happenings at BFG is probably going to be a big help to me in that it cemented my need to cancel FINALLY. I love having them all as that was my intent when I joined in Dec 08 was to build a stock-pile for "retirement" and now that it's here, it's time to PLAY!!
I signed up on 3 additional sites but this will be my primary one for posting since I'm comfortable here. It is nice to see some really familar names on the others and glad they will be there to go to now and again to keep up with stuff. I just made shortcuts on my DT for:
Pond Friends (Timebomb's)
Gaming Friends (gov's)
Challengers-Casual Game Club (not sure whose this is)
Also, wonder how long the Game Forums are going to be down. Sure there are many more disgruntled customers than just CCC members right now. Tirama, you mentioned something about an original posting when the new software was mentioned. Is that available to read or was it in the CCC?
Well, the BF forums are still down and I'm getting the feeling that the problem is that removing all those posts is causing the forums to crash. Hondo mentioned that was a possibility if people went in and started deleting posts so they could retain a particular fishie rank. The end result could be that BF will be able to save nothing and have to start with a clean slate.
I finished Chapter 4 of Settlement: Colossus. That carpenter was one needy dude. No ssoner than I get him his saw so he can finally get to work than he's back whinig about it being broken. Then he's got termites. He probably goes home to his wife and moans he can't find the milk and the problem turns out to be that instead of the container being to the right of the orange juice, it's now on the left.
teeitup46ok wrote:
Also, wonder how long the Game Forums are going to be down. Sure there are many more disgruntled customers than just CCC members right now. Tirama, you mentioned something about an original posting when the new software was mentioned. Is that available to read or was it in the CCC?
It was in the thread Hondo posted when we were first told new forums were coming. It was mentioned somewhere after we first learned that all the goodies Hondo had been dazzling us with would only be available after we had earned the privilege of having them.
And to be honest, I can't remember who first brought up the subject of where the software was coming from. But even if it hadn't been mentioned, when I stop to think about it in terms of how it would be accomplished (instead of how it's going to affect me, me, me) it makes sense that BF would seek an outside firm for the job. Programmers have areas of expertise, and just because BF has programmers who can write games, it doesn't follow that those same programmers can write code that will produce a forum with the level of sophistication that BF wanted.
And regardless of who's producing the software, nobody from BF was ever going to come on the forums, or Facebook, or Twitter, or anywhere else and tell us exactly who screwed up and how, no matter how much people stamped their feet and cursed and demanded answers, not that those people were in the frame of mind to even listen if what was being said wasn't what they wanted to hear.