I finished Joining Hands. Had to use the walkthrough on youtube for some levels and I still need to get 3 stars. But I'm calling it done and starting Joining Hands 2 tonight.
I just finished a game !!!!!
Jane Austen's: Estate of Affairs. Its a modest little game and I bought it in the recent half price sale. I did kinda like it but honestly, mostly for the very nice voice over actress.
Also, I'm a card carrying Jane freek/geek.
Congrats! Wow everyone is finishing games. I was thinking about getting the Jane Austen. I have Mystic Legacy. I'm still playing the Samantha Swift and enjoying it. I know it's really easy but that's good for me now.
I decided to start another HOPA as the Castle game is way tooo slow paced for me at the moment. Going from a game like Chimera's to Castle just doesn't work. Therefore, I am now playing 9 Clues-The secret of Serpent Creek by artifex mundi one of my all time favorite devs The game has me completely reeled in so thats a good thing.
I think Im going to toss Sally's Salon. I have 3 more locations to finish the game but I already upgraded everything so there is nothing new to this game and every level, I have beat with expert without even trying. One level I even walked away for a moment n forgot to pause it and still got an expert score LOL It might be time for a new TM game...this game would be GREAT for anyone who wants to try TMs but aren't very good yet or who aren't fast.
Last edited by megwoman25 (September 15, 2013 2:29 am)
sandhan wrote:
Stusue, Thanks for the encouragement about the Snoop Sees; That will give me an excuse to play it again and try harder to find them. I did read a few pages of the book. Mostly I forgot about them, so probably just found the obvious ones. Do the ones in the bonus start a new story? I couldn't tell.
I also finished Mystic Legacy, the Great Ring. Vampires are always fun, and I loved the humor in this one. Also lots of interesting puzzles.
sandhan, when I played Nearwood, before I left a scene I checked the walthrough first to see if I'd missed any Snoop-Sees (there's a list at the end but that in itself is a puzzle as they're not in order so you have to find the correct scene first) and I'd only missed 2 - both when there'd been 4 in a scene and I just hadn't been able to spot the 4th.
Some of them are right out in the open, whereas others are hidden in shadow and are really hard to spot. Sometimes you could only see their eyes and ears sticking out sideways from behind a bush or something. But my fav were the ones that were dressed up in fancy-dress costumes and camouflaged in the scenery and really well hidden that way. I also liked the cute way they disappeared when they were discovered. And no, the 111 Snoop-Sees continue into the bonus chapter and you need all 111 to read all of the book. But you find out things like ** that they're the ones who created all the statues around Nearwood. **
But one quote I loved from the book - some bits are really funny -
The Snoop-Sees are not ashamed to admit they evolved from single-celled organisms. After all, look at how great they turned out!
I also have Mystic Legacy: The Great Ring. Alas, it's also on my To Play list.
Tirama, WTG finishing Joining Hands! My hat off to you! Good luck with No. 2.
jkuci, congratulations on finishing a game! I decided to give Jane Austen's: Estate of Affairs a miss, although I didn't mind the 2 demos I played of it (from 2 different sites). What's up next for you?
Meg, I don't watch Castle and so didn't even demo the game. Now I'm glad I didn't. So thanks! I'm going to start Broken Sword 3 today but 9 Clues: The Secret of Serpent Creek is on my shortlist for the next game to play.
Let me know how you feel about it once you've finished, especially whether it's an involved game or is an easier, shorter one that would be good in between long CEs.
lilyr, good luck with Samantha Swift!
Hi, stusue!
What's next for me?......well mostly I've been reading. The Dresden Files series...I'm on the last available book (14? 15?) now and I'm scared to finish it cause there won't be anymore until he finishes writing the next one...maybe out in December....
I'm also trying to finish the Wild Hunt game. Its pretty long and I like it (about 2/3rds done now). And, I've indulged deeply of alot of M3 and old. Like Lost in Reefs and Farmscapes and Lost in Night and Snow and etc.
OK, back to Dresden.....slowly.....not reading very fast....make it last......
So far, I'm zipping through Joining Hands 2. I've finished 110 boards. The game is organized a bit differently than the first, there's 7 episodes, and the number of boards in the first 5 episodes are: 15, 21, 21, 18, and 20. I've done 15 boards in episode 6, so far, and there appears to be at least 10 more.
There are achievements, one for finishing each episode (not sure if you need all the stars in the episode) and there are 3 other achievemenyts: collecting 40 stars, collecting 100 stars, and collecting 200 stars.
The game also has a hint button, so if you liked the first game but was afraid to get it because it might get too difficult, you might want t give this one a try. So far, I'm finding it easier than the first, only needed to use the hint once. The boards are, for the most part, smaller than in game one.
No CE BOGO has messed up my punch card strategy. So far I have 4 punches. I need to use 2 pcc's tomorrow, which would give me another 4 punches, for a total of 8. I had planned to get my usual 4 CE's and use stusue's strategy of getting them on Monday, which would have been another 16 punches. 8+16=24= 4 cards filled. I guess I'm just going to have to take a leap of faith and hope that a CE BOGO comes our way the next 2 weekends. If not, I'll ave to dip into next month's pcc's or let those 2 punches dangle.
PLan on getting the Jane Austen game tomorrow. Need to chose another. Guess I'll be doing demos after I finish Joining Hands 2 tonight.
meg (and anyone else who's interested). I wanted to play 9 CLUES but was reluctant because of no WT. Another fishie urged me to play. I did and was able to finish the game using the hints (and map> not sure if there was one). I finished it and liked it. If I can do it I'd call it a game that is less involved, perfect for a "between harder HOPAs" game.
Tirama -- If you have 4 punches and are getting JANE AUSTEN tomorrow why do you need to pick another game? PCC expiring? Just curious.
stusue -- Thanks for the tip for finding the Snoop Sees. It sounds as if the book is worth reading.
I only have one more location to go in SAMANTHA SWIFT. I'm trying to make it last. Not sure what I'll play after it. I also need to look through my PH and see if I have another marble popper or M3 that I haven't played yet. I need something that I can just play a few minutes at a time.
Good going everyone! Keep up te good work!
lilyr wrote:
Tirama -- If you have 4 punches and are getting JANE AUSTEN tomorrow why do you need to pick another game? PCC expiring? Just curious.
I have 2 pcc's expiring on Sept 20, so tomorrow is my last chance to get bonus punches with them.