the rest of what I need. Thank goodness for roomy pockets! It looks like--yes! Wow, who would have thought there'd be a hardware store in the middle of a rain forest? My troubles are over, unless...
... I knew it! Those pesky monkeys have run off with everything in every direction! I'll never be able to find them! So I'm going to have to ...
lay in a large supply of bananas. Once I've rounded up the moneys and returned them to their barrel it should be easy to find a
Way to keep track of what I'm supposed to be doing. Maybe my journal has some tips. Let's see...yes! Here it says that if I just...
... follow these instructions carefully I'll be able to ...
Find the path that leads to my goal which, in case you've forgotten, is to...
... Oh, oh, I've forgotten! Where's a task list when you need one?
Well, there's nothing left for me to do but jump ...
To the index in my journal, which reminds me that my GOAL, (don't forget this time!) is to rescue my nephew Herbert, who has been kidnapped by...
... a giant, crowbar-and-all-manner-of-tools-eating, steampunk, morphing lizard ... no, gorilla with a black cape ... no, lizard ... no... oh I wish he'd stop morphing so I could tell what he was! Anyway, he's a great big something and if I can only ...
Access the anti-morphing spell in my journal while he's something small...yes! He's become a cuddly koala bear! Awwww... No, mustn't be distracted by cuteness! I cast the spell, and see at once that it's a...