I finished the bonus chapter of Hansel & Gretel. It's not necessary to complete the story, but a nice addition. I didn't find anywhere near all the cupcakes, but don't really care. You can replay the hop's and the puzzles if you're so inclined. I wasn't. I started Sea of Lies, another incredible game. I see why we don't want to finish our old ones; the new ones (some of them) coming out are so far superior. I wish a gamma option would become standard. I've also started Nearwood,
but am hoarding it like the last chocolate bar.
sandhan wrote:
I finished the bonus chapter of Hansel & Gretel. It's not necessary to complete the story, but a nice addition. I didn't find anywhere near all the cupcakes, but don't really care. You can replay the hop's and the puzzles if you're so inclined. I wasn't. I started Sea of Lies, another incredible game. I see why we don't want to finish our old ones; the new ones (some of them) coming out are so far superior. I wish a gamma option would become standard. I've also started Nearwood,
but am hoarding it like the last chocolate bar.
Congrats on finishing all those shiny new games. I didn't get Nearwood and now I wish I had since so many of you are liking it that much. I would be interested to know whether the bonus game for Nearwood is worth getting the CE for....not really interested in collecting those tiniy creatures just to read their story.
I finished four of the seven chapters of Dark Tales: Edgar Allan Poe's The Masque of the Red Death Collector's Edition. I'll do the remaining three and the bonus chapter tomorrow. This game is much better than Gold Bug, though it still has some things that make you shake your head. (A toy windup plane?)
barr - storywise the CE isn't necessary for Nearwood. I hope you enjoy it if you get it.
Tirama I do remember the Golden Bug as being lame.
I finished Lost Tales: Forgotten Souls. It was a mindless little game. Perfect for how I've been lately. Feeling exhausted but not sleepy, so it wasn't too taxing on the gray matter. Not sure what to do next as I am going to start Green Moon on the weekend. Maybe a day early instead.
Thanks oscar. Maybe I'll try LOST TALES: FORGOTTEN SOULS next. I'm still enjoying RITA JAMES. It's not that interesting a story or game play but it makes me laugh.
I've got the bright, shiny games you have but don't want to play them right now. I'd rather work my way up!
Wow. You guys are playing machines. I never seem to find enough time to play. Hopefully tonight or this weekend I can crank out some game plays. I really want to get into Sea of Lies.
The more I hear about Nearwood, the more I want to get it. Been waiting for the next BOGO weekend to get it though. Hopefully soon.
You guys are in luck! The Nearwood SE is out today, as you no doubt already know. I'm amazed to see it so soon. Is this a trend?
Yeah, I saw that. Not sure if I want the SE or the CE. I'll have to think about it I guess.
sandhan wrote:
You guys are in luck! The Nearwood SE is out today, as you no doubt already know. I'm amazed to see it so soon. Is this a trend?
SE's have been coming out 4 weeks, sometimes 5, after the CE. Exception was Myths of the World: Chinese Healer, which took 8 weeks.
Yay, Nearwood SE is out I can get it on Monday. I also demoed Riddles of Fate: Wild Hunt Elephant game. It does have a dark subject but it got my attention and I played the whole ended at a certain point. Not sure whether to get it because it has demons and monsters, and sometimes they give me nightmares.