barregar -- LOST IN NIGHT was okay. I did enjoy the buildings. My real M3 love is JOAN OF ARC. There's just something about that game.
Some century I'll play NEARWOOD oscar. I'm so glad you liked it.
I looked at the sale (briefly). There might be only one game I don't already have. I might just wait for a BOGOF.
I'm picking my way through 9 CLUES. So far so good. I almost didn't get it because of no WT. Of course I'm playing on the easiest level.
I purchased a shocking 16 games last month. I earned 7 free games. Used 6 coupons and bought the balance at BOGOF.
I finished: Final Cut Encore, Secret Order Masked Intent, Mystery Trackers Silent Hollow, City of Fools, Apothecarium and Nearwood. Not sure what else. Still picking away at the last farm on Farmscapes.
Last edited by oscar66 (September 3, 2013 6:30 pm)
Oscar, I read some of the reviews on Nearwood and they were saying that there's too much dialogue and it was slow moving....what is your take on that? Do you recommend the CE or is the SE just as good, meaning the game ends okay and the story does not continue into the bonus chapter? I have to admit I felt that it was slow when I did the demo so I was thinking of buying the SE.
I forgot to say Congrats on finishing so many I think I have to stop being in forums so much and play my games more, otherwise I will be left with a lot of unplayed games. I think I will get Sea of Lies CE and Hansel and Gretel CE during the sale.....then stop chatting and start playing.
Last edited by barregar (September 3, 2013 7:29 pm)
imo the SEmshold be fine. The bonus portion of the game did not further the original story. It was a new little story. I don't know if the search out the snopes is in the CE or if that would matter to you. As for the dialogue, I didn't mind it at all as it explained things and the slower pace and dialogue gave you the opportunity to really enjoy the artwork of the game. It was a slower paced game and for me I limited it to just an hour an evening because I wanted to visit this little world as many evenings as I could. I enjoyed the puzzles, there were no HO scenes, just the occasionally scene that you had to find shapes in to build a piece you required. Ie rope and wood pieces to build a rope bridge. Everything was necessary, it didn't feel like there was filler bits thrown in just to prolong the game.
i think I probably completed some other game as well in early August but can't remember what.
Barre, I'm playing Nearwood, and I love it! I'm not sure what people mean by "slow," but, if it is, I don't care, because the scenery is so gorgeous I don't want to rush. Not many HOG's, which is fine with me. So far, they've been the silhouette type. Lots of puzzles, anther plus. Oddly, the map needs a little time between teleportations, but it hasn't been a problem. I find it had to stop playing, which is unusual for me. Not sorry I bought the CE, though the SE may be perfectly adequate.
I bought Hansel & Gretel, to make use of the rare actual sale.
I finished 9 CLUES: THE SECRET OF SERPENT CREEK. I'm so proud of myself! I think this is the first HOPA that I've completed without a WT or SG (in CEs). Granted I played on the easiest level and it's a fairly straight-forward game but I'm so glad I got and played it. I hope there is a sequel.
I'm glad I got the CE of NEARWOOD based on what oscar and sandhan said.
I could look and see how many games I bought last month but I don't keep track of the number I finish. Maybe I should.
Next up will be an oldie -- RITA JAMES or SAMANTHA SWIFT or MYSTERY TRACKERS. I want something with a bit of challenge but easy.
Well I finished Farmscapes, short the 10 dynamite and 10 items in 10 seconds trophies and I started Lost Tales: Forgotten Souls.
I don't normally keep track of the games I finish either, but I could tell which ones I finished from Aug 13th on from this thread, I don't remember what I finished prior to the forum switch.
Last edited by oscar66 (September 3, 2013 11:58 pm)
I forgot to buy anything on bonus punch monday but its fine since my codes don't expire til end of the month. That being said, I took advantage of the EiPix 50% off sale. I LOVE LOVE their games. So I got Sea of Mutiny & Hansel/Gretel CEs. They way I view it is, thats already BOGOF if they are 6.99 each only difference is you can't use your game credits and I have none as I didn't realize what a good deal the half off game credits was that time or the 25% off so I never did that...
Im playing calavera-day of the dead SE and this game is AMAZING! taba games have been so so in the past but they really gave it their all in this one. I couldn't figure out why the SE was 1.64GB! but playing it I totally get it! Most of the mini games, instead of you clicking the mouse, its animated like you throwing a rope to get cactus plants or you spraying dead bugs with a steamer but basically its like you are the one doing them in real time. Im impressed and the day of the dead theme is new! I got this with a pcc and its a great deal.
I am going to be up alll night. Im sick with something that gave me a fever and aches but no other symptoms. I slept all day and now its 11:44pm and Im wide awake. At least Im not shivering or sweating anymore
I just finished Chronicles of Vida and now at a loss to what to play next. I Started Theatre of the Absurd and I started Night in the Opera. A very different game for me since it is mostly a match 3 game. You need to clear the match 3 boards to open up the HO scenes and make progress on solving the mystery and to make money so you can buy things at the store. I don't quite understand it yet.
megwoman...Hope you are feeling better soon.
megwoman -- so sorry you aren't feeling well. A healing hug for you.
sunshinej -- How was CHRONICLES OF VIDA? I bought it for the snarky wereferret but am afraid to start it because there's no WT.
I'm dragging myself through DISCOVERY: A SEEK & FIND ADVENTURE. The items are quite small and blended and the HOs are crammed full. Not enjoying it but feel compelled to finish.