May 2016
1. Nevertales: The Beauty Within CE - finished 5/20/2016
2. The Agency of Anomalies: Mystic Hospital - finished 5/30/2016
Bought 5/2016
1. Myths of the World: The Heart of Desolation - 2.99
2. New York Mysteries: The Lantern of Souls - pcc
3. Phantasmat: Town of Lost Hope - pcc
4. Facility 47 - game credit
5. Haunted Hotel: The Axiom Butcher -free
6. Black Swan - game credit
7. Whispered Secrets: Everburning Candle - free
May Total - 2.99
Last edited by sunshinej (June 1, 2016 8:53 am)
June 2016
1. Beyond: Light Advent CE - finished 6/11/2016
2. Tesla's Tower: The Wardenclyffe Mystery-finished 6/16/2016
3. Black Swan - finished 6/25/2016
4. Silent Scream: The Bride - finished 6/27/2016
5. Facility 47 - finished 6/30/2016
Bought 6/2016
1. Haunted Legends: The Dark Wishes - pcc
Last edited by sunshinej (July 1, 2016 11:14 am)
July 2016
1. Haunted Hotel: Charles Dexter Ward - finished 7/4/2016
2. Stray Souls: The Dollhouse CE - finished 7/5/2016
3. Fright CE - replayed 7/10/2016
4. Secrets of the Sea: The Flying Dutchman - finished 7/11/2016
5. Stray Souls: Stolen Memories CE - finished 7/12/2016
6. Realty Show: Fatal Shot - finished 7/20/2016
7. Syberia - replayed 7/24/2016
8. Agatha Christie's Evil Under the Sun - finished 7/28/2016
Bought 7/2016
1. Weeping Skies - 2.99
Last edited by sunshinej (July 28, 2016 9:24 am)
August 2016
1. Paranormal Crime Investigations: Brotherhood of the Crescent Snake CE - finished 8/8/2016
2. Dark Strokes 2: Legend of the Snow Kingdom CE - finsihed 8/17/2016
3. Syberia II - finished 8/18/2016
4. Echoes of Sorrow - finished 8/22/2016
5. Shadowplay: Darkness Incarnate CE - finished 8/24/2016
6. Rite of Passage: Child of the Forest CE - finished 8/25/2016
7. Delaware St. John: The Seacliff Tragedy - finished 8/31/2016
Bought 8/2016
1. The Inner World - 2.99
2. Shadowplay: Darkness Incarnate - 2 GC
3. Bridge to Another World: Alice in Shadowland - free
Last edited by sunshinej (September 1, 2016 9:41 am)
September 2016
1. Bridge to Another World: Alice in Shadowland CE - finished 9/2/2016
2. Haunted Hotel: The Axiom Butcher - finished 9/5/2016
3. Kronville: Stolen Dreams - finished 9/16/2016
4. Myths of the World: Chinese Healer - finished 9/2016
Bought 9/2016
1. Vermillion Watch: Moorgate Accord - 1 GC
2. Dark Parables: The Swan Princess & the Dire Tree - free
3. League of Light: The Gatherer - 1 GC
4. Labyrinths of the World: Stonehedge Legend - free
5. Knonville: Stolen Dreams - 2.99
Last edited by sunshinej (September 30, 2016 8:52 am)
October 2016
1. MCF: Escape From Ravenhearst CE - replayed 10/4/2016
2. Epistory: Typing Chronicles - played 10/12/2016
3, MCF: Shadow Lake -finished 10/15/2016
4. 9: The Dark Side - finished 10/21/2016
5. Mystery Legends: Beauty & the Beast - replayed 10/23/2016
6. Strange Discoveries: Aurora Peak - finished - 10/23/2016
Bought 10/2016
1. Enigmatis: The Shadow of Karkhala - pcc
2. Dark Realm: Lord of the Winds - pcc
3. Epistory: Typing Chronicles - gift certificate
4. Midnight Calling: Anabel - 2.99
Last edited by sunshinej (October 24, 2016 9:07 am)
I don't know what you mean. The same what?
November 2016
1. Phantasmat: Reign of Shadows
2. The Secret Order: New Horizon -- Group play game
3. Maze: The Broken Tower CE
4. Puppetshow: Her Cruel Collection
5. Darkness & Flame: Born of Fire --group play game
Bought 11/2016
1. Phantasmat: Reign of Shadows - 1 GC
2. Puppetshow: Her Cruel Collection- free
3. Forgotten Places: Regained Castle - pcc
4. Maze: The Broken Tower CE - 2 GC
5. Harrowed Hills: Lakeview Lane CE - free
6. Darkness and Flame: Born of Fire - pcc
7. Adam Wolfe: Flames of Time - 3.99
8. Haunted Hotel: Silent Waters - 3.99
November Total - $ 7.98
Last edited by sunshinej (January 5, 2017 10:30 am)
December 2016
1. Chimeras: The Signs of Prophecy -- group play game
2. Harrowed Halls: Lakeview Lane CE
3. Dark Realm: Princess of Ice -- group play game
4. Christmas Stories: The Gift of Magi CE
5. Adam Wolfe: Flames of Time
Bought 12/2016
1. Mystery Case Files: Broken Hour CE - 2 GC
2. Christmas Stories: The Gift of Magi CE- free
3. Yuletide Legends: The Brothers Claus - pcc
4. Adam Wolfe: The Blood of Eternity - pcc
Last edited by sunshinej (January 5, 2017 10:29 am)