Barre, didn't you post asking about Twilight Phenomena: Strange Menagerie CE and Haunted Legends: The Curse of Vox CE? Or am I totally losing it.
Maybe I've already lost it!
Funny, I don't remember being absentminded.
LOL Sue.... you always manage to make me laugh, either with what you say or the words that you come up with in the Word Games. ...
No, you are not delusional, I deleted my post because I didn't want anyone to know that I'm so indecisive. I take back what I said about you, you are not an enabler, you are very sensible and level-headed. Your advice makes a lot of sense to me. You're right, I don't NEED more games right now and I don't need to start a new card right now.
Thank you for your good advice. I really appreciate it.
Flowers for you, my friend.
I bought 2 CEs-- FEARFUL TALES: HANSEL & GRETEL and TWILIGHT PHENOMENA: STRANGE MENAGERIE. I used the sale from this weekend so each CE was $8 US. I could have purchased one for 1/2 off and tried to find another CE I wanted but cpuldn't see one immediately. The other ERS games I'd like are SEs so I can get them with PCCs.
I'm indecisive. I don't know what to get with my pcc.
I completely skipped the ERS sale. I have most of them anyways. It is still bonus punch Monday isn't it?
Going to get Green Moon and I think When in Rome and Imperial Island . Anyone try those last two ?
I haven't played those yet. I did pick up the new Twilight Phenom. I think Barre may have demo'd the Imperial Island game, I know she wanted to get it.
i think I'll be able to finish off Apothecarium tonight.
Gov, I tried both When in Rome and Imperial Island. I think I wrote something about them a while back. I know sandhan bought When in Rome.
My opinion - I am buying Imperial Island next Monday (Labour Day). I am not buying When in Rome, there's just something about it that I don't like. You have to try it for yoursef.
I am not going to be an enabler.
I decided to get Cradle of Egypt. The non-CE's HOPA's just haven't been all that exciting. Or maybe I'm getting tired of HOPA's.
Spent the weekend playing Jigsaws Galore. We had thunderstorms, so doing a jigsaw is soothing.
Going to play Cradle of Egypt. Need to finish that and one more game to break even for the month - 10 bought/10 played.
Tirama, I think you made a good choice. I'm also playing it right now, don't plan on finishing it any time soon.
sunshinej wrote:
jkuci...Did you get your bonus punch? With so many sales you eventually get worn down and all your good intentions go out the window.
Now that you ask, I just checked and I see that I didn't get the extra punch. I have no reason to complain though because now I only have 3 punches on my punch card. If I had 4 Iwould likely be more inducible to buy more games to fill the card.
As it is, I have 6 filled punch cards and one of them is due to expire on the 29th so, I am only going to buy one more game this month .......I hope.
Last edited by jkuci (August 26, 2013 9:16 pm)