Finish Your Games Challenge

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March 13, 2015 12:22 pm  #741

Re: Midnight Castle by Elephant Games

The people BF has hired to interact with game players on Facebook have to be the biggest waste of money ever.   All they do is pass on misinformation.  The new gifting feature is not working the way they claim, but instead of actually asking any of the employees to at least try and see if they could get it to work, they expect everybody else to send in detailed info, complete with friend codes and felix reports, to CS.

Guess Jessica and Carlos are too busy flying around the country playing gummy drop and making videos that nobody asked for.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

March 13, 2015 6:08 pm  #742

Re: Midnight Castle by Elephant Games

Yeah, do your own Dr. Felix on your own computers, BFG

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.
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March 18, 2015 2:11 pm  #743

Re: Midnight Castle by Elephant Games

I'm almost level 31, I've opened Cloud City and a couple HOs there. I mostly just concentrate on the DQ, I've been saving my crafting for DQs, like you girls suggested, so I check on the forum to see what the DQ requires, if I can do some regular quests I do some, otherwise just make some rounds.  It doesn't take me the whole hour yet, but it's getting there.  I've slowly started sending gifts to people I haven't gifted before, if they don't send me back a gift in a week I'm taking them off my friends list.  I've go around 80, I'd like to get it under 20, I think.  How many do you all have?  My gift timer is whack today, I was in there shortly after midnight and everytime I'd send one it would keep jumping around, tellling me I could gift 2 more, then 3 more, then 2 again, then 3 again.  I got it down to 1 more gift this morning but it still says that and it's after 3pm my time, so I don't know what's wrong with it.  Maybe a few more hours.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.
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March 18, 2015 2:44 pm  #744

Re: Midnight Castle by Elephant Games

I have 54 names listed as friends (but I send gifts from 2 games but only ask for gifts in 1 game).  Included in the 54 is Just John and my second game.  Several of those friends don't have wish lists, I think a couple of them are on the fence as to whether they're going to quit.

I need to delete some friends who either have stopped playing or they're just not that into me. 

I don't know if you're aware that the game now allows you to send more than 5 gifts.  BF personnel are insistsing that we can send an additional 5 gifts 8 hours after we've sent the first 5, but MY game certainly isn't behaving like that.  There's a thread in the BF forums called gifting change where people have speculated just how this feature is behaving, but there really isn't a concensus.  I think people are tired of trying to figure it out.  I know I am.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

March 20, 2015 10:15 pm  #745

Re: Midnight Castle by Elephant Games

Well, I've just about got my friend list pared down.  Need to check a few people to see if they level up or change their wish list to see if they're still playing.

I'm so sick of being made to feel like I'm the bad guy for deleting people.  Hello, I've given these people 3 months to reciprocate.  That's 450 gifting opportunities. 

I watch them level up past me and I can tell by their wish lists that they are crafting for coins and selling everything that's not nailed down.  I'm not selling my inventory so that I can amass coins, why the hell should I give it away to somebody else to sell?

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

March 21, 2015 8:55 am  #746

Re: Midnight Castle by Elephant Games

I got mine down to 18 but then I added a few from my friend request list.  I have you 3 times, Tirama, the 2 Berengarias and a Tirama Sue.  Are you using TS, she's at an early level and doesn't have a list?   
I know I don't want to be giving stuff to someone who's not playing, that's a total waste, and if they're not going to give me anything back I don't see the point in that, either.  Sometimes I feel like just playing on my own and I take down my list for awhile, even though I'll still gift.  Sometimes I look at my inventory and only give to people who want what I have the most of.  Sometimes I like to give out really hard to get stuff.  I'm kinda manic-depressive when it comes to this game, lol.  I only have a month left, I don't think I'll be playing it on the road, I think it will use  a lot of data.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.
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March 21, 2015 10:14 am  #747

Re: Midnight Castle by Elephant Games

Delete the TiramaSue game.  That's from when the game was first released and was on my old hard drive that died.

I've used the extra gifting slots to catch up on backlog of owed gifts.  With 2 games, I'm able to gift the same person twice, and that helped a lot.  But I still had to take down my wishlist twice.

I still don't see how everybody getting to send more gifts is supposed to help people no fall behind.  If you have more friends that the number of gfts you can send, it's possible to receive more gifts than you hand out.   These people must play 24/7.     There are items I just don't have that many of (immortal treasure, crystal of twilight, for example).  I can't give 1 of them away each day, never mind several.

Once you have enough cards to craft the pets, it's entirely possible to play solo.  I don't have a wish list in 1 of the games and I'm advancing fine on my own, even though I send 5-8 gifts from that game.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

March 27, 2015 4:24 am  #748

Re: Midnight Castle by Elephant Games

I've just opened the Metro Station and started getting requests for multiples.    I might start putting this game on the back burner, it's time to start getting stuff done in preparation for leaving and this one's a real time sucker.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.
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March 27, 2015 9:31 am  #749

Re: Midnight Castle by Elephant Games

I'm down to 46 names on my friend list.  There's 6 I'm watching closely and will be deleting if they don't shows signs of being active and wanting to exchange gifts.

wendy - why not ignore the quests and just do  a round of hidden object scenes when you feel like it/got the time?  Don't check the quests until your coins reach some arbitrary level or you've done a certain amount of cycles.  et your inventory build up and you'll probably be able to click through several quests before you have to repeat the process.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

March 27, 2015 9:45 am  #750

Re: Midnight Castle by Elephant Games

I only have 2 pages of names now and some of them don't count, like John, Beren-gifting, Barre, etc.  So I probably only have 8 or 9 that I gift to each day and I'm very happy with those numbers.  That way if I miss a gift time cycle I can still get one out for everybody and they all seem to gift back every day so it's perfect for what I like.  There's a couple that are iffy and I would go ahead and delete but since I'm going soon they can just stay there for now and I'll worry about them in the fall.  I do wish we could message so I could tell my MC-only friends that I'll be away.  I'll put it on my name when I go but it would nice to be able to write.  But it's really great only having 2 pages, so easy to keep track of because after the first gifting of the day I only have the people on the first page, so easy to see.


No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.
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