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August 18, 2014 3:59 pm  #21

Re: Awakening Kingdoms- A Steward's Diary - old version

But it'll be there when you get Internet again Wendy!  And think how much you'll have to read!   I sure hope the summer is going well for you.


August 18, 2014 11:19 pm  #22

Re: Awakening Kingdoms- A Steward's Diary - old version

Yes!  The will they? won't they? tension!  So B was going to wear her blue silk dress.  Yeah.  That works for a work day!  Methinks she has an ulterior motive! lol


August 18, 2014 11:26 pm  #23

Re: Awakening Kingdoms- A Steward's Diary - old version

lilyr wrote:

Yes!  The will they? won't they? tension!  So B was going to wear her blue silk dress.  Yeah.  That works for a work day!  Methinks she has an ulterior motive! lol

At least she changes her dress.  How many years did Sophia wander around wearing the same velvet outfit?

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
     Thread Starter

August 19, 2014 11:33 am  #24

Re: Awakening Kingdoms- A Steward's Diary - old version

I have a little internet.  Yeah  You really should write romance novels.  If I was at home with my hubby....

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

August 19, 2014 12:04 pm  #25

Re: Awakening Kingdoms- A Steward's Diary - old version

I changed the last line, slightly.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
     Thread Starter

August 19, 2014 10:28 pm  #26

Re: Awakening Kingdoms- A Steward's Diary - old version

Day 12

I've stopped wondering when I'm going to get a day off.  I don't think there's such a thing as a day off in the Skyward Kingdom.  Not that it matters much - there's nothing different from work for me to do if I had some free time.  No internet, no tv, no movie theaters, no restaurants. 

I don't even have housework to do.  The perks of the job must include a cleaning lady and laundry service because every day when I return from work, the place is spotless and clean clothes appear in the closet.  Somebody has taken the remark that blue is my favorite color very seriously - every garment in the closet is some shade of blue.  What do you think, Lucky?  Should I wear the blue, or the blue?

I notice that the posters ordering everybody not to leave the village have been taken down.  So much for consulting each other.  Guess that means I don't have to tell him what my plans are for the day.

Yesterday at the auction, I purchased 4 portraits of Queen Sophia at 1 bolgin apiece.  I also had checked out the exchange market.  I could exchange a set of 5 portraits for 10 glass shards and save myself the trouble of looking for the rest of what was needed by Chumblepot. 

But I had paid 12,000 bolgins for 2 of those portraits.  I wouldn't pay 12,000 bolgins for 10 glass shards.  I don't even want to pay 300 bolgins to Blessilda for 1 glass shard.  So off I go to the Fairy Dragon Nest to find the last 7 chards Chumblepot needs to complete the window for the Castle.

I'm completely exhausted but I've only found 6 shards.  Maybe I should just give in and buy the last shard.  No!  I will find it, but maybe I'll rest a bit first and explore the amory. I examine all the weapons closely, and for the first time I'm really aware of how primative they are.  How did the people of the Skward Kingdom defeat Dreadmyre using crossbows and rock-propelling catapults?  I try to imagine what the battle must have been like and what thoughts were going through the mind of the man leading that battle.

No!  Not going to think about him.  Back to work.  Finally I have the last glass shard.  Chumblepot is pleased and puts the finishing touches on the window for the Castle.  He invites me to go with him to watch it being installed, but I tell him I'd only be in the way.  I'll check it out later.

I stop back at the office to see if there are any new work orders, not that I need more work.  It's odd that Chumblepot hasn't asked for anything else.  The pattern with the Goblins has been to say thanks, and by the way, I need something else whenever I complete one of their requests.  Nothing new on the desk.

I'm in no mood to go to Apricus Plaza with Quinn, so I decide to check out Coral Cave and see if this walrus exists.  Maybe I can find that special runestone Fahleed wants, or those Whispering Lily flowers Old Man Seth has asked for.  The walrus is most assuredly there and I haven't a clue as to how I'm supposed to move it.  I have no luck in finding what I came for.  Maybe the runestone and lilies are in the area behind the walrus.

Let's go look at the stained glass window, Lucky, and give Captain Greg the pleasure of publicly snubbing me. 

I have no idea what I've done wrong this time.  Maybe he's figured out just how unqualified for this job I am and wants nothing to do with me.  Maybe I only got this job because of my skill of buying and selling things at auction and everybody is wondering when I'm going to use those skills here.  But how can I intelligently buy and sell when I haven't the foggiest idea what I'm buying and selling?  I don't know what these things are, or what they can be used for.  All I know is somebody asks for them, I hand them over, and they give me something back that looks nothing like the original items.

No sign of Captain Greg up at the Castle.  I admire the window, which depicts a very young Queen Sophia with her parents. 

Come on, Lucky.  Might as well go back to the office, lock up and go home.


For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
     Thread Starter

August 20, 2014 3:34 pm  #27

Re: Awakening Kingdoms- A Steward's Diary - old version

Hmmmm.... I wonder who is cleaning your house and your clothes.  What about food?  Does B. have a cook?  I cringe whenever I get a quest from Quinn.


August 21, 2014 10:58 am  #28

Re: Awakening Kingdoms- A Steward's Diary - old version

Day 11 ooh la la.  Pretty steamy scene between B & the Captain.

i ♥ nirvana

August 22, 2014 10:35 am  #29

Re: Awakening Kingdoms- A Steward's Diary - old version

As always I'm really enjoying these!  My squabitt wasn't too happy about wearing the Yura's Hat either.  He didn't mind the pendant.


August 24, 2014 2:24 pm  #30

Re: Awakening Kingdoms- A Steward's Diary - old version

Looks like things are getting better with B and Capt Greg!

I like Gavin -- and Ria


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