Finish Your Games Challenge

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July 13, 2014 3:50 am  #2041

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

Anki wrote:

Stuesue. we´re only be in Gran Granaria one week that´s all the vacation I get...

I discovered that I wasn´t clear about my coupons, I got two CE:s with 100% off!!!

Anki, WTG getting 2 free CE coupons!!!! 

But boo that you're only going to be in Gran Canaria for a week.    But better a week there than a week at work! 

I'm sorry you have to work today.    Just think of the money! 

What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

July 13, 2014 6:53 am  #2042

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

Anki -- Congrats on the 2 free CE coupons!.  You only get a one week vacation?  Is that during the summer or one week a year?  I though Scandinavian countries (and much of the rest of Europe) had much more liberal vacation policies.  I know that when I was working (RN in a hospital) we could only sign up for one week during the summer.  If there were still weeks open after everyone had had a chance to sign up you could try for another summer week.  I got 5 weeks of vacation a year.


July 13, 2014 2:53 pm  #2043

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

Okay I need some help here.  barregar mentioned the Edgar Allan Poe F2P game.  I deleted the message thinking it would be easy to find.  Well, it isn't. BFG doesn't have a F2P category (that I've been abvle to find).  I've searched EAP HOS F2P but get everything BUT that game.


July 13, 2014 3:27 pm  #2044

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

Lily, here's the post by Tirama.  Is this the game you meant?

TiramaSue wrote:

There's another new free to play game, not officially out yet, by ERS, called Nightfall: An Edgar Allen Poe Mystery.  Anybody want to try it?


What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

July 13, 2014 3:48 pm  #2045

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

I've just finished Arcanika, a fun little M3. 

It wasn't a brilliant game as every level was the same gameplay but it did get much more interesting when it started getting harder and side bits of the board had to be opened up one by one as you dropped gems off the bottom.  Not my fav M3 game but I liked the scene that you created before you got to go back home through the portal.

My rating:

I liked playing this game

My recommendation

A fun little M3 that was much more interesting once it got a bit harder.  I recommend it if you don't  want a super hard M3 with variety in gameplay and with lots going on.

What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

July 13, 2014 6:58 pm  #2046

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

stuesue -- Thank You!  No wonder I couldn't find it! a) because it isn't out yet and b) because I was looking under EAP! 


July 14, 2014 4:23 am  #2047

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

lilyr, the reason why I ony have one week is because I´m their newest employee and all the other weeks were already taken...  We have 5 weeks of vacation every year (by law) but the payment for that, we earn the year before, so I get no money for my vacation this year. But I´m planning to get some more weeks later on.


July 14, 2014 4:26 am  #2048

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

I have finished Fill & Cross World Contest. It was OK, just like the other 8Floor games. I like to play nonograms in between.

I actually like Nightfall and gonna keep it for awhile 

BTW another offer of downloading Midnight Castle and get 60% off today again!


July 14, 2014 8:27 am  #2049

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014

Anki -- Thank you for explaining about the vacation.  So in theory you could take 5 weeks of vacation this year but they would be unpaid vacations?  I saw that offer for a coupon for downloading MC too.  I think I'll pass.  I've done it before (and gotten the coupon) but I have sooo many games.... 


July 14, 2014 8:39 am  #2050

Re: Finish your games challenge - 2014


Okay, it would've been better had Australia won.  But, as I live here, Germany's just as good! 

So, now back to games ... I've downloaded MC for the second time this month.  If they keep on offering coupons for simply downloading the FTP games then I'll keep downloading them ... then uninstalling them as soon as I get my coupon. 

In Australia you generally get 4 weeks vacation (or holidays as we call them) a year and, you not only get paid for them, but you get an extra 17.5% pay for the 4 weeks in your pay packet before you go away so that you can have a good time on your holidays!    That's law and everyone gets it.  Every 3 months you're able to take 1 week's holiday, or save them up for 4 weeks after 1 year, which is what most people do.  Most places shut down between Christmas and New Year, which comes out of your holidays, but you can take the rest whenever you want.

What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

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