TiramaSue wrote:
I'm so sorry. There's still something the vet might want to try. There's this food that can be syringed into the dog's mouth to give them nutrients while you give her some more time to see if she recovers her appetite. We tried this with one of my lhasa apsos. If Lexi still doesn't want to eat, it could be a sign that the cancer has spread and putting her to sleep is the kindest thing you can do.. Again, I'm so very, very sorry. It's such a diffilcult decision to make.
Yeah, we are thinking that the cancer may have already spread prior to the surgery and is making itself known now. No idea. All I know is she is miserable and so are we. Still no call back from the vet.
Vet called. She said she doesn't want us to jump the gun just yet with putting Lexi down. From the way it sounds to her that Lexi is still in a tremendous amount of pain. She is prescribing different medicine for her for us to try. She said it is possible that the cancer has spread this fast but she doesn't think that is the case. She said that we should try this new medicine for the week and she if she gets better with that. If not, then we can think about putting her down.
I hope the new medicine helps Lexi. It is so tough to think about putting her to sleep, but all that matters in the end is what is best for her. Your dad will know and this week of new medicine may be just what she needs to perk her up,and get over the hump in her recovery.
Wendy I know exactly what you meant in your post. It's how I felt as well.
I'm so sorry misscatlady. Praying that the new medicine helps lexi.
Mila 2 years ago: cat died in my arms, one month I just cry, do not eat anything, just a great sadness. And then, my dog died of old age. Again great sadness.
I promise myself no more pets.
Mila today: two cats, one with 3 kittens, dog, fish tank with 17 small gold fish, 2 hamsters,
No more sadness for me
We got the medicine. We gave her one already and then we give her the other one at 8 pm est. The second one os for nerve pain. Apparently she is suffering from phantom limb pain which causes the nerves that were attached to that leg to go crazy. According to the regular vet, she should have been on them since after the surgery. She doesn't understand why she wasn't. So we shall see.
She is doing better than she was this morning. We've gotten her to eat and drink. Not her normal food, but she got chicken, some hot dog and a scrambled egg (without milk). The vet just said to feed her what she will eat. As long as she eats something. Keeping our fingers crossed.
Mila -- sorry for your losses but glad you have pets again. A friend's cat dies (old age) and my friend said she wouldn't get another cat because she was afraid what would happen to it if she (my friend) died. I really wish she would get another. A friend had his beloved cat die in his arms. She was old and had been failing for a while. She absolutely hated the Vet's office and freaked out whenever she had to go. He couldn't put her through that so he just kept her at home, feeding her what she'd eat and that last day holding her.
misscatlady -- Fingers crossed that the nerve medicine helps lexi. No wonder she was feeling so poorly! Phantom limb pain can be horrible and IS real. I've seen it with patients and with my mother who lost her arm and shoulder to cancer.
And the June tally is: Zero games purchased! Four games finished. Maybe I could have finished one or two more but two of the games I chose were real losers. I'm not the biggest M3 fan in the world but I have enjoyed some of them. I saw the enthusiastic reviews for MAGIC HEROES, played a bit of it (it had an untimed mode) and decided to get it. IMHO it was a waste of a PCC. Long, boring waits until you got all 3 stars so you could finish the board, not that much to "build" but the absolute worst was the music. From the Castle on I had to play with the sound turned off. I have never done that before. Even short loops don't bother me as much as this horrible, horrible music. I was dragging myself to the end ("finish what you start") and then the bonus boards unlocked. GAAAAHHH! I really wish there was a way to remove it from my purchase history!
Update - Lexi is doing much better this morning. She ate all her food this morning. She is actually giving kisses without much prompting, which is a huge plus in our books. She also wanted to try and play with the other dogs but we had to put a stop to that because they can be rough when they play and we didn't want her getting hurt. But the fact that she felt good enough to want to is huge. She is still real wobbly on her feet but it will take some time for her to get used to the new way she has to walk and get her sea legs so to speak.
As for games. I'm to chapter 4 of Dark Parables Ballad of Rapunzel. Iteresting game so far. I'll let you guys know my complete thoughts once I finish the main game.
Last edited by misscatlady2453 (July 1, 2014 7:13 am)
misscatlady -- That's great news abut lexi! Would it be possible for her to play with just one of the other dogs? Is there one that she is special buds with and might be gentler? Of course waiting until her incision heals might be the best thing to do.