So sorry misscatlady. {{{HUGS}}} <--- nice gentle, comforting hugs for all of you.
Thanks Lilyr. She's bounced back a bit later on but still acting quite sad and barely gets up. Trying to get her up to go out for a potty break has been a challenged.
I can commiserate with getting her out to do her business miss. I imagine she doesn't feel overly confident at this point. I do remember trying to get my one guy out there after knee surgery, frustrating but, I'm not sure what she is like, but when it got to the busting point he always managed it.
I started Mystery of Unicorn Castle this evening and I like it very much. I do like being able to make the choices on which way to solve a problem, so far of course I have been quite angelic!
I'm sorry about Lexi. Maybe she's going through something like "The 7 Stages of Grief". It just really sucks that you can't explain to her. All she knows is that she went to sleep at some scary place and woke up without her leg. I still cry and wonder, and I imagine most everyone does, about the pets that I've had to make those hard, hard decisions for. I don't want to make decisions for others, I have a hard enough time making them for myself.
Misscatlady, I'm so sorry about Lexi. Hopefully she'll feel better soon and more like her old self.
Misscatlady, sorry about Lexi.Hope she gets better soon.
If anyone's interested, GameHouse has a sale on their FunPass subscriptions, both monthly and yearly.
Monthly subscription: $13.99 for the first month then the usual $19.99 per month
Yearly suscription: $69.99 for one year (about $5.80/month) then the usual $99.99 per year
It's Bonus Punch Monday. If anybody needs to borrow a pcc, I've got some to spare.
Thanks guys. Lexi still isn't doing very well. She barely gets up and won't eat much or drink much water. Trying to get a hold of the vet, waiting for a call back. We're very much considering putting her down. She is just extremelly, extremelly miserable.
misscatlady2453 wrote:
Thanks guys. Lexi still isn't doing very well. She barely gets up and won't eat much or drink much water. Trying to get a hold of the vet, waiting for a call back. We're very much considering putting her down. She is just extremelly, extremelly miserable.
I'm so sorry. There's still something the vet might want to try. There's this food that can be syringed into the dog's mouth to give them nutrients while you give her some more time to see if she recovers her appetite. We tried this with one of my lhasa apsos. If Lexi still doesn't want to eat, it could be a sign that the cancer has spread and putting her to sleep is the kindest thing you can do.. Again, I'm so very, very sorry. It's such a diffilcult decision to make.