Tookats original thread that got the flak was the one about the king's walk. She deleted her original post. It's been locked. I was surprised that the spam threads weren't deleted by a MOD. Thanks for the link to the Playrix game oscar. I'll keep that in mind. I'm okay with animal helpers (and actually like some of them) as long as I don't HAVE to feed, dress or shelter any of them.
I had a list of games that I wanted to buy (when we get a good sale) and it has disappeared! There were at least 10 games on it. I've looked and looked and can't find it anywhere. Back to compiling. I may be able to get quite a few by looking at stusue's reviews. I do know there were several SEs I wanted though.
I see the thread now that Wendy was referring to.Thanks Lily. The Playrix game looks like it will be fun. I like the Gardenscapes games. I wish I could still play the Yard Sale games, I really liked them, But they are unplayable unless you have a older system.
I've been keeping lists as well for BPM and to use coupons. I have been keeping it in my daytimer so that I don't lose it. So many times I have things I put away so I don't lose it, only to lose it. The daytimer is for work and to big to misplace!
Wendy - thanks. I'm actually looking for a laptop more for my work than for playing games. I've had better luck with AMD versus Intel myself. So, I'll go for that one I think.
Thanks for the link Oscar - that looks like it might be a good game.
As for animal helpers. I have no idea why people have so much hate for them. I don't mind them myself unless they are annoying and most of them aren't.
misscatlady - glad to hear Lexi is resting comfortably. Hope the construction of the porch doesn't bother her too much.
oscar - thanks for the info on the Playrix game. Hope Big Fish gets it by July 23 so I can use one of my July pcc's to get it.
Regarding animal helpers, I have to admit I'm not a big fan of Elf. The favorable reactions to Elf and the Pocket Dragon are what probably led to developers inundating us with animal helpers. The only helper I really hated was the spider puppet in one of the ERS Games. And I think that was teh game that forced us to create hats for it which spoiled the flow of the game.
I finished Fantasy Mosaics, probably in the nick of time. The music was starting to annoy me. The game wasn't bad, only one puzzle couldn't be solved logically. The garden was a bit wierd looking.
I'm hoping to play Dark Parables: Jack and the Sky Kingdom Collector's Edition next, weather permitting. We had storms again yesterday (not as bad as Thursday's) and a bit of rain today. Got my pantry and refrigerator cleaned out, need to get the hurricane supplies sorted.
Received money for my birthday and my jury duty pay arrived. Used those funds to get a keyboard cover case for the iPad.
Same sale as for Mother's Day. Glad it's nothing great, I'm still hoping to get through June without buying any games.
TiramaSue - hopefully. we'll find out tomorrow. Should be an interesting time. She seems to be doing better and better each day. Which is awesome.
Hmm I haven't played the most recent Dark Parables game yet. I should do that soon.
Misscatlady, glad Lexi is home and doing well
Wendy, congratulations to your new computer!
Tirama, I really love Elf in his little bomber jacket
But I agree that there can be too much helpers in some games.
I have finished Jane Angel 2: Fallen Heaven PE. It was OK n ot fantastic, as I remember I liked the first one better.But it´s a one man company, you can´t expect to much.
I also finished Mystica 2:The Sanctuary. It was rather fun but I couldn´t buy the last item because it was one level I didn´t manage to solve. I think it was 170,but every level that wasn´t solved was named 201.
On the contrary to Tirama, I´ve been buying games like crazy this weekend
GOG have a summer sale and I bought The Night of The Rabbit, Memoria (both Daedalic),Cognition (Erica Reed, 4 episodes), Tales of Monkey Island (5 episodes) and as a special treat to myself: Broken Sword 5 (Season Pass): The last one was "only" 50% off but I couldn´t resist to hit the Buy button
Now nearly all my Mothers Day money are gone...
Last edited by Anki (June 16, 2014 6:02 am)
I had a really busy week last week. Just checking in here before bed, but too tired to write anything or play any games. I have been playing Shadow Wolf Mysteries since the 12th and still on chapter 2.
Stusue...Yes, Thank You I saw the Gamehouse sale you posted and hightailed straight over there and got Origins PE for 2.65. I used up my coupon so big thanks.
Had my yard sale and it was a pretty good success. Very tiring though.
I heard back from my doctor from when I took my blood test. Was Very low on vitamin D so now take 1 pill a week 50,000 IU. I used to take 1 pill a day 1,000 IU.
Anki mentioned GOG is having a sale. I get a Gamersgate newsletter and want to mention that they are having their summer sale now also.
Anki wrote:
I also finished Mystica 2:The Sanctuary. It was rather fun but I couldn´t buy the last item because it was one level I didn´t manage to solve. I think it was 170,but every level that wasn´t solved was named 201.
If you haven't deleted the game you might want to check out the BFG Game Forum. There are posts in there about how to work around that and complete the game. I think you can also replay individual levels that you missed but I'm not sure. If I remember correctly the level 201 allows you to buy the last item. I played untimed and did complete the game and got all the items. I'll have to buy a few games. I have coupons expiring.
sunshinej -- Glad the yard sale went well. My ex had to take those Vitamin D pills too. Which seemed really odd since he's outside a lot and drinks a lot of milk and eats dairy products. I had a low level too but only had to take the 400 supplements. Right now I take 2 Calcium with vitamin D and 2 vitamin D pills each day. One of each with breakfast and again at dinner.
Has anyone seen stusue? Did I miss a post saying she wouldn't be here for a while? Hope she's okay.