Finish Your Games Challenge

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August 20, 2013 12:52 am  #251

Re: Finish your games challenge

tee - I love that verse too.  I shall remember it.  There is another one that I always remember:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; never rely on what you think you know: Remember the Lord in everything you do, and he will show you the right way. Proverbs 3:5-6

Back to my games, I just finished Magic Farm 2: Fairy Lands....yay!  I have been playing this one for a long time, started in June.  It was very relaxing for me, just collecting flowers and whacking bugs...I guess you could say I got accustomed to the routine. It was fun.  Now that it's over, I can start on the other flower game, The Fifth Gate.

Last edited by barregar (August 20, 2013 12:53 am)

The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?  Psalm 27:1

August 20, 2013 5:39 am  #252

Re: Finish your games challenge

TiramaSue wrote:

I bought 4:

Grim Tales: Bloody Mary
Awakening: The Sunhook Spire
Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink 

Next month's BOGO sale will use up the last of my half-price credits.  I'll still have 16 full price credits but will be very picky what they get used on.

Tirama, we almost got the same 4 CEs! The only difference is that you got Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink whereas I got League of Light: Dark Omens. I'd been tossing up all day yesterday between getting Clockwork Tales or Grim Tales and I read every review I could find on numerous sites, trying to decide betwen the two. I eventually decided on Grim Tales, even though the reviews weren't nearly as good, because it has a lot more extras and the bonus in Clockwork Tales is very short and unnecessary - both games are supposed to be short - and the collectibles are obvious. So I finally decided that I could get that one as an SE, even though it got some super reviews. I'd really appreciate it if you could let me know, however, what you thought of Clockwork Tales when you've played it as it's still on my possible CE list.

And I also still have half-price credits. I check out every country's site on BFG every day to see what their sales are (if any) and the Netherlands site trialled half-price credits the Thursday before the Seattle site had them (at least imho I think they 'trialled' them there before the US sale). The only difference being that they had no limit to how many you could buy (and I get credits cheaper from any site other than the US site) but I will never admit to how many I got, even on threat of pain and torture. The funny thing is that ever since I got those half-price credits I've been even more careful about getting CEs and have been really choosy, even about SEs.

And thanks to everyone for your sympathy re my GameHouse plight. I got an email back from CS yesterday and I didn't really want to open it, thinking it might have been a not very nice email from the same guy. But it was luckily from another very nice guy who gave me 3 codes to replace the 3 missing FunTickets. However, they can't be used to get Premium or Platinum games and I'd considered getting the Apothecarium Premium game (if I could ever get it to download on any of my computers ) as I loved the SE game so much. So I wrote back, checking that I couldn't use them to get a Premium or Platinum game and now I'm just waiting to hear back. Obviously they never got that problem sorted out as it was on their list of things they were working on.

I'm hoping to actually find some time to play a game this afternoon. But which one? I think the Nearwood CE. I'd love to play my new Awakening CE but I haven't played any of the previous ones (although I have them all). Does anyone know if you have to play them first?

Have a great day, everyone!

What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

August 20, 2013 9:30 am  #253

Re: Finish your games challenge

stusue - Whether you play the Awakening games in the order in which they're released depends on how much storyline means to you.  Supposedly the latest one has a brief synopsis at the beginning that would bring thse who don't own the previous 4 up to speed.  I didn't demo, BoomZap is an automatic buy for me, so can't say how good the synopsis is.

My DH finished Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink the day I bought it.  He did the hour demo and picked up the game from where he left off.  When I asked if he found all the collectibles or earned all the achievements, he gave me a blank look.  I took a quick glance and there was an achievement for finishing in expert mode, don't know if there was one for an easier mode or the tutorial.  Could be a gane that you have to lay more than once to get all achievements.

I've somewhat stopped worrying about length of game since I still have a backlog and still have games I want to replay.  I'd rather be sorry to see a game end than feel forced to play the bonus chapter because after all I paid for it.  That's how I felt about thelatest Redemption Cemetery,  I felt like it would never end.


For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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August 20, 2013 9:51 am  #254

Re: Finish your games challenge

Still here... Stusue, I would play them in order.  The story line is continued and there's a part in Skyward  where you have to identify people/places in the prior games.  The pictures were so bad though that I had to trial and error it,. 

Tirama, I'd been considering Redemption Cemetary.  That series seems to fit my preference of self-contained chapters, not so much running back and forth, easy to stop and start, but for some reason I don't really care for them.  The last one I played was the one before Grave Testimony and I didn't really care for it.  I have GT but haven't played it yet, if I feel the same when I do, I'll give this lastest one a skip.  I might move more towards the RPG category for awhile.  I like Large File adventure but usually find myself helplessly lost and living in a walkthrough.,

Last edited by WendyDarling (August 20, 2013 9:57 am)

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

August 20, 2013 3:00 pm  #255

Re: Finish your games challenge

Thanks, guys, for the advice re the Awakening series. Sounds like I'll have to play them in order . I loved the demo of the latest one so I'd hoped I'd be able to play that one after Nearwood but looks like it'll have to wait until after I've played all the others. Bummer.

As for Nearwood, I started playing this afternoon, thinking just an hour or so before dinner, but just couldn't stop! I love it and I so want to live there. The artwork's stunning and I want to live in their house with the gorgeous garden. I'll think I'll manage to finish it first thing in the morning 'cause I sure won't wanna wait once I'm awake. I'm so glad I got the CE as I never want this game to end. There are hardly any HOS (only a few FRAGS with very few pieces) and also only a few puzzles, which are quite unique and fun, although some take a bit of time. It's mainly adventure and inventory use ... and looking for the 111 cute little collectibles, of course, some of which are very well hidden.

Tirama, I'll consider a short game if I really want it but I won't get a CE with a 30-min bonus chapter unless there are heaps of other extras that would tempt me to pay double for it. Collectibles, morphing objects (especially if there are more than one and they're not all the same) and the music are big factors for me when I'm deciding but achievements don't play a part as most of them are just for things you have to do in the game, anyway. Replaying puzzles or HOS doesn't interest me, either, as where am I going to find the time? I have too many games that are lined up, waiting to be played, to replay anything from past games.

What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

August 20, 2013 6:14 pm  #256

Re: Finish your games challenge

I'm glad I bought NEARWOOD after what you had to say about it stusue!  I'm not very good at adventure games and was vacillating about getting it.


August 20, 2013 8:03 pm  #257

Re: Finish your games challenge

Just finished Cruel Tales: Red Riding Hood and really enjoyed it.  A fun well made game that had bright, colorful scenes and a interesting story and the ending was a bit abrupt, but still made sense.    * If looking to use up a pcc I would recommend this game. 

sparkles or flashes  -- no
jump map  -- yes
walkthrough  -- yes
puzzles -- not hard
game play -- not frustrating  and if stuck map will tell you where you need to go.
interactive HO scenes  -- no
CE or SE  --  Only came as a SE

 *  Make sure to demo to decide and not just go only by my review  


Last edited by sunshinej (August 20, 2013 8:10 pm)

i ♥ nirvana

August 20, 2013 8:18 pm  #258

Re: Finish your games challenge

Used a pcc on Monday and got Settlement Colossus.  On chapter two right now.  It's different and I wouldn't have gotten it if it wasn't for the recommendations here about it.  Finding it to be a very peaceful game, the HO scenes are very soothing and did 2 puzzles so far.  Had to actually use my noodle on the bridge one and the jewel jigsaw puzzle wasn't so simple either.  Just starting to build the forge.  Kind of looking forward to see what is coming next.

i ♥ nirvana

August 20, 2013 8:22 pm  #259

Re: Finish your games challenge

stusue...Good for you on getting your 3 codes for 3 games at Gamehouse.  Persistence pays off.

i ♥ nirvana

August 20, 2013 10:30 pm  #260

Re: Finish your games challenge

Finished Asian Riddles.  Boards never got bigger than 10x15.  Often you have to either guess or use a hint because it's 50/50 as to which of 2 squares should be filled in.  Don't like that, but sed hints because you got a trophy for using hints.

Going to start Chimeras: Tune of Revenge Collector's Edition tomorrow.  Need to start thinking about what to get with a PCC to fill my card on Monday.  Has anybody tried TGT Imperial Island: Birth of an Empire?

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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