I played Coral Cove last night. Received very few fairy glass. I still have at least 12 quests open. Don't have to worry about running out since getting the things needed requires playing the HO scene so many times to just get 1.
Oh Boy! I got Moonfell Clarity Soup as my reward!
I looked through all my collections and I only have 3 unicorn feathers, 6 Brave Goblin books and 7 pink Moonflowers. Wanna bet what the next quests are going to ask for?
lilyr wrote:
sunshinej -- I really don't understand what the fascination is with pink moonflowers! It seems that every time you turn round there's another quest that wants them!
Personally, and I've told this to Boomzap, I think one of the DEVs has some sadistic tendencies!
I bolded the bit that I am commenting on.
HaHaHa Yes, Lilyr...I think you got that right.
I received a bundle of specials in this week's goodie bag.
I've got one Leonidi's quest finished and am working on the other. I got the 2 traveler's compasses from the Black Bull, I'm low on energy so I'm putting it away for the night and will either play Fungi Hut or cash in some star collections tomorrow and level up so I can finish it. I really need to use a keepsake and earn some extra money, does anyplace pay better than the Fungi Hut game? I think I might have a bunch of thread or blueprints laying around.
As far as I know the Fungi Hut pays out the best. When I was really, really low on bolgins and had a lot of thread I did play Fahleed's but it was exceedingly boring and didn't pay much. Also you get all the XP each time you play the Hut. I usually only play the tangrams (blueprints) for fun, not money.
There's an update for AK.
There sure is! And right up until I just got this quest it has been interesting. Now, however, they want TEN Royal Jewel boxes to cure the Mayor's cough. Sheesh. Hope the drop rate is better than it has been (although I doubt it). I only have 2. Good thing these aren't timed. The rest of the quests have been traveling somewhere, donating building supplies and a few coins. I thought one was going to hold me up (complete 5 travelers sets) but it counts sets you've already turned in.
And they've made the sandwiches in your inventory multi-click like they are in the store!.
Well, considering I have no Royal Jewel boxes, this new content will last me past the next update. Managed to scrape together enough fairy glass to finish one mini game. Still need unicorn feathers, fairy glass, 17 pink moonflowers, portraits, etc.
My present was a bundle of specials. I don't think I've EVER used any, since I would need to use a lot of food in order to have enough energy to play 30 minutes straight. And the odds are I would wind up with no food left and still needing the same amount of feathers and what not as when I started.
The fun has really gone out of this game for me. The drop rate is totally ridiculous. If it's supposed to encourage me to spend money so that I can buy more food for energy, it's having the opposite effect. There's no way I would spend $$$ and chance having nothing to show for them.
Well, I'm done, at least for awhile. If you don't update you can't get into the game. I'm paying $20 for 3 gigs, the game is 850mbs so it would cost me around $6 to download it. I'm not enjoying it enough anymore to even consider paying for it. I've read the Pegahorn is a quest now and that it takes 145 crystals to buy it. I should have free wi-fi for the week the week after next so I could download it then, maybe onto my new computer if I get one, or I could just get a life instead.
Wendy -- The pegacorn DID have a quest with it. You didn't just buy it. I'm surprised that you can't get in the game without downloading the update. We've been able to before (especially if we have quests still open). Since I've had my pegacorn forever I don't know about what it takes to get one now.